
The long river, even the whole chaos, suddenly began to shake violently.

A super fall, the power of the moment, in the dark blooming brilliant fireworks.

It's light all at once.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Chuyan laughed: "won."

The king was still standing under the shadow of the curtain, and the flames of his whole body went out little by little. At this time, everyone could see his tragedy. His real body was basically abandoned, his flesh and blood were all burnt out, and some bones were all fused. If it were not for his own eyes, it would be hard for everyone to imagine that someone could stand under such a heavy injury.

But just like this, the king grinned at the sky, even more embarrassed than crying: "smelly boy, what's up? I didn't humiliate you, did I? "

Chu Yan laughed: "never have!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The king burst out laughing. It was in this laughter that he finally couldn't support himself. His eyes were dark and his body slowly leaned forward.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan's mind moved, and the king disappeared directly in the shadow.

He was taken back to heaven and earth by Chu Yan.

Long river, countless people can not be calm for a long time.

But Chu Yan didn't want to wait any longer. He turned and looked at the archaic immortal master: "OK, now it's our turn."

Taigu immortal master's face is gloomy, low scold a: "waste!"

Who are you scolding?

Nature is immortal.

A super class, but lost to a first class.

No matter what, Xianyu is superior, even if it is suppressed, the real body, experience and perception will not change, but it can't win a king.

But soon, Taigu immortal master also calmed down.

In fact, he finally had an idea to attack and kill the seriously injured king, so as to break the core of Chu Yan, but he gave up.

Because he also found that the king himself was the spirit of heaven and earth of Chu Yan. No matter how fast he was, he could not be faster than Chu Yan's speed of taking back heaven and earth.

Fortunately, he didn't. He looked up at Chuyan and said with a smile, "Chuyan, if I didn't guess, you should be in a bad situation now, right?"

The king is Chu Yan's spirit of heaven and earth. If he is hurt like that, will Chu Yan be ok?

The king does not believe.

"Well, it's not very good." Chu Yan nodded calmly and didn't hide anything: "however, I think it's enough to kill you."

"Don't be ashamed

There was a cold flash in the eyes of the archaic immortal.


The next moment, no longer retain, a vast air from his body rolled up, as if the dragon out to sea.

More than that, at this point, even the super was dead, and Taigu immortal master also understood that it was obviously impossible to win the battle easily. In addition, the faint uneasiness in his heart was still there all the time, which made him not prepare to delay.


Taigu immortal master raised his hand. Beyond jiuxiao, the huge city of covering the sky suddenly sprang up. It quickly changed into a long sword shining with immortal light, and fell into his hand. With a click, he cut it toward Chuyan.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan is also a wave, Zhu Yu understand, into the sword, lingering in the peerless sword, add a bit of luster for it, up against.


With a loud noise, the world broke.

This time, neither side is reserving.

At the beginning, it was white hot.

When people looked at the battlefield, they were even vaguely absent-minded.

Looking at Chu Yan, I saw the ruthlessness of the king just now.

Chu Yan did get some injuries, but so what?

If I am still superior, I will be invincible in this realm.

"The beginning of the day!"


Chu Yan cut out a sword. For a moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to be still for a second. Then he saw that the space and time in front of him suddenly split, and the clouds were sunken, like an ancient ravine.

"Chu Yan, you underestimate me." Taigu immortal master burst to drink, and the immortal sword was cut out quickly.

But at this time, Chu Yan suddenly laughed: "originally, you are using a sword, and it's really bad enough."

"Yes?" The immortal master of Taigu was stunned, but he didn't figure it out at the beginning.

However, Chu Yan did not explain. He continued to smile and ask, "I don't understand Taigu. You should still open a boundary. If you don't open a boundary, which boundary do you open? Can you help me out? "

Chu Yan really didn't understand this.

Before that, he always thought that the strong people like Taigu, such as the masters of the road and the ancient clan, must have opened their boundaries one by one.

Including Taigu immortal Lord, before coming, Chu Yan also felt that the other party would be a boundary opener.

But for now, it doesn't seem to be.

It's still a pioneer.

That's strange.

Where do these people live?

Three realms?

Chu Yan's reaction is not very similar.

"Chu Yan, you don't know anything about this world. Do you think there is only one of the three realms

Chu Yan lengxia: "what do you mean? How many more in the three realms? "

There are many circles, and Chu Yan has no doubt about that.

Without him, he and the LORD have one each now.

But the three realms refer to the name of a realm.

"You still don't understand." Taigu immortal said coldly: "in your realm, you should know that the three realms are overlapped, but how do you know that they are really only overlapped?"

Chu Yan was stunned.

What do you mean by that?

The three realms overlap

Chu Yan did know that.

At first, Chu Yan thought that the three realms were stacked up and down, just like the avenue palace. How many layers were there? The upper level was the divine realm, the middle level was the avenue realm, and the lower level was the ghost realm.

However, after several attempts, Chuyan found that this was not the case.

The three realms are one layer, just a bit of dislocation of time and space.

It's like the soul and the body.

Chu Yan's body is here. What about his soul? It's here, too.

Of course, some people say that the soul is in the body, but Chu Yan doesn't think so. Why isn't the body in the soul? The two are superimposed in the same time and space, and there is no such thing as who is in whom, which means a bit of integration.

Later, it turned out that Chu Yan's guess was right.

In the chaos outside the three realms, every time he switches different forces into the three realms, he will enter into different three realms.

The way of ghosts is the realm of ghosts, the realm of great roads is the realm of great roads, and the power of spirit is the realm of divine lines.

But every time, he actually entered a place.

Here, let Chu Yan know that the three realms are actually one, but they have different powers and do not interfere with each other.

As a result, what about now?

The immortal master of Taigu suddenly asked him, are the three realms really just three layers?

For a moment, Chu Yan suddenly became silent.


It should be.

Is there anything else in the world that he didn't find except the way of the three realms?

If so, it's possible.

Because Chu Yan had found before that those who had not practiced spirituality could not enter the divine grain realm unless someone opened the channel to bring them in.

It's the same in ghost world.

Of course, there is another reason why the ghost world is not as mysterious as the Shenwen world, that is, if you want to enter the ghost world, you can not only master the power of the ghost world, but also pass through the black hole under the 16 relics.

I don't know who opened these 16 channels.

There is no one in the divine grain world.

Therefore, if the three realms themselves were not the three realms, but there were other realms, it would be normal for Chuyan not to have the power to cultivate that realm, and there were no special channels outside.

But it's not right.

Chu Yan frowned again.

Even if the three realms are more than three realms, there are still other realms. Chu Yan didn't find them.

But there must be chaos, right?

Chu Yan had felt it before.

Chaos itself is the sum of the three forces.

Chaos, ten thousand winding, like a ball of wool, not only the power of the main road, but also the power of the divine stripe and the power of the ghost world.

I don't practice myself. I understand.

What about chaos?


Chaos should be the combination of all the ways.

The three realms, or even more realms, are also opened up from chaos.

Chu Yan frowned, a little puzzled, but suddenly he thought of a possibility, suddenly looked at the archaic immortal master: "is it the era?"

Taigu immortal Master said with a smile: "you are smart! Yes, it's the times. The three realms themselves are like a huge thousand layer cake, superimposed layer by layer. In addition to the origin, the era itself is also a force! "

"The world of the times?" Chu Yan Zheng next, still have such a boundary?

However, the archaic immortal master shook his head: "there is more than one era."

"More than one boundary?" Chu Yan was a little confused, but then he thought of something: "archaic... Ancient

The immortal master of Taigu sighed for a while that it was not unreasonable that Chu Yan could come to this day and become one of the few pioneers in the world.

I just say it simply, and the other person will associate everything immediately.

"Taigu... Three realms? In ancient times, three realms

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly felt as if he had grasped something.

I don't think so.


The archaic immortal Master said faintly, and then he looked at Chuyan with a trace of complexity: "Chuyan, your appearance is doomed. Or, if it's not you, there will be others. "“ What do you mean Chu Yan was stunned“ Chu Yan, do you know why the three realms are called the three realms? Since you already know that the three realms add up to more than three layers, they are still called the three realms, and they are not unreasonable. " Taigu immortal asked. Chu Yan shook his head. He just thought, if the three realms are superimposed with times, can they be called the three realms? Should it be four, or... Five? Even more“ Because, from the beginning to the end, everything is three! " It's rare to have a look at it“ Three Chu Yan frowned and fell into a deep meditation. What three“ The three realms... What you see is only one direction, but the world is always crisscross, which is always a line. "..." Chu Yan was stunned, and the light in his mind became clearer. Vertical and horizontal... Vertical and horizontal! To be perfect! This is also a deep academic field. Chu Yan had been in contact with him for a long time, but he had no deep attainments. Now, Taigu immortal master mentioned, but it is a kind of idea that runs through Chu Yan“ The three realms... Are three horizontal and three vertical. " At this time, the archaic immortal once again reminded the way. At this moment, the aura completely penetrated my mind. Chu Yan suddenly raised his head“ Horizontal three realms... Ghost realm, Avenue realm, divine grain realm. Chu Yan didn't say the last one, but his inner shock was beyond expression.

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