Including some subordinates of the king of Tibet, they also heard the conversation and frowned.

My boss got three fourth-class roads?

They don't know.

But now, don't you want to take it out?

"Zanghai, do you have to swallow three by yourself? I know that you want to be strong, but there are three different roads. Even if you refine all of them, it's difficult for you to reach the third class. " The king of caution whispered.

Zang Hai Wang shook his head: "no, I don't need it myself."

This time, the king didn't understand. He said in a deep voice, "don't you tell? You don't have to? What do you want? "

"To tell you the truth, these three fourth-class roads do not belong to me," sighed the king

With that, the king of Canghai told the king of ring all the previous process.

After hearing this, King Jie's face changed slightly: "do you mean that there is a demon of Kaijing in our human race, and he has become the master of people?"

"Almost, but now he prefers to call himself the Lord."

"The three avenues you got actually belong to him? Are you just keeping it for him for the time being? " Don't be king.

The king nodded.

The king of the ring fell into silence for a while, but soon said again, "what is the strength of this new master? What's more, how many Taoist Masters does he command? "

"My own words It should be the fourth class, the master of Taoism It's about 10 or so. " The king of Tibet recalled.

It should be about the same.

How long has it been?

It's only a month.

For a man like him who is trapped in daomen, this is almost a negligible time.

King Jie frowned: "so weak? It's only the fourth class? "

Zang Hai Wang nodded, stopped for a moment and said, "but you know the situation on the other side of the road. It's hard for him to get to this step."

King Jie thought for a moment and nodded.


It's hard to be a Taoist under the seal of the times.

"Not enough, too weak."

"Even if there is a seal of the times, weakness is weakness. Once the gate is opened, no one from the three ethnic groups will take care of it."

King Jie thought for a moment and asked, "how about the strength of his 10 men? Is it second class, first class? "

Tibetan Sea King shook his head again: "no, I saw a man in the third class."

"There's only one third class?"

King Jie's face was even worse: "it's too weak..."

"This kind of strength, once the door is opened, the three ethnic groups will be killed, and it will not be vulnerable at all."

After Wang Jie's words, he sighed: "it's also our fault that we were defeated four million years ago. Otherwise, the road world would not be under such great pressure. But we can't count on them. On the other side of the road, there are at least 15 Taoist masters of the three ethnic groups, as well as the beast Wang. He should have been unable to protect himself outside, and he may need our support. "

The king of Tibet did not deny it.

He knows about morgu, xianzhan and Shenji.

It's all third class, and there's a powerful king.

So in his opinion, Chu Yan's life outside must be very difficult.

Otherwise, I don't want to enter the gate, do I?

Thinking of this, the king of Tibet sea suddenly said, "yes, he said that he might enter the Taoist gate these days."


The king of caution cried in a low voice: "we can't go out yet, but he still dares to come in? Are you going to die? "

"Well, that He said he was going to knock the door first


The king of commandment said in silence, "is it up to him, a fourth class Taoist and more than 10 Taoist masters, to fight at the Taoist gate? It's about as good as death. No, Zang Hai. You have to separate this. Instead of relying on him, we should rely on ourselves. The key is to have three more fourth class students. "

The king of Tibet still thinks it's not right.

Chu Yan told him again and again before.


"No, but! Zanghai, have you forgotten the mission we left behind? "

"Of course not!"

"What is it?"

"Guard the border, wait for the Lord to return!"

"Then what are you doing? I probably understand that the new master you said has some talent, but he is whimsical. We can't count on him. "

The king of Canghai thought for a moment, and thought that the king of caution was right.

When he got the three roads before, he was greedy.

It's not for myself, but for the Terran side, which really lacks these three avenues.

Just because of Chu Yan, he has been enduring it.

"But it's his, after all. Don't wait any longer? When he enters, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages to him clearly, and then I believe he will distinguish them. "

"No, he went in and told me that if he understood, there would be no problem. If he didn't understand, it proved that he was not a human being, but a selfish person." The king of precepts preached."What if he finds out and is not happy?"

"So what? A new master, we are all ancient heroes, how dare he treat us? Moreover, even if he has this heart, is his strength enough? " The king of caution grunted coldly. He was a fourth-class man, but he was a third-class man himself.

Moreover, although the Terran in daomen has suffered countless losses, it still has a certain foundation.

The king of caution thought for a moment and then said, "besides, the king of lotus may break through in the near future."

"Really?" The king of Tibetan sea looked happy.

The lotus king is the strongest among the survivors of the human race.

Like the king of precepts, it is also third class, but it is stronger.

If you break through, it's second class.

In daomen, although there are countless masters, there are not many at the top.

First, there are, but they belong to the top class of each family, and there are not many.

So in daomen, second class is the mainstay of the battlefield.

If the lotus king can break through, it's definitely good news for their Terran.

King Jie nodded: "that's right, otherwise, how could I risk coming to you this time? According to the meaning of the lotus king, she thought that if she could make a breakthrough, she would start to organize everyone to carry out some counter offensives. Without seeking a big victory, she could at least capture some resources and avenues. "

"The three fourth-class roads in your hands are crucial."

Once again, the king of Tibet fell into silence.

Do you want to hand it in?

In fact, the king of Tibet never thought about the three avenues.

But if he can help the Terran, even if he offends Chu Yan, he doesn't care.

"Zanghai, what are you hesitating about? Hand it over. If the boy enters, we'll try to compensate him. Since he has chosen to enter the Taoist gate, he can't stay in the three realms any longer. He has to rely on us to enter. " The king of commandment shouts low.

The king of Canghai clenched his fist slightly. Finally, he made a certain decision and nodded: "OK, I'll give you a hand. I believe this boy will understand after he enters."

"Well, what if you don't understand? It's only a fourth class in the end to say that it's the master of people in the new era."

"Jie, you can't say that. I've heard that our defeat in daomen had a great influence on the three realms. After all, this boy is protecting the Terran."

"Yes, I see."

King Jie didn't care about Tao. He held out his hand and said, "what about Tao?"

The king of Tibetan sea hesitated in three, or took out three rich light groups.

Every regiment contains incomparable great power.

When he got to the avenue, King Jie was surprised and said with a smile, "zanghai, this time you have made great contributions to the rejuvenation of ancient times."

Tibet sea king is not that mood, only hope Chu Yan into, don't play a conflict is.

Although he is not very good-looking Chu Yan, but after all, with the human race.

The king of Canghai thought that he would take more care of Chu Yan when he came in.

"Zanghai, I'll leave first. It's a dangerous place. At the same time, I'll bear you and me. It's more repulsive and easy to be found by the three ethnic groups."

"Yes! Thank you

Then the king nodded, and with a trace of joy, he disappeared into the abyss swamp.

Watch the king walk away.

The king of Tibet sighed.

I hope nothing happens.

After that, he began to fall into a tense and excited mood.

In other words, the king of the great Zhou contacted us today. Why hasn't there been any news?


At this moment, there is a holy force pouring into the Taoist gate.

The king of Tibetan sea felt it and his face changed slightly.

The power of man's seal.

Here we go!

The next moment, the king of Tibetan sea soon put the king of commandment out of his mind, and directed the people on the side of the extreme abyss swamp to order: "everyone stand by. You must not leave here without my instructions."

"Wang, are you leaving?"

"Well, I'm going to take a big trip."

The king of Tibetan sea was a little excited, and then he was not talking nonsense, and directly vacated.

Fly out of the abyss swamp with a little uneasy mood.

But this time, instead of going straight to daomen, he headed for the nearest camp of the three ethnic groups near daomen.

Hope to attract more.

But not too much.

The king asked him to call out 30 Taoist masters, but the king of Canghai had seen Chu Yan's subordinates. There were only 10 people in total, and they might have to stay behind. It was estimated that the 10 were conservative.

Maybe less than 10.

"Five, five at most, and then I'll go to the gate."

As the king of Tibet flies, he makes a decision for Chu Yan.

At the moment, Avenue palace.

Chu Yan suddenly remembered something and looked at King Dazhou: "you Have you made it clear to the king of Canghai? "


"How many Taoists do we have?""Don't worry, holy Lord. All of them have been explained. There are 30 people in total. According to my idea, as long as the Tibetan Sea King brings in 15 Taoist masters, we should be able to kill instantly under 2 to 1."

"That's fine."

Chu Yan nodded.

If the king of Tibet brings him three or five Taoist masters, he must be angry with the king of Tibet.

Instead of killing three or five Taoist masters, it's better for him to find a way to sneak in, and then take the opportunity to attack one or three clans, killing more than that.

"In daomen, are the three ethnic groups together?" At this time, Chu Yan asked again.

The king thought for a moment and said, "it should not be Sheng mainly knows that the three races It's just a general term. But in ancient times, there were many forces in the three clans. There were also princes and princes in the three clans. Each prince was an independent force, and only in big events would he get together. "

Chu Yan nodded.

It's normal, too.

Before, there were eight boundaries.

"It's better not to be together. When you come back, tell me about the distribution of the three ethnic groups." King Yanchong of Chu preached.

The king nodded, and then they began to wait.

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