Chu Yan's speed is very fast, almost through the space.

Seeing this action, countless people frowned slightly.

"Is he an idiot?" At this moment, many real world emperors show a sneer and enter other people's world to fight? Not to mention that Chu Yan is just a slave of Tao, even if they are practitioners of the world, they will be greatly suppressed if they venture into other people's world.

Take assassins as an example.

When they enter the creation world from the real world, they are all suppressed.

This is because Yutian has already fallen. This world is actually in a state of no master. Otherwise, the pressure will only be greater. Even the master of this world can confine all the sources of Tao in this world and make you unable to use it.

"To die!" There was a cold groan.

Only the emperor and others don't think so.

Vaguely, the emperor and others guessed what Chu Yan was going to do.

"Keep blocking, kill!" The emperor of the people drank low and attacked with all his strength, but the foreign emperors were not in a hurry to attack at this moment, with a trace of banter.

In their view, Chu Yan's entry into the world of the emperor of war is to seek death.

It won't be long before there is a winner.

The ancient emperor, who had been fighting with Chu Yan, saw Chu Yan's action, and then his contemptuous smile became more intense.

"Want to fight me in my world? I want to die The ancient emperor gave a cold hum, and then his body disappeared from the original place, and entered the world with a divine attitude.

Breaking into each other's world, Chu Yan looks around.

Very strong!

He has entered many worlds. On that day, when he broke into the tenth heaven, he met all the world practitioners, so he also saw many people's worlds.

But they're not big.

In particular, some of the world did not become emperor, about 100 meters, the limit.

This ancient world is not a small one.


This is the biggest world he has ever seen except his own world and the world of creation.

Of course, this kilometer is relative. In this world, it will become very small.

But even so, this world still gives him great strength, and there are many sources of Tao, almost more than 300.

All the ten avenues exist. In addition, blood and axe are the main systems, and the other avenues are more complementary to the two.

"Here, I am the real king. Even those who are better than me will be suppressed by me when they enter here. You have made a very ambiguous choice." The ancient emperor sneered, and the world changed with his mood.


Chu Yan felt that the space in front of him began to twist, and then his whole body was in dislocation. He was pulled close to the ancient emperor, and a terrible battle axe from above came at him.

But almost for a moment, his figure flashed quickly.

"It's no use."

Gu Huang sneered: "in this world, space, time, everything is up to me, I am the master of this world, where can you escape?"

Chu Yan did not respond, still very fast Dodge, and mind release, quickly feeling what.

"Bang!" The ancient emperor walked forward all the way, the place he passed, the change of heaven and earth, and the reversal of time and space: "how long can you hold on like this?"

Still silent.

This went on for a long time.

During this period, Chu Yan couldn't dodge for several times. With the constraints of time and space, he was hurt several times continuously by the Tomahawk. His real body was damaged and his blood was not stopped.

But he still didn't care.

Until a incense, Chu Yan stopped, not dodging.

"Why not hide?" That ancient emperor pursues and comes all the way, see Chu Yan stop, is also sneer.

"Because you don't have to run!" Chu Yan holds a peerless sword.

"Is it useless to know?"

"No, next, it's you." Chu Yan smiles, and immediately he looks around at the world and says slowly, "I've probably seen your world. It's a system. It's a pity In this world, ten thousand Tao coexist. Without ten thousand Tao, even if it forms a system, it is still lacking. "

The ancient emperor frowned: "what do you say?"

"If there is a world without, there are loopholes." Chu Yan calm way, immediately he thought a move, to the ancient emperor in front of him: "thank you, I was still thinking, with the emperor in, how can I use all my strength, now, you are complete me!"

Gu Huang's face changed: "what do you mean?"

"I said, you should die!" Words fall, Chu rock suddenly moved, gas machine change, God body blooms incomparably bright light, Avenue God light.

At this moment, in Chuyan, the divine light of Tao is not limited to the way of heaven, but has many kinds of ways. In the blink of an eye, it even surpasses the way of the world of the ancient emperor, and many ways begin to spread wildly.

Gu Huang's face suddenly changed: "the power of the world? You Is he a world practitioner"That's right." At this moment, Chu Yan arrogantly incomparable: "I, repair the world!"

Gu Huang was surprised and couldn't believe it. In a moment, he understood something and said coldly, "so That dome is not the core of the world at all. Are you

Chu Yan didn't hide. When his world power broke out, some things were self-evident.

"Damn it

Gu Huang low scold a, immediately he subconsciously want to draw out the idea.

I've been cheated!

Although he is still very curious about how the dome concealed the world and operated all kinds of ways, he must tell the emperor about it.


But just as he wanted to pull away from his mind and rush out of the world, he suddenly bumped into another wall.

It's not his world barrier, it's Chu Yan's.

Chu Yan was looking at him with a smile: "you just said that you are the master of the world? Sorry, from now on, no! "

"Welcome to my world!" Chuyan said with a smile, the next moment, he moved, the Qi was extremely terrible, the peerless sword turned the sword flower, the same star sword formula, but when the star as the carrier of the moment, it is blooming a terrible power, thousands of stars meteorite, quickly to kill the ancient emperor.

"Damn it The ancient emperor scolded and quickly manipulated the power of the world to stop it. But when the stars came, it suddenly became more Taoism.

Chu Yan holds his sword and goes forward step by step. At this moment, his identity with the ancient emperor seems to have changed. Every step he takes is a change of mountains and rivers, and time goes by.

"Son of a bitch!" The ancient emperor tried his best to resist, but found that he could not get rid of Chuyan's world. He roared: "no! I don't believe it

"Even if you are a world practitioner, how can you suppress me if you still don't reach the ancient emperor?"

But at this moment, Chu Yan looked at him like a fool: "don't you know?"

The ancient emperor was at a loss.

"Why do you want to find the kingdom of Yutian?" Chu Yan asked.

Gu Huang was stunned. The next moment, he understood.

"You Are you a practitioner of the perfect world? "

"In the world of system, there are some deficiencies. Even if the system is to be improved, it is not perfect." Chu Yan indifferent way, sweep to the ancient emperor's world: "such a world, too fragile, can break at will!"

After that, Chu Yan slowly stretched out his hand, and on his fingertips, a sense of morality was born at will.

It's really casual.

How many roads does Chu Yan build now?

Nearly a thousand!

He can do too much.

Therefore, he only needs to operate at will, and then he can sacrifice a way that is not available in this world.

Chu Yan held a mass of morality and justice that the world itself did not have, and looked at the ancient emperor with a smile: "I'm very curious. If there is a kind of unsystematic Tao in your so-called perfect system world, what will happen?"

Smell speech, that ancient emperor realizes what, the facial expression suddenly changes: "no! Stop


Chu Yan looked contemptuous, but he waved his hand gently, and then the group was easily thrown out by the Daoyuan he sacrificed.

Not much.

At least compared with the way of the world of an ancient emperor, it is too few.

Hundreds of sources? Thousands of sources?

That's it.

But at the moment when Daoyuan was thrown out, the ancient emperor showed his fear and howled furiously. He wanted to break Daoyuan, but it was too late.

The Daoyuan is like a small stone thrown out of the sea.

It's very small, but when it falls into the sea, it can cause countless ripples.

It may not be a big deal at first, but the ripples spread all the way to the coast and eventually form a tsunami.

Or, like a precision gear machine, the gears are running at a high speed, suddenly pinned by a small stone, and then the gears of the whole machine begin to collapse and disintegrate, until finally, they disintegrate.

At this moment, the source of Tao is dripping in the world of the ancient emperor.

And then it had a terrifying effect.

"No!" The ancient emperor roared and roared, but it was too late.

His world suffered from the interference of an incompatible Tao source, which changed the original operation track of his world, until finally, the whole world's Avenue system was completely out of balance!


With a crisp crack, the walls of the ancient emperor's world began to break, and then more and more cracks began to spread in all directions. Later, it caused a terrible imbalance effect, like the destruction of the road.

Accompanied by the collapse of the ancient emperor's road, the moment his willpower will disperse, he has been staring at Chuyan in disbelief, until finally, with a puff, his body burst apart, turned into endless powder and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Outside!The rest of the world almost stopped fighting.

Both sides are looking at the central battlefield.

The sound of fragmentation is very loud, throughout the world.

Many people in the real world look scornful after hearing this.

"There's a result!"

"It's over!" In their view, Chu Yan will die, and there can be no suspense in this war.

Then the space turned around, and once again a figure appeared in the central area, while the other person had disappeared forever.

When they saw the man's face clearly, their pupils shrank one by one, showing their eyes in horror.

When the people who created the world saw the face, they burst out laughing.

The emperor once again looked at the figure with a smile.

I'm not wrong!

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