The gate of life has been planed out. It's really planed out. Before, it had been used as fertilizer under the mountain by a giant beast

Chu Yan just got the student, the student is obviously shaking, the embarrassed figure jumped out, scared Chu Yan.

"King of heaven?" Chu Yan is confused. Isn't this old man the king of heaven? What's wrong with that? Unkempt.

"Son of a bitch, do you know how to open the door? I can't beat you to death. " The heavenly king clenched his teeth and hit Chu Yan with one blow.

The result is surprising, the king of a punch, Chu Yan easily dodged away, let the king not from lengxia, looked up and down Chu Yan, said with a smile: "Yo, good."

Chuyan said with a smile: "old man, this is my orthodox world. You can't beat me just by your consciousness."

"I'm the king of the world. I'm very confident." The king of heaven is not attacking. Chu Yan is right. At the moment, he is not an entity, but a wisp of morality.

His real master is still in the evil cave, and he can't walk away.

This consciousness or before Tiangang recovery, taking advantage of Yuan Wang several people did not pay attention to put into the door, the result into the door, he thought to contact Chu Yan.

However, he didn't get in touch with him. As soon as he came out of the gate, he saw a big mountain suppressing him. This is not I don't know what's on the mountain. It's nothing. There's something like liquid infiltrating down. He's going crazy.

At that time, he didn't think much about it. Now when he saw a bunch of "pig" demons on the mountain, he didn't know what the liquid was.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and kicked a giant beast.

The strength of the beast is certainly not as good as Chu Yan. He was kicked and looked angry.

"What? Not convinced? I warn you, if you dare to mess with the raw door again, I'll come out and cook it for you next time. " The king of heaven said angrily, and the beast of heaven said nothing.

This scene surprised Chu Yan.

You know, although the strength of the god beast is average, but his temper is not good. Even in the face of the demon king, he dares to shout, but he is so honest in the face of the king?

Does God know the power of the heavenly king?

After picking up the beast, the king of heaven looked at Chu Yan and said, "come on, I haven't thought about leaving the gate of life for so long. Now I suddenly find it. What happened?"

Chu Yan said with a smile: "look what you said, am I such a person..."


"All right." Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense at all. He opened his door to the mountain and said, "I'm in the miracle now. I'm at the last place. The protector and the people of the new imperial court are all here. It seems that I'm going to take the tenth miraculous way and deduce the new way."

"Go astray?" The heavenly king squinted and said, "it's a group of ambitious people."

"Do you know

"Well, when the Nine Emperors failed to find a new way in the evil cave, someone suggested a way to go astray. After all, it may be difficult for others to go astray, but it's not necessarily difficult for the Nine Emperors. They are rooted in the true way and have a connection with the new way."

"What about the end?"

"Failed, of course." The king of heaven said, with a positive look: "let me tell you, this new way is actually a little strange."

"Weird? What do you mean

"I ask you, the rest of the nine ways have all come out. When the Nine Emperors practiced the nine ways, there was nothing special about them. They came into being naturally and could be touched in this world. Why did they not practice the new way The emperor said, "I don't mean the emperor of the new way. It's the new way. There's no one to practice, not even the gods."

Chu Yan's brows also wrinkled. In fact, he was curious all the time.

It's not hard to practice, but no one knows what the new way is.

"Therefore, I suspect that this new Tao may have been cultivated a wisp of consciousness, or it may have been deliberately hidden." Heaven is king.

"Hidden on purpose?"

"Well." The heavenly king nodded: "some people don't want the new way to be born. Even this time, it's not so easy to go astray."

Chu Yan was suddenly stunned when he found a loophole in the words of the heavenly king.

That is Jiudao and Xindao.

All of a sudden, Chu Yan asked, "old man, which nine are the nine roads?"

"Heaven, earth, man, sun, moon, star, demon, fire source." After thinking for a moment, the heavenly king said, "I know what you are wondering, isn't it? Indeed, Yan Road may not be the main road. At that time, the ninth emperor once said that Yan Road was flawed, and it was very flawed. "

"Before the Emperor Yan, the year of the Nine Emperors' sermon was called the year of auspiciousness, with natural anomalies."

"For example, in the year of the emperor's sermon, the sky was clear and dark clouds were dispersed. In the year of the emperor's testimony, the spring was warm and the earth's crust was stable, and there was no earthquake in the whole year. "

"The emperor testifies and the human race rises. In one year, countless human races broke the innate barrier and stepped into the door of practice."

"The sun god and the moon god preached in the same year, with the alternation of the sun and the moon, maintaining a balance in the world.""The star God preaches that the nine sky stars connect to form a river, giving birth to the power of innumerable stars. In that year, there was no disaster of stars falling."

"The demon emperor testifies, the demon world Gospels, the birth of God orifices, the opening of wisdom, into the road!"

"But only Yanhuang That year, the disaster of heaven and earth was even called a catastrophe to create the world. In that year, the world was hot, countless volcanoes erupted, the earth dried up, and rivers dried up, leaving all the people in the world to die Later that year was known as the disaster of Emperor Yan

It's the first time Chu Yan has heard this.

It turns out that the year of the Nine Emperors' testimony was so special and recorded in ancient times.

"Then what happened? How to solve the disaster of Emperor Yan? "

"It was only when the other emperors and the five elements gods joined hands to suppress that the moral balance was balanced, but it was also the same. In fact, the power of Yan Emperor was limited in nine days." The heavenly king said: "when changing the sky, Yanhuang abandoned Yandao and withdrew from the stage of the ninth emperor of creation. In fact, this is also the reason."

"What about Yuanhuang? Is there anything special about Yuanhuang's testimony? "

"Yes!" The heavenly king nodded: "in the year of Yuanhuang's sermon, the source was also balanced. It seems that many of the unbalanced forces were balanced. So now among the Nine Emperors of creation, the only one who is not on the road is Yanhuang. Later, the Nine Emperors also speculated that the way of Yan Huang should be the five elements, but Yan Huang's cultivation was too eager for quick success and instant benefit, which led to the imbalance of the five elements. " Heaven is king.

Chu Yan frowned.

Because he didn't really want to ask about it.

He knew for a long time that there was something missing in Yanhuang's way, but jiutianxuan tower also said that the way in the evil cave was out of balance, and Yanhuang's way could not be made up in the evil cave.

What really concerns Chu Yan is Yuanhuang.

Yuanhuang Dao is not the ninth truth.

But now it seems that these people don't know about it?

But if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid that even the other emperors don't know about Yuanhuang's deceiving the emperor of the world. In those years, Yuanhuang's hiding was very deep.

"So no one except me knows that there are two true ways in the evil cave?" Chu Yan was surprised.

But that's a good thing.

"What is the situation of Yuanhuang? Since he is the emperor of deception, why is there the emperor's way in the place where the truth meets the Tao? " At this time Chu Yan began to think alone.

"Is Yuanhuang the same as the four God emperors? Out of their own way, forced to open up the true way? " Chu Yan thinks, this kind of possibility is very big.

The extraordinary God Emperor is connected with the true Tao and takes root in the true Tao with his own strength.

It is not necessarily impossible to trace the source of the emperor's power.

"According to the present situation, there are two kinds of truth. One is innate, such as the Nine Emperors of creation, who follow the trend, and the other is to go against the sky, plunder the rest of the power, and break the ban of Kaifeng and step into the truth."

"Yuanhuang Belong to the latter? "

"So Yuanhuang should be regarded as "The emperor of foreign affairs?" Chu Yan's pupil suddenly shrank.

You know, the name of waidaohuang has lasted for a long time, but so far no one has come out of the way.

One is that the Nine Emperors cut off the road of heresy, the other is that the most powerful heretics are now suppressed, and they are still trapped in the Taoist gate.

Therefore, there is no emperor in the world.

But now, Yuanhuang is likely to be the Taoist emperor!

The only emperor of Taoism!

Of course, Chu Yan is not sure, because the source Emperor may not be the God Emperor.

If Yuanhuang is not the God Emperor, then it is really a little terrible

One of the nine most powerful people in the world, the one with incomparable combat power, is not the emperor? Can you be emperor? Once you can, it's really terrible.

It's just like the emperor of blood god.

Whether the extraordinary God Emperor can become the emperor has always been the focus of the world. When he was in the heaven, the blood God Emperor should be regarded as the closest person to this step, but the blood God Emperor also failed in the end.

The extraordinary God Emperor himself is known as the existence of the God Emperor of war. If they can become the God Emperor in the future, won't they ascend to heaven step by step?

"No wonder the emperor wanted to stop the blood God Emperor at all costs." Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. In those days, the blood God Emperor was really close to the sermon, but it was blocked. On the surface, it was done by the emperor, but Chu Yan now knows that it was a plot of the emperor.

"Yuanhuang..." Chu Yan murmured in his heart: "if it's true, as I guess, the Yuanhuang is too terrible and can be hidden Even the Nine Emperors didn't find out? "

"What do you think, boy?" Asked the king.

Chu Yan woke up and shook his head: "nothing."

About the source of the emperor is not the emperor, Chu Yan or decided to hide.

After all, it's about another way in the evil cave.

"Tell me what happened to you."

"I've got a divine path." Chu Yan asked directly: "I want to know, can I use this magic way?"

The emperor was stunned: "the way of the emperor?""Yes." Chu Yan admitted it directly.

The next moment, the king of heaven fell into meditation, it is Chu Yan this situation is too special.

You know, from the divine level, the divine path itself is a person's life and foundation.

So there's almost no way to get the rest of us to say that.

But that's OK. After all, it can be separated by some special means. For example, the original king had a lot of other people's miraculous ways in his hands and had a messy fusion.

Chu Yan also continued to take over the divine path of a king.

But now Chu Yan's situation is different

Since Chu Yan had broken his spiritual path, he had no spiritual path at all

If you don't cultivate your spirit, how can you continue?

The king of heaven thought for a moment and said, "it may not be impossible. You can have a try, but the effect may not reach your expectation. After all, you are now in a world where morality and justice are mixed, while the emperor's divine path only increases humanity. "

"Can we only bless humanity?" Chu Yan Leng, he didn't think about this before.

"It should be, and now your world power has become a system, and the external divine path will be rejected. I'm afraid it won't last long and it will collapse, even the divine path of the emperor." "After all, the way of the world is stronger, or the way of the emperor is stronger. Now no one can say for sure," he said

Chu Yan nodded and said with a smile, "just use it I'm afraid it won't work. "

"Boy, take it easy for yourself. This time, the miraculous sign opens, and the caretakers are well prepared. Who are you facing now?"

"Stinky lungs and decontamination."

"Is it not poison?"

Chu Yan shook his head.

"Be careful. Since ancient times, the two people have never been separated from each other. Where they are, there must be non poison. "

Chu Yan's pupil shrinks. Before, he was still thinking about what the shield's card is. Now he knows.

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