At this moment, the sword God burst into tears.

The God of the sword kneels on one side and kisses the earth.

Million years

Can we finally become the emperor?

Has it finally been proved?

Foreigners, at this moment, countless people cry.

The emperor's way, which has been pursued for millions of years, is now in front of them. It's a pity

The God of gold, the God of darkness, the God of light and others can no longer see.

The next moment, the sword god suddenly shot into the air, his hand that is very rough sword exudes peerless Brilliance: "today, the sword God, would like to testify for the emperor, in order to create the world in the guard for millions of years, worry free, kill!"

"Today, the God of the sword is willing to testify to be the emperor and build another ten thousand years for the creation of the world!"

This is a moment of proof!

Foreigners, there are too many gods have long reached the limit of the divine path, they have not become emperor, just because there is no throne.

But now, the emperor for them to continue the road, into the emperor!

"Ha ha, today, my sword God becomes emperor."


One sword cuts through jiuchongtian!

The God of the sword preaches. Standing in the Ninth Heaven, the first sword in the world is also clanging, vaguely even means to surpass the peerless sword.

The sword God laughed wildly: "I have a sword to cut the sky! Dome, today, help you! Kill


Too many people, at this moment, testify.

But almost at the moment of preaching, he immediately went to the battlefield, and then died!

Yes, dead in the war!

Countless people from other nationalities have become emperors, but they are just the emperor after tomorrow, or the new one. It's really very, very weak.

But at the moment, those people don't care at all, flocking to the fire.

At this time, there was an old man of great vicissitudes. He was very old and looked even older than the emperor. He also became emperor. With a grin, he didn't even have a few teeth left, but he was very happy: "I'm old, I'm emperor."

"Don't be a fool! Today, you look like the Lord of the world. Ha ha, dome, if you can live, you will live. We are all old and should die long ago, but we have not been reconciled these years. Today, we have seen the scenery of the emperor, and we have no regrets. "

"Master gun!" The emperor's eyes shed blood and tears. Yes, master!

This old man, even older than him, is the real ancestor of the human race.

The God of the gun.

The emperor's shooting skill was learned from this old man.

"Look up at the sky and laugh, go out, we are not Penghao people! Ha ha ha! Farewell to the world

The God of gun rocked up, reciting a poem in his mouth, and a long gun in his hand began to burn, followed by the road.

At this moment, he has boundless scenery.

He didn't kill any ancient emperor, but chose a new emperor. With the road burning, his source of Tao reached nearly 200 million.

"Ha ha, dog, you can't make the world! There is no room for you in this world. Get out of here! "


A shot came out.

In the distance, the new emperor changed his face and roared, "no!"

He struggled desperately, but it was useless. The God of gun burned to ashes in the end, but those ashes did not disperse. Instead, they were blown by a gust of wind and integrated into the long gun: "dome, after my death, this gun, you stay, this gun has followed me all my life, don't insult it!"

"I dare not! Disciple, guilty Emperor red eye road.


On the other side, the demon emperor and others also killed red eyes.

Jingzun also cried at this time. They were all old friends.

In ancient times, there was no such thing as a foreign race. At that time, when the road opened, they were all good brothers discussing the road together.

"Asshole, don't go! You're all gone. What can I do? " Jingzun cried: "dome, Yang, you bastards! Give me the emperor

At this moment, jingzun is about to cry.

"Soul, make me emperor! Month I won't rob you! Moon, give me emperor! I also want to kill the enemy. I want to fight, too! " Jingzun roared: "soul, Yue has always liked you. I knew for a long time that I didn't look up to you. I thought you were the younger generation. If you dare to be bad to Yue in the future, I will never let you go as a ghost!"

"Who can make me an emperor! Laozi is not a foreigner I have no royal way. " Jingzun cried out anxiously.

The way of foreign nationality is continued, but he is not a foreign nationality.

He needs to go the other way.

Above, the emperor said with a smile: "mirror, live well! Go your own way. Maybe the world will be destroyed in the future. If you can really create a mirror world, it's also a way out! "

"Screw you! Live your uncle! Back to you Jingzun then angrily scolded: "if you want to die, die together!"

"Ha ha, it's not your turn to die!" At this time, the emperor also recovered and killed a Creator with one shot.Everyone is killing the enemy, but they don't respect the mirror as emperor.

On the contrary, some people are still deliberately protecting him.

It's not that there's no reason.

Jingzun's way There are some special things.

In this creation world, if we say that in addition to Chu Yan, there is another person who can create a complete world, not the source emperor, not the soul emperor, but the mirror emperor!

Yuanhuang can also use thousands of ways, but that's the way to trace the source. The way has been reformatted!

The soul emperor is almost the same. He practices with the help of the soul and forces integration, but it is not enough to form a world.

Only jingzun can!

His one, there are some special, mirror! There is nothing special about himself, but he can recreate the world!

Turn it into a mirror world and recreate all the original roads of the world.

This is the reason why they did not let jingzun become emperor, instead, they always protected jingzun.

"Mirror, live well, you are our layout." At this time, the demon emperor also laughed.


Jingzun is their original layout.

Chu Yan, that's the layout of Qin ruomeng, the layout of Chu Hanfeng, or the original master of the creation world, but it's not theirs.

In ancient times, before they knew Qin ruomeng, they found some problems when they were still groping along the road, so they also chose a single layout.

It's the mirror!

But at the moment, jingzun scolded: "a group of idiots! Layout your uncle, if you don't give me the chance to become emperor, I will have a long life! What a fart

At this moment, jingzun really cried, you don't say so much righteousness lingran, OK?

If you don't give me Chenghuang, I will die soon!

This speech, emperor, emperor and others are a Leng.

Jingzun continued to cry: "you idiots! Laozi and you are people of the same era You are all the founding emperors. Longevity is infinite. I am the king of the world I'm dying

All of a sudden, the emperors laughed.

The emperor also shook his head, but said with a smile: "we have forgotten this..."

Jingzun, they are people of the same era.

It's not the emperor.

The time is coming!

At this time, the source of the emperor in a laugh: "mirror, why become emperor?"? In troubled times, isn't emperor Cheng beautiful? If you want to be strong, just break the day. "

Mirror Zun Leng, a face of chat up: "yes, I don't become emperor, can become emperor, the world that old dog is dead! There's no one to defend daomen. Code, yuan, you didn't say that earlier, you just deliberately let me lose face, please, right

Yuan Huang laughed and ignored.

Mirror Zun is radiant, and a huge mirror is born behind him.

In the mirror, the mountains are piled up, which is similar to creating the world.

Looking at the world in the mirror, Chu Yan could not help thinking of a person.

Mirror in the dust!

"Ha ha, today, I, jingzun, Shendi, dog days, wait for me to become emperor and come out to kill you all!" Jingzun went straight to the sky, ignoring the battlefield, but flying towards the creation gate. He had to break the wall and steal some strength.

While running, jingzun did not forget to shout: "don't kill all of them! Don't kill all of them! When I come out, leave me two! "

"What a lot of nonsense!" In the distance, the emperor struck an ancient emperor with a sword, but he also suffered some injuries. Looking at the foreign emperor who was still far away from the battlefield, he felt bitter: "kill all? Can you kill them all? "

Too much!

There are so many!

Today, creating a world can be said to be a battle with the strength of one world.

But still not.

The emperor's side was even more fierce. Most of the firepower was still concentrated on his side. At the moment, he was covered with blood and killed a lot of people, but his injury was also very serious, and he was at the end of a long time ago.

"I can't finish it!" The Emperor gave a bitter smile.

On the other hand, Chu Yan also entered the battlefield to kill the enemy.

But because he can only use the way of heaven, his combat effectiveness has been greatly affected.

But fortunately, there is a world in his body. At this moment, countless people in heaven are also struggling. Some of them are just celestial beings, such as xianzun, Xiandi and Xianwang. They may not have the strength to participate in the war, but at this moment, they are helping Chu Yan transform countless avenues into the way of heaven and put them into the battlefield.

Change strength for Chu Yan.


At this moment, the sky curtain of heaven is very heavy, and there is a faint sense of imbalance.

The way of heaven was out of proportion, and the curtain of heaven became very heavy. It seemed that it was going to collapse and crush the heaven, but almost instantly, countless gods in the heaven ascended into the sky.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we can't take part in the war, but we can hold up the day for the Immortal King. All the gods will accompany me to hold up the day, so that the Immortal King can have more power to use it!"

In the sky, countless people soar.Emperor Zun, heaven Zun, below are God envoys and God kings, who lift the sky with their own hands and shoulders.

Let the road not go out of balance.

Chu Yan also sensed that his way of heaven was increasing crazily. His eyes were as red as red. He shot out one punch and killed a Chuangshi waihuang.

At this time, some people also realized that Chu Yan was powerful. Today, Chu Yan can definitely rank at the top of the world creationism, even compared with Yuanhuang.

Chuang Shi Wai Huang, who killed Chu Yan, roared: "there's something wrong with this son. Come to an ancient emperor!"

In an instant, the ancient emperor rushed out of the encirclement and came to fight against Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked at the ancient emperor with cold eyes.

The gap is too big.

The ancient emperor He may be the emperor of the whole world now. After the Emperor gave him the orthodoxy, he will not be counted. He just has the ability to fight against the ancient emperor, but he is the ancient emperor of the real world A lot!

"It's over!" Above, the ancient emperor looked at everything indifferently, and the situation was gone.

No matter how united and cohesive the celestial world is.

But in the world of practice, strength is always respected.

The strong is king!


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