Chu Yan looked at the man, white skin, wearing a black war armor, and the whole person formed a sharp contrast, but there is a little bit of the book records the meaning of the underworld ghost general.

The man is the river Styx, which has been fighting with the Golden Toad for 10 million years since it passed away thousands of years ago.

At this moment, the river Styx appeared and looked at the Golden Toad with an unexpected smile: "Golden Toad, it's really rare that you would take the initiative to find me? What, have you figured it out? As long as you are willing to open the channel and let me lead people to kill them, I will help you solve the two mole ants outside. "

The Golden Toad said coldly, "Styx, as I said, don't think about opening the passage. It's absolutely impossible if the Lord is not here. Besides, this time, I'm not looking for you, but someone else. "

"Someone else?" The river Styx is standing.

"Junior Chu Yan, I've met Lord Styx."

Chu Yan took the initiative to introduce.

Under the river Styx, I noticed Chu Yan.

It's not his carelessness.

Normally speaking, the strength of the Styx has at least returned to one. Whether there are people around him can be easily detected.

The main reason is that the Styx River belongs to the ghost world, which is different from the cultivation system of the people in the three realms, and the power of the Tao is also different. His mind spread, but he may not be able to sense the existence of Chu Yan.

It's like putting a pile of water, vinegar, soy sauce and other liquids in front of a person who has no sense of taste for him to taste.

In his opinion, it's all water. Anyway, it has no taste. What's the difference?

There is one truth.

In the view of Styx, the three realms are the same, and he doesn't build them. Chuyan is also a practitioner of the three realms, and his body is also the three realms. What's the difference?

So for the GUI nationality, unless it is within the reach of the naked eye, there is no difference between closing your eyes and being blind in the three realms.

Of course, it's the same for people in the three realms to enter the ghost world.

If you don't practice ghosts and Taoism, you don't have a systematic understanding of the gap between Taoism and Dharma. If you want to achieve the same goal as in the three realms, you can also rely on the divine perception by closing your eyes. That's a dream.

When you get to the ghost world, close your eyes and you'll find that it's the same all around.

Looking at Chu Yan, the river Styx also fell by accident, and then he said with a smile, "Golden Toad, it's rare that you let people into the main hall of Chiling? If I remember correctly, this is the first time in thousands of years? "

The toad said calmly, "it's none of your business."

"It doesn't really matter."

The river Styx didn't care. The Golden Toad opened the channel to let him out. He was happy to stay a little longer and looked at Chu Yan: "little guy, so you are the one who is looking for me this time?"

"To tell you the truth, it's the younger generation."

"You, shenghuangjing?" Although the Styx does not build three realms, the way is still the same, just like the divine tattoo realm and the avenue realm, but the power is different.

He can still see the state of Chu rock.

"Boy, what can I do for you?" The Styx River laughs, also want to know, a so weak small insect, find oneself can have what matter.

In the eyes of the river Styx, Chu Yan is really no different from a little bug.

Even if Chu Yan Road is not weak.

The river Styx can't feel it.

Chu Yan felt the contempt of his eyes and didn't care.

Is that normal.

Now if I see a mortal, I will inevitably have this kind of emotion.

It's human.

Chu Yan said: "Lord Hui, this time I'm looking for you, I just want to ask That, my Lord, ghost clan, still recruit people? "


This words, the river Styx, the toad, are stunned.

The Golden Toad also changed his face and said, "Chuyan, what are you talking about?"

Chu Yan didn't tell him that when he wanted to find the river Styx.

"You mean You want to join the ghost clan? Ha ha, this is interesting. The ghost world has been fighting with the three worlds for hundreds of millions of years. You are the first one I met to join the ghost world. "

"Have you ever had one?" Chu Yan lengxia.

Styx also did not hide, said with a smile: "yes, but I didn't lead it, but it's a long time ago, and it can be traced back to 4 million years ago. It seems that it's also a member of your tribe who finally joined the ghost world."

"Four million years ago?" Chu Yan Leng Xia, at that time, the human boundary has not yet opened, right?

"Well, I know what you're thinking. You don't think that four million years ago, the human realm was self styled?"

The river Styx said with a smile: "actually, it's not the open world you're talking about. It's called broken open world. It's broken by the gods and Demons and has to be opened. But four million years ago, there was a connection between the human realm and the three realms. Only at that time, there were still human masters in the human realm, and the switch was still under the control of each other, just like the gods and Demons now. "

Chu Yan squinted.

This is the first time he has heard of it.

Four million years ago, the human border was actually connected with the three realms?

Soon, Chu Yan thought of a person.

The empty face above the human realm.

Is that them?Chu Yan didn't ask much about this topic. Whatever.

"My Lord, is the ghost world still recruiting people?"

"Why do you want to join the ghost world?" Styx rhetorical question.

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually an abandoned son. I grew up in the broken world, and later I entered the world, and I was always excluded. Just half a year ago, I actually died once in Renjing. " Chu Yan said, before the Haotian academy into a projection, to see the river Styx.

Of course, there is a little processing.

He was not resurrected by King Daewoo, but escaped by accident.

In addition, it increased the pressure on him.

The river Styx looked at it and sneered: "the three realms have always been like this, with constant internal fighting."

The toad said helplessly, "it's like you don't have any infighting in the ghost world. As far as I know, it seems that the first World War happened not long ago, right?"

"That's not the same." "The Styx said coldly:" we fight, is the collision on the road, but essentially are waiting for the return of my Lord, rather than like you, want to seek personal gain alone

It's hard for you to say.

It's the guy who's making a lot of noise in the world right now.

Not long ago, there was a super strong man in the ghost world who wanted to unify the ghost world and become the leader of the ghost world. A huge war broke out and even chijingling was affected.

It was also at that time that the Golden Toad was in the most pain, shaking all the time under his ass.

As a result, we are now in the mouth of the Ming River, which is called the collision on the main road.

Make yourself at home.

I'm too lazy to tear you down.

Styx continued to watch for a while, especially Chu Yan showed great talent. As a result, the picture when he was abandoned by the Terran made him angry: "the human world is ridiculous. It's so arrogant. If you don't cherish it and cultivate it more, you will be driven out?"

The Golden Toad said helplessly, "the Terrans are declining, and they don't want to."

"Ridiculous The Styx cold drink: "this should be placed in our ghost family, even if war, will never give up their own genius. Even genius can't be protected. What's the future of this group? "

Chu Yan's eyes brightened and he nodded: "you're right. I'm forced to be helpless. I don't want to hide from you. Now there are two gods and Demons outside. They are blocking me. I have no way to escape. I want to take refuge in the ghost world."

"Are they blocking you?" The river Styx was stunned.

Although the two outside are mole ants in his eyes, they are also in the same realm.

In the three realms, isn't it the weak?

As a result, a holy emperor?

"To tell you the truth, I was rejected in the world. They thought I was a traitor. Oh, by the way, I don't know what the world of destruction is. In fact, it's the world of others. En It's a bit like the ghost world and the three worlds. They think that I shouldn't exist and I should be killed. "

"You, too, are from the rest of the world?"

"Yes, I came to the real world, and I tried to be recognized by them. I gave everything, including some of my experience, but no one paid any attention to it. Then there was what happened just now. When I arrived at the third world, the gods and Demons wanted to kill me as well..."

Speaking of this, Chu Yan sighed: "to tell you the truth, if you can, who is willing to leave home? Who wants to be called traitor? Isn't there no way? I was born in Xiaojie. Is it my fault? Now, they want to kill me. I have no choice but to go to the ghost world. "

Styx listen, all kinds of experience, many times let him panic.

His eyes all changed into a normal color, no longer regard Chu Yan as a little person.

"Are you really alone all the time? How long have you been here? "

"One year? It should be a year. "

"How long?" The Styx river has a big mouth: "1 year? You're not kidding? You're in a small world where you can't practice to be a real emperor, can you

"No, I can't. in that realm, they are all slaves. I didn't formally form a system until I arrived at the real realm and stepped into the rank of emperor."

"That is to say, it took you a year to build from the emperor to the emperor?" Styx surprised, this cultivation talent, it is a little terrible.

The Golden Toad also has a big mouth on one side.

"Well, that, boy, you really only came to the real world for one year?" The Golden Toad is more shocked than the Styx.

In the view of Styx, Chuyan went from the divine emperor to the holy emperor in one year. The cultivation speed is very fast, but it is not unacceptable.

Looking at the three realms, there are still many people who can do it.

To his surprise It took you one year to become a capable reincarnation emperor? Is that the point?

No, the boy also added a new way, and Shenwen seems to have some attainments along the way.

I'm going to

Where have you been for so long?

This year, you do not eat or drink, do not sleep endlessly?

Chu Yan nodded: "it's one year, a little more, but less than two years."

"Hiss!" The Golden Toad and the Styx take a breath of air at the same time.

Golden Toad did not forget to stare at the river Styx, you suck a fart!You don't know anything!

"Too much deception!"

The river Styx does not sound for Chu Yan at this moment.

Such a genius, even if he didn't get the treatment he deserved, even if he gave it back?

The Golden Toad was also a bit at a loss.

This guy Is it so miserable?

I don't feel it.

But when you think about it, it seems that it is.

So young, but the result is to leave home.

It's too bad.

What a pity.

Golden Toad thought, all of a sudden, he felt a little aggrieved for Chu Yan.

At this time, the river Styx suddenly said: "boy, no, your name is Chuyan, right? Very good. You are not welcome in the human world. You are welcome in the ghost world. From today on, I will cover you! One day in the future, when you are strong, I will take you back to the world and make them regret it. "

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