
Ghost world, a collapse!

"No! I surrender! Don't kill me

It's a scattered palace.

Chu Yan lifted the underworld into the sky, and his voice was like ice: "cut off the way, and get involved in it!"

A group of scattered practitioners had no choice but to break the path and merge.

Chuyan's underworld expanded and strengthened again.

At the moment, it has been three days since I left Disha.

In three days, Chuyan swept 16 scattered palaces.

This is number 17.

One place is better than the other.

At this moment, the sanxiu suppressed by Chu Yan has reached the eighth level of reincarnation.

And it's purely by the power of the underworld.

His fighting power in the three realms has been completely banned from use.

The last time I used it, I startled some people. Recently, the ghost world is investigating.

Chu Yan didn't care.


The world of Chuyan is expanding rapidly with the integration of several strong people, and the roads grow up like towering ancient trees.

Beside, Yu Ye and ye Chen are very excited.

In three days, both of them have made great progress, from the original entry to sixfold.

But less than seven, it seems to be stuck by some force.

According to Chu Yan, unless he can reach the Ninth level, there is little hope for them.

But even so, they were very excited.

You know, when you reach this stage of cultivation, who will become stronger according to heaven?

It's normal for thousands of years, OK?

As a result, it broke through the situation continuously for three days.

Chuyan quietly absorbed all the power of sanxiu and constantly felt it.

In addition to the power of the road, he is also feeling something else.

The underworld, the nine ways, and so on!

More than that.

With the increase of the underworld and the expansion of the region, if Chu Yan completely calls out the world now, it is also a very vast field. If he fights in his world, he will be promoted to a higher level.

"Eight times!"

Chu Yan squinted.


He's only been in ghost world for 10 days.

Straight to the eightfold.

At this time, Chu Yan thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "you two say that this time the territory recruits, will there be reunification?"

Yu Ye and ye Chen looked at each other, and ye Chen said, "there should be some. After all, there are also some samsara in the sanxiu. This time, I'm going to take a chance to see if I can join the territory. If I don't come to samsara, I may not be able to live in those sanxiu."

Chu Yan nodded: "yes. But why do you want to join the territory? Isn't it good to be king alone? "

Chu Yan didn't quite understand.

If it was him, he would be unified and powerful. What territory would he join?

Yu Ye then said: "you don't understand. In the ghost world, the territory itself represents some authority. Unification is not omnipotent here, especially when it comes to things on the road. When you come to unification, if you want to practice again, it will involve fighting for the Tao. If you can't enter the territory, you don't dare to practice. You're afraid of startling the strong of the same way, or being robbed."

Chu Yan suddenly.

So it is.

That's why Daoism is more troublesome.

There is a problem of giving up when we build the same way.

Moreover, if there is a way that innumerable people build, there will be a master and a slave there.

Who is willing to help others?

"That's not enough. Before this time, it seems that I have to find a way to achieve unification." Chu Yan thought silently.

Yu Ye and ye Chen were excited.

If Chu Yan wants to be one, can they both reach high weight?

"Go on, keep working!"

Chu Yan seeks speed and starts sweeping again.

Of course.

In fact, Chu Yan was very careful.

Every time he sweeps a place, he seals it up first, and then quickly suppresses it, so that the other party can integrate.

In this case, he doesn't kill people. Occasionally, he will stir up people from some territory to check, but it's no different to see that no one is dead. In the end, he won't find anything.

As everyone knows, at the moment, the scattered repair area has been gradually established by Chu Yan.

"Wait! Soon, I'll unify all the sanxiu. Then, I'll join a territory, and all my people will be in it! "

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth rises.

It's time to fight in the forbidden area after the end of sanxiu.

As for where to fight?

Of course, it's Tianming territory!


The kingdom of heaven and hell.

God of the underworld suddenly opened his eyes.

What's going on?

Someone's counting on themselves?

But, I am very strong, who can influence me?Are they the other three lords?

Thinking of this, Tianming hummed coldly: "if you have seed, come! Do you really think Tianming is a bully

Later, he did not speak, but there was some strange and chagrin in his heart.


Have you encountered a bottleneck recently?

Why do you keep on practicing, but instead of advancing, you retreat?

This is not the first day.

It's been like this since 10 days ago.

I try to practice for one day, and then I don't make any improvement. It's like all the practices are for others.

At first, he thought that his cultivation was wrong, and then he stopped for a few days.

As a result Without practice, he began to fall.

A few days ago, when he was exaggerating the most, he fell to the eighth paragraph. These days, he worked hard to make up for it again.

Of course, he is just entering the ninth stage and has been unstable.

But even so, at his level, it's not right to fall.

"Damn, which link is wrong?"

"Did the other three feel it? That's why you're thinking about me? "

Tianming was very upset at the moment.

I'm bored!


And now.

The other three territories.

The faces of the three lords were very gloomy.

Wrong fix?

Or is someone taking their power?

Strong fellow?

Why can't you become stronger in any way of cultivation?

All three were upset.

Besides, Tianming just fluctuated there.

Did Tianming find the right way to seize my power?

Be careful. There may be something wrong with Tianming.


At this time, a ghost will house!

The river Styx is black!


I fell?

I was seven paragraphs yesterday, but today I suddenly become six paragraphs?

I've been practising for several years, and I've been practising on dogs?

Of course, Styx knows what's going on.

"This boy is a real dog How much power has this captured? " The river Styx was speechless, and then looked out, helpless.

This boy, won't he really melt the whole sanxiu?

Then The whole central region, except for the four major territories, are not all his people?

When I see him later, would you like to be polite?

The Styx sighs.

At this time, I was thinking about another thing.

Can Chu Yan really solve the problem of the three realms?

If we can, some good brothers will be free, which is not a bad thing.

Too long

Ghosts will disappear for thousands of years.

They've been here for thousands of years.

Can't leave, dare not leave.

I've had enough.

"I hope so."

Styx closed his eyes and didn't think much.


In chaos.



"Who is it?"

"I will kill you! I will tear you up alive

A roar of roar, shock chaos.

There is no distinction between heaven and earth here, otherwise at this moment someone will see that heaven and earth will split.

The terrible ghost gas attacks and fights wildly.

And then Blocked by golden beams of light.

The ghost king is going crazy!

At this moment, he was banned. One of the pillars of light was about to be interrupted by him, and it was sunken. If he was given more time to attack, he would be sure to break the seal and go back to the third world.

How are you now.

I don't know who's taking his power crazily.

He saved 10 days, just about to hit a punch, but he almost didn't come up to give his old waist a flash.

"Asshole, don't let me know who it is, or I will tear him up!" The ghost King gritted his teeth, closed his eyes again, and accumulated strength.


Ghost world.

Chu Yan is still taking people to clean up, repair and fly.

One shivered suddenly.

How scary!

Who's thinking about me?

The next moment, Chuyan mouth up, guess.

Ghost king?

Hum, scold, think about it, you can come out to count you powerful.

It's true that the human Lord didn't kill the ghost king at the beginning. This guy is still in the three realms. I'm afraid he is the strongest one in the three realms. He's also the real terror Lord.

Once this kind of people break the seal, they will not be there, and the three realms will not fall in an instant?"Waste! He left trouble for posterity. "

Chu Yan said: "fortunately for me, I'm so strong. That guy wants to unseal, but he won't be able to do so for a while. As for really unsealed If he comes out, I will be afraid of him. "

Is the ghost King strong?

Very strong.

Chu Yan's psychology ranks sixth!

Second only to the existence of man.

So what?

I even dare to rob the way of the Lord of the three realms. Will I be afraid of you, a little ghost king?

Chu Yan doesn't think about it any more. He continues to clean up.

One place of scattered cultivation is followed by another place of scattered cultivation.

Time is passing day by day.

In the twinkling of an eye, there is only one day left before the half month period.


On Chu Yan's side, he once again completed a powerful scattered repair, and the power of the avenue was quickly absorbed by him.

Three days ago, he reached the level of jiuzhong. Now he is also a jiuzhong. When his opponent's path merges into the underworld, his tiger body shakes violently.

Then Chu Yan's mouth rose.

He laughed.

The world has changed dramatically.

"50 million ghost power! It's one! "

"Did you finally catch up?"

Chu Yan said happily.

At the beginning, he was stuck in Jiuduan for a few days and thought it would be too late.

In this way, tomorrow, as a last resort, we can only borrow the power of the three realms. If we do that, we will be exposed and discovered by the four lords, and then some things will be in trouble.

Now it seems that it is not necessary.

The underworld is one!

"More than 20 days!"

Chuyan is brilliant.

"The ghost world is much better than the three worlds."

"On the side of sanxiu, it's almost 80% unified. Now it's up to tomorrow's territory to recruit people." Chu Yan is more and more happy.

The next moment, his Avenue fluctuated, and a voice came out: "everyone, get ready. Tomorrow, let's set out together. Tianmu will repair the palace and wait for my life!"

At the same time, the ghost world scattered repair area, countless people are excited.

Is this day finally coming?

Chuyan, too, soared into the air and flew to the Tianmu sanxiu palace.

"Tianmu? lead? No, no matter where I am, I am the protagonist in this world

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