A torrent of blood poured down.

The earth is full of blood.

The world Master falls!

The Lord of heaven.

The way of heaven is trembling wildly at the moment. It's as if a part of the power in the sky has been wiped out.

There's more than one wail!

In the first domain, countless sighs are heard.


Tianyu, in the end, still fell. He didn't wait for Tianxian and tiansin's support, but was completely wiped out by Chuyan's sword.

A world leader, who occupies too much proportion in this world, makes everyone feel that the source of Tao is unbalanced and the way of heaven is tilting, as if it is going to collapse.

Of course, everyone knows that it's just a feeling. A world leader will not let the sky fall, but it's still too shocking.

In the distance, Tianxian and tiansin stop. Tianxian doesn't use Daoyuan to disperse the blood rain. Instead, he lets the blood rain hit his body and drench his armor and long hair. He slowly closes his eyes. A drop of crystal clear tears flows silently and is washed away by the blood rain.

No one saw it, but he really shed tears.


Thirty six Tiangang leaders have worked together for tens of thousands of years. They were canonized together, fought together, fell together and recovered together. Today, Tianyu is dead in front of him.

This is not the same as the fall of death in ancient times. At that time, they were only destroyed physically, but they still had a thought that the divine way was still there, but this time they didn't. They were really dead, and the divine way collapsed. The blood of heaven is the divine way of heaven.

The mood of natural sin is as complicated as self blame and guilt, but it is more panic.

"It's over."

Outside Chuyan's small world.

Chengying and others went into the air one after another. Under the rain of blood, they didn't disperse. Although they were not the thirty-six Tiangang leaders, they were also inherited from ancient times. They had known Tianyu for many years. Now Tianyu's death inevitably made them feel sad.

"Times It's different. "

"Lord of the world, you can all die!"

At this time, someone laughed at himself.

In ancient times, even if the world leader was not the most powerful, the world leader would hardly die, and the God Emperor would not easily kill a world leader. It was not easy to practice to reach the world leader.

This is also their confidence after this recovery.

But now they're discovering that it's different.

The Lord of the world can also die.

This is the evil cave.

It's shaking.

The evil cave is the origin of all kinds of Taoism.

The earthquake made the cave fall directly.

Xuanzhu and others were still looking for new opportunities, but they suddenly stopped, one by one with a look of surprise.

They sensed that the way of heaven is leaking!

There was a huge gap.

"Someone's dead?"


"I'm afraid that the one who can cause this kind of fluctuation, or even directly affect the evil cave, is at least the fall of a strong man at the level of world leader."

"The way of heaven." At this time, there was humanity. It was king yuan, who was the source of the way. At this moment, he said: "the way of heaven just tilted down, very subtle, but among all the ten thousand ways, the way of heaven has always been the strongest, and the way of heaven has the largest proportion. Who is it that can make the way of heaven tilted

At this time, there was a sudden fluctuation in the evil cave.

All eyes are on the alert.

"Who?" King yuan turned around and looked into the darkness. Now he was exposed, and the realm of King Jie was running without any reservation.

Xuanzhu frowned like Longzhu and others: "this breath is very strange. I haven't felt it before. Besides us and the king of heaven, are there others hiding in the evil cave?"

"Play the devil!" Yuan Leng cuts the sword.

With a click, the space of the evil cave was cut off, and a golden spear came out immediately to offset the sword of King yuan, and then someone stepped out of the darkness.

The figure was still very ethereal, and the Qi was in disorder. The feeling was the same as that when the demon emperor woke up, just recovered.

Seeing the figure, King yuan and master Xuan's eyes were fixed: "Tiangang? Is that you

36 Tiangang world Master second, Tiangang world Master!

The first is Tiankui!

Seeing Tiangang, King yuan suddenly understood one thing: "the outside of the evil cave is out of balance, and other people can't enter, but you are here. Tiangang, where did you fall in the evil cave? You just recovered? "

Tiangang came out of the darkness, with some confusion in his eyes.


He just recovered.

At that time, he fell into the evil cave, so his recovery is here.

But then the xuanzhu frowned: "800000 years ago, the evil cave was out of balance, and then it was closed. But as far as I know, there was a stage when someone secretly balanced the evil cave and sent some people here to find a new way. Tiangang, you were the leader at that time?"Tiangang looked at xuanzhu and squinted: "Lord moon?"

"He's not the Luna." At this time, under the fluctuation of space, the king of heaven appeared above wearing a black hat and said with a smile: "Tiangang, the times are different. They are just fake."

Tiangang looked at the king of heaven, thought about it, and said slowly, "is it you?"

"Tiangang, do you know this man?" They were also full of doubts about the identity of the king of heaven. They guessed that the king of heaven was the disciple of the emperor of earth, but the king of heaven seemed to have more than this identity.

"My memory is very confused. When I entered the evil cave, the ten thousand ways here were out of balance. We couldn't resist them at all, so I was trapped here."

"How did you fall?" Asked the dragon master.

"I don't know." Tian Gang shook his head: "I only remember that I was trapped here for too long, and the sun and the moon were not separated. I was already desperate, but I suddenly found that the outside world was out of balance, and the evil cave became bigger. I thought I could go out immediately, but I didn't know who was invading through the Shentu world."

"On that day, a giant hand appeared on the evil cave and killed us all."

Yuan Wang and others were shocked: "through the divine world, to the real world to kill you? What kind of means is this? "

He is already the king of the world. Although he can cause spiritual shock to people through the divine way, he absolutely can't kill people thousands of miles away through the divine way.

On that day, the demon emperor killed him through the divine path, which at most only caused some damage to his divine path, but his flesh and blood would not be affected.

Tian Gang shook his head.

"You actually have some answers in your mind, right?" At this time, xuanzhu suddenly asked.

Tiangang did not respond, but the rest of the people are silent, can achieve this point, in addition to the emperor, there will be others?

But Tiangang didn't want to admit it. He didn't understand that he was working for the emperor. Why did the emperor kill him.

"Tiangang, who else entered the evil cave secretly in those years besides you? What about Tiankui? " Xuanzhu then said.

Tiangang knew that xuanzhu was a fake moon god, and then he felt a little less awed. He said lightly, "Tiankui still wants to be the master of the thirty-six Tiangang world. He didn't enter. On that day, besides me, there were three masters of the thirty-six Tiangang world. By the way, there was one of the eight kings."

"Eight kings?" Yuan Wang squinted and said in a deep voice, "who is it?"

"Hong Wang!" Tiangang road.

Yuan Wang Leng went down and said in a low voice: "before the first World War, Hongtian suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he had come to the evil cave?"

Tiangang can not deny the nod, he also know Yuan Wang.

At that time, eight world kings and thirty-six Tiangang World Masters were canonized together.

They are familiar with each other, and even more systematic.

At this time, people have a concept in mind.

"Since Tiangang can recover, King Nahong and the other three Tiangang leaders are afraid that they have not really fallen, and they are about to recover." At this time, King Yuan said with a sudden smile: "in the first World War, it seemed tragic, but in fact, there were not many people who really died. On the contrary, they were all silent. Have you ever considered a question, gentlemen? "

They all looked at King yuan.

"It seems that someone is deliberately sending us all to an era, so that we can meet here."

"It's possible." Xuanzhu nodded slightly: "at the beginning, I suspected that some time in ancient times was not mature enough, so someone wanted to deliberately lengthen the time axis, so that we could reappear in an era."

"In any case, it all proves that the present era may be the real troubled times. In the troubled times, opportunities for detachment will also appear in this era." "I don't know who the man who just fell is," he thought

"It's Tianyu." At this time, Tian Gang suddenly said that he had already recovered, but he had been recuperating. The reason why he had just been discovered by King yuan was that his mood was unstable and his Qi leaked.

Why did it leak?

It is because of the death of Tianyu.

He is the deputy commander of 36 Tiangang, the color of Tianyu, he will have some feelings.

"Tianyu?" Yuan Wang and others frowned: "36 days Gang have this number of people?"

Tiangang thought for a moment: "he was the sky position in 36 Tiangang."

It suddenly dawned on everyone. At the beginning, they had heard that the sky Lord had changed his title.

After all, the name tiantianwei is awkward. First, it's too big to offend the emperor. Second, it's not a person's name.

"Is Tianyu dead? Who killed them? He should also be one of the strong players in this recovery. " Then there was humanity, full of doubts.

Lord of the world, immortal.

"Demon emperor?"

"Mirror master?"

However, at this time, Yuan Wang shook his head slightly: "no, if they killed each other, we would not have felt that We are all at a critical point above the boundary master. If someone kills us, we will find that it is impossible to be silent Unless... ""Except for what?"

"The person who made the move is not the leader of the world." The difference between the Lord of the world and the emperor of God lies in the induction of the divine world.

"Not the master of the world? How is that possible? " Some people are shocked, the voice has some sharp.

"You forget that there is another realm besides the normal realm." Yuan Wang said in a low voice, and people squinted slightly.

"You mean Four of them? " Xuanzhu zhengse road.

Yuan Wang still shook his head: "it's impossible. The bloody heaven has been reincarnated. As we all know, leiba also fell not long ago. It's possible for Taixu, but Taixu has been hiding for tens of thousands of years. Taixu hasn't appeared in several wars in those years. I'm afraid it won't happen this time."

"Who is that?"

"Have you ever considered a question?"


"Maybe What about the birth of a new God

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