General Jiang is in a panic.

He wants to run a little bit.

And save people.

Who can help me.

Inside the ancient fairy house.

Shenwen hall.

Chu Yan didn't know what happened outside, otherwise he would have sympathized with Jiang Men.

It's really miserable.

It must be very flustered to be guarded by countless reincarnation of Protoss?

At the moment, Chu Yan is cultivating his spirit wholeheartedly.

In fact, Chu Yan has been in touch with this for a long time.

The earliest fire pattern array in the dust was actually the rudiment of Shenwen, but at that time he ignored it a lot and didn't use it much in battle. Most of the time, he preferred martial arts.

Including later in the creation of the world.

Shenwen I did help him a lot.

For example, the star array on the demon mountain in the early years, and later a series of things.

However, the aggressiveness is a little bit worse.

Chu Yan always thought that the divine lines were auxiliary.

Let alone create the world, even in the real world.

I have learned divine tattoos in lisnachuyan for a while, but few of them are really used in combat. They are all auxiliary. The characters of fusion, stability and glory are all characters. Even the characters of killing sound aggressive, but they are actually a kind of combat blessing.

Similar to murderous spirit and fighting spirit, it can deter the enemy more, but it is still impossible to kill people.

Li Si was a little better. A killing word was used as pure green as fire, including the soldiers with divine patterns. But in Chu Yan's opinion, it was just like that.

Today, however, Chu Yan's view of Shenwen is earth shaking.

"Spiritual journey This is the real road. It doesn't belong to any power. "

"If the Lord of Shenwen really exists, it may not be worse than the main one of the three realms. It may be even stronger."

Chu Yan felt the strong feeling here in the land of divine lines.

Here is another world.

And in this world, the God pattern is the main.


Chu Yan is devoted to cultivation.

"All the 10 main lines are combined Corresponding to Dao, I should be regarded as the king of the world now, or the emperor after tomorrow who created the world. I have already touched the true Tao, but I'm not really the emperor of God, because my divine tattoo world has not yet formed a system. "

"Shenwen world, system It's actually simple. "

"When we practice together, different paths lead to the same goal. There is no difference in essence between the road and the spirit."

"So if I just want to cultivate the system, I can create the weaker ones below 100 divine lines, and I can transform the stronger ones, such as Du's template and senlo world, just in the spiritual field."

"But am I going to do that?"

Chu Yan is thinking.

Senluo world, even if it is the world template of the ancient building immortal, is actually incomplete and imperfect.


At this time, the power of the divine lines all around was also coming towards Chu rock.

Seems to feel the new world.

Want to squeeze into Chu Yan's world.

As long as Chu Yan is willing now, he can step into Shenwen shenhuang realm at any time and create a system world.

Many holy lines are moving towards him, like tempting him.

At this point, he nodded gently, and immediately broke through.

Even many realms in the future will go all the way.

However, Chu Yan did not accept it. On the contrary, he was at a loss.

"Shall I accept it?"

"It's not what I want."

"But Do I have to pursue perfection all the way

To tell the truth, Chu Yan was shaken.

Don't waver, it's fake.

It's too hard to complete the journey.

No one knows. Only those who have taken this road will understand how difficult it is. It is full of thorns and frustrations. There is no light and no hope ahead.

Chu Yan, do you want to be perfect with your spirit?

Along the way, you have completed your work, but you are still struggling. There is no light or hope ahead.

Do we have to go all the way?

Can you really hold on?

Chu Yan thought that he must be the best.

But this also fulfilled that sentence.

Young and ignorant.

Young and frivolous.

Young and ignorant, some people say it is ignorance of the truth, understand too little.

Chu Yan didn't understand it that way.

He thinks that young and ignorant, another explanation may be more perfect.

Young, ignorance is fear, ignorance is suffering, ignorance is hardship.

I have a heart of indomitability.

It is just like this that many people dare to make a decision that they will remember in their life when they are young. It is a good memory to make a resolution to spell their name once and look back many years later.But, I know.

I'm no longer young.

I know that the way to perfection is hard, and the way to perfection is far away.

Along the way, we are still struggling in the mud. Now we have finally taken the second step and opened up the spiritual world. Do we have to step into the mud again?

Chu Yan is not sure.

It really takes courage.

A lot of people do.

It's easy to choose for the first time without suffering or understanding the hardships of the road.

What is really not easy is that you know well that the road ahead is hard and there is no light, but you still have a heart that is bright and courageous. You can still step in calmly and have the courage of perseverance.

"Chu Yan, you Do you still have courage? "

"It may be more difficult for the spirit to pursue perfection than it is for the road. On the road, you at least have Yutian as the front car and xuetanzi as the help to transform the road. And along the way, you have nothing but yourself

"Dare you? If you take this step, you may be wasting thousands of years. Do you still have the courage? "

Chu Yan keeps asking himself.

"Chu Yan, do you have any?"

"But if you don't pursue perfection, Chu Yan, you Are you sorry? "

"Are you willing?"

The next moment, Chu Yan closed his eyes.

In front of my eyes, pictures float by.

He's remembering.

From the beginning of Tianyong city in Chenjian, we can remember all the sufferings we have experienced along the way.

Suddenly, Chu Yan opened his eyes.

At this moment, his eyes changed.

It's not the same here.

Or A little familiar.

Many years ago, his eyes were like this.

Perseverance and determination.

I Chu rock, from the dust all the way out, through the six regions, Xinghai, Xianyu, Jiutian.

This way, heaven has never stopped my way.

My way, and will be buried in my own hands?

Isn't it suffering?

Isn't it hard?

Who is not bitter?

In this world, the living suffer the most.

Living is a kind of suffering.

What's the fear?

The Lord of the three realms can open up the three realms, and the Lord of Shenwen can create this place. They are all pursuing perfection.

Is that not the way to seek Tao?

It's not hard to seek Tao. Is it still called seeking Tao?

If you don't even have this courage, how can you talk about saving people?

What else can you save? What else do you talk about saving the world?

"Chu Yan, do you dare this step?"

It's like a voice from the soul is in my mind.

Chu Yan smiles, with a brilliant smile.

"I have never been afraid!"

Chuyan burst out laughing.

At this moment, he found himself.


With a loud noise, Chu Yan waved away the power of divine lines that surged from him in the four Zhou dynasties.

"What I want is perfection. I may have had regrets in my life, but this time, I don't want to create my own regrets. This road, I Chuyan, will go! "

"Since the Lord of the three realms can, and the Lord of Shenwen can, can Chuyan be inferior to them?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Chu Yan's crazy smile.

"Shenwen, Avenue, I want it, I want the heaven and earth, at the foot of my ministers!"

"Shenwen, I don't need you. I can knead it myself."

Chuyan smiles, happy.

Immediately, it seems that he has solved the knot, and his whole temperament is changing.

The spiritual world is transformed into a beam of light.

Ancient immortal hall, main building.

He walked out of the hall and looked at the steps.

There was a trace of shock and inexplicability in his eyes.

"Did it work?"

"Spiritual journey It's not too strong, but it's really a success. "

Suddenly, there is a struggle in Yunxiang's eyes.

"Master, you have been planted, but you have not come back. Are you still alive? Live, where? Yunxiang, I miss you. "

"In this era, there are real demons. Is it going to change? Ten million plants, you say let me wait for a person here, can it be him? "

Yun Xiang has some entanglements: "but master, I still want to fight with you, not others."

"Look again."

Immediately, Yunxiang looks at Shenwen hall.

There's a beam of light that's still shaking the sky.

"The real evil is born."

Yun Xiang sighs.

In any case, Chuyan is a real evil.No one can deny this.

Spiritual journey

It's been a long time since anyone opened the way.

As a result, Chu Yan has opened up a way, but he is not ready to build a simple system world.

Of course, Yunxiang didn't think that Chu Yan was ready to pursue perfection, otherwise, he would swear Silly fork!

In ancient times, there were some people who pursued perfection, and then One by one, they've got to fix themselves.

This is the consummation.

It's too hard.

It's hard.

Shenwen hall.

Chu Yan continued to knead the divine pattern.

10 main divine lines open, the rest is actually easier.

This is a bit like the main road.

At the beginning, as soon as 10 roads were opened, Chuyan was soon refined to more than 100 roads.

So soon, the number of Chu rock god patterns increased wildly.


It's incredibly fast.

Chu Yan didn't choose those difficult patterns.

It's all simple insights.

Rivers, lakes, seas, mountains and forests.

Corresponding to the road, it's easy to understand.

Another day passed.

Chu Yan opened his eyes and turned pale.

The cultivation of Shenwen consumes energy and painstaking effort. Although it is not so painful, it is still very painful.

"One day, it's almost over. I'm afraid I'll collapse if I continue to practice." Chu Yan gasped, but then he also laughed: "the effect is OK, 150 divine lines! Now if the combination system, it is not too weak

Then Chu Yan opened his eyes, withdrew from the land of Shenwen, and returned to Shenwen hall again.

Looking out the door, Chu Yan laughed: "there are some things, there are some grudges, it's time to settle."

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