
The moment the emperor in white rushed out of the door, he was attacked and killed by a terrible force of rules.

Chu Yan can feel that it is the power from the miracle, that is, the moral power of the tenth divine path.

He's stopping the emperor.

"Ha ha, it's just a wisp of ownerless Road, and you want to stop me? Go away The emperor is now wearing a yellow robe. With a wave of his big hand and a sword, his Highness has a sword, which means to clank and fly out of the ground.

The emperor's sword!

Even if it's fake and moralized, this renhuang sword is much stronger than the one used by Baijian.

The power of the rules was threatened by the emperor's sword, but he gave a faint roar, and the big hand of Tianqing kept roaring at the emperor.

"Hum, a group of rats. I've been hiding here for tens of thousands of years. I don't know what you're waiting for? I was just too lazy to pay attention to it before. I blocked the door and left myself alone. How dare you bully my descendants now? Today, I will not blame you for turning this miracle upside down for you



At the moment, the power of the rules in the miracle could not resist the attack of the emperor's consciousness, and was blown into powder one after another.

Chu Yan was shocked.

How strong!

He had learned the power of the rules of miracles before. He was Tianxian and others who forced back in this way in the temple of the sun that day.

But at the moment, the miracle rule is obviously more terrible than the Sun Temple, but it is so vulnerable under the emperor's sword.

Not to mention that, the emperor went all the way up, wearing golden armor, like a king in charge of Qin Zheng, unparalleled in the world.


"what's going on?"

"What's that?"

At the moment, the whole miracle is shaking.

There are cracks in the sky above the intersection of the nine places. Countless people can't help but look up and see the figure of the golden giant walking in the sky and the earth.

In a place of intersection, Bai Jian saw the figure, his eyes narrowed, and said, "master..."


"The emperor?"

"Damn, the emperor has foreshadowed himself in this miracle. Has he entered the separation?" At this time, the guard, Tianxian and other people's faces were extremely gloomy.

Dihuang temple.

Qiu Qiong and others could not help taking a breath when they saw the huge figure.

"Is this the emperor?" I can't help it.

Qiu Qiong nodded helplessly: "it should be like this."

"What did the boy do? How do I feel like the emperor is going to explode? "

"How do I know?" Qiu Qiong shook his head and said, "but I always feel that someone is going to have bad luck."

At this time, in the place where the emperor meets, the emperor's consciousness suddenly raises its head, looks at the emperor, shows his thinking, and half laughs: "interesting, this old man seems to be confused, but he has half of the emperor's way. All the people in the world are his orthodoxy. One person knows the meaning of the world. How can he be cheated so easily? I'm afraid I'm beginning to pretend to be confused again? "

If Chu Yan hears the emperor's words, I'm afraid he can't help smacking his tongue.

What do you mean?

Know the world's meaning?

You know, although the emperor only walked out of half of the way of emperor, the way of people was not perfect at that time, but the humanitarian coverage of emperor Keren was much larger than that of Chuyan now.

Chu Yan's current humanity is only effective for the heaven, but even so, Chu Yan can know the mind of all the people in the heaven, and can even perceive what the people in the heaven see and hear through the orthodox world, let alone the emperor?

The emperor's way, that is the humanity that really covers the whole world.

Can Chu Yan really cheat the emperor with that little skill of carving insects?

But at the moment the emperor does not know these, he is quickly absorbing this part of the emperor's divine way.

He could feel that the emperor was too crazy this time. He wanted to make a miracle. I'm afraid that before long, this meeting place will be destroyed. He had to finish refining and leave here before that.



The miracle is still rioting.

After the emperor incarnated into a giant of gold, the whole person seemed to be invincible. The sword light was dust.

"You're just a godless path. I'm not aiming for you today. Go away before I get angry, or I'll kill you today." The emperor splits out with a sword and cheers coldly at the rule of the miracle. The rule is obviously judging something, and makes way for the emperor after half a ring.

"Ha ha."

Emperor see this arrogant smile, immediately his eyes cold: "Yang, where are you, get out!"

At the moment, the miracle is a secret place, where there is a figure all the time, with a strong sun light on his body.

That figure is not others, it is from the intersection of the sun god out of the sun god separation, now the sun god separation frown.This part of his body was buried at that time in order to help his descendants when the tenth miracle appeared.

Now the time has finally come. He can't move. This part of his body is not affected by the miracles. Although his strength is not strong, he is also in the realm of king.

But now it's not the right time. What's the situation of the emperor?

All of a sudden, the sun god's eyes moved, his body flashed back in an instant, and the next moment, with a roar, he saw a sword that directly divided his former secret place into two parts and cut it to pieces.

"People The Sun God appeared, and his face darkened.

"Well, I don't know about those schemers? But I'm happy to be at leisure. The world has its own way. I never think that your little schemes can change anything, so I don't want to interfere. But now I dare to treat my descendants like this, so I'm going to ruin my way today, and I don't want to carry out your plans. " The emperor said coldly.

There was a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

What are you talking about?

Who are your descendants?

According to Chu Yan's conjecture, the sun god is divided, and the emperor is a wisp of consciousness.

The separation of the sun god is actually controlled by the noumenon.

But Chu Yan was wrong.

In fact, all the miracles are a wisp of consciousness. As early as that year, when the miracles met, the Nine Emperors' miracles were sealed. Only because of the different time of meeting, there was a gap between the years.

But in fact, there is not much difference between the emperor and the sun god.

It's just that when the sun god's path was separated, it was almost time to change the sky, so the Sun God planted a command on this wisp of consciousness, so that this wisp of consciousness would have a chance to help the future generations of the sun world in the future.

It doesn't mean the sun god knows what's going on outside.

For example, the sun god YAKEN does not know that the emperor has descendants.

"Do you still want to be confused with me?" The emperor can not care, find the Sun God consciousness without saying a word, a sword cut out.


Heaven and earth are falling apart.

The consciousness of the sun god and the emperor has the power of the king, which is beyond Chu Yan's imagination.

Chu Yan thought that the sun god was separated to be the king of the world. If the emperor was conscious, he might not be able to fight.

After all, the Dihuang he met before was very weak. He broke it with one blow

Of course, Chu Yan didn't know. Because of his misjudgment, all the people in heaven are pouring foot washing water in the place where the emperor meets.


At this moment, the two king level strongmen are fighting with each other. In addition to the emperor's fighting experience, most of the miraculous places are destroyed in a few moments.

The terrible purgatory fire on the sky is pouring down from the scorching sun to burn the human capital to ashes.

However, the emperor's fighting power is also extremely terrible, even if it is just a wisp of consciousness, but this wisp of consciousness has been practicing for 750000 years.

It is pointed out that there is no basic move of swordsmanship.

Split, pick, stab

But every time the sword comes out, it has a very powerful sword rhyme, which makes it difficult for the sun god to resist.

You know, the emperor's fighting power in the Nine Emperors itself can rank in the top three, which is the top presence of the emperor, while the sun god is obviously worse.

In the two people are consciousness, no essential difference, the sun god is difficult to resist the emperor, puff, the sun god was hurt by the emperor's sword, pale face, said: "people, are you crazy?"

"Cut the crap. I'm afraid I won't live long in this miracle. I'll take you with me!"

"Damn it The sun god roared and wanted to flee, but the Emperor didn't give him a chance at all.

Now the emperor is a suicide attack, anyway, a part of his divine path has been given to Chu Yan, and his consciousness can't exist for long in the miracles. In that case, he will pull the sun god to leave together, so that the sun god can't have a better time.

"Son of a bitch!"

The sun god is really angry now, but there is no way.

To be honest, he's still in a muddle.

He has no idea what happened.


At the next moment, the emperor's sword was cut down, and the sun god's consciousness collapsed. In the end, he felt baffled, and he could only curse.


In the end, the sun god's consciousness dissipated under the emperor's sword, and a strong man of Kingdom level strength fell like this. Regardless of the consciousness or anything, the strength is absolutely of Kingdom level.

This scene saw countless people sigh, and despair

Despairing is the scorching sun, is the world of Yang strong.

"Master..." The place where Yuanhuang meets, burning sun is still trapped here. At this moment, he is almost crying when he looks at the figure of the sun god.

This time, the miracle was opened by the protector. However, knowing that the protector had a king, why did the new imperial court and his Yang Kingdom dare to enter?

Don't you have some confidence?There must be at least one king behind the new court, but I don't know who it is now.

But the reliance of the Yang world is the sun god.

There was a letter of the sun god in the secret of the Yang world.

The above record is that if one day the tenth miracle opens, the Yang world needs to fight for it. I will help you in the miracle.

This letter was only seen after the recovery of scorching sun. At that time, knowing that the tenth miracle was about to open, he almost jumped up with excitement, thinking that the emperor would help him, so even if the guardian and the new imperial court were nothing?

And now?

The final chance of the miracle has not yet appeared, the sun god was killed?

Can you believe it?

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