It turned out that Chu Yan did not know that there was such a power.

But now it seems that if this one really exists, his strength will never be weaker than that of the six emperors and the main destroyer. He may be even stronger.

After all, blood gas is the root of all growth.

According to the known strong of Chu Yan.

The master of blood and gas should be the most powerful eight.

"But not quite. If mother is the master of blood or life, why seal the blood pool in my body? In doing so, will not his power be limited? "

Chu Yan shook his head, and then there was the last one.

But also think of this kind, Chu Yan's eyes flashed a cold color, is also the most undesirable one.

"The last one. Mother, maybe it's the master of destruction... "

Chu Yan thought deeply.

Normally, he would never have such an idea.

Because from his hundreds of years of experience, everything Qin ruomeng left him may have something to do with Shenwen and blood, but it has nothing to do with destruction.

It's true. There's no connection at all.

However, it was in this way that Chu Yan thought so.

"The premise for the master of destruction to become stronger... Is the master of blood and gas!"

Chu Yan wanted to come here and clenched his fist: "Niang... Maybe, she has been training me and taking me as nourishment? Is that possible? "

Chu Yan didn't want to think like this, but he had to.

In the past, he would never think so.

But in these hundreds of years, I have experienced so many things.

Chu Yan is no longer a simple boy.

Sometimes, he doesn't mind imagining the most evil side of the human heart.

It's like it's for people.

Even if we cooperate now, Chu Yan is always on guard.

Chu Yan, with the goal of finding Qin ruomeng, set foot on this path of practice.

It can be said that without this goal, he may not be able to persist until now.

But so far, hundreds of years.

In particular, some truths are gradually learned by Chu Yan. For example, Qin Ruo Meng's power in creating the world and his being taken away from the dust in those years may not be true at all. They are all for himself, just to irritate himself and promote himself to become stronger.

Nothing else.

Along the way, Chu Yan first attacked the Chu family in the nine heaven god world, and found out that Chu Jun was his uncle and one of the ten kings under Qin ruomeng's command.

Later, Chu Yan beat the emperor again, and it turned out that the emperor was the founder of the Dragon League.

All of this, it's all illusions.

Just to stimulate him.

Therefore, in the later period of Chu Yan's life, he was not so worried about Qin ruomeng. At least in his opinion, Niang was not captured by bad people at all.

However, for a long time, looking for Qin Rumeng has become an obsession in his heart.

For this reason, he never gave up for hundreds of years. Even though he knew that Qin Rumeng was really strong, he calculated many things for him. He didn't give up. He just wanted to see his mother again and ask for a family reunion.

At least, at that time, when he married Qingcheng, he could have a high hall to worship him.


The goal of Chu Yan's cultivation is far more than just for Qin Ruo Meng.

As early as after experiencing so much, it has changed slowly and imperceptibly.

At the beginning, what he wanted to save and protect was perhaps just a Qin Rumeng.

But now, behind him, there is a whole creation world, as well as the great heavenly king of the real world. They are all the people he cares about, and he is fighting for them a little bit.

In other words, the responsibility on Chu Yan's shoulders is far greater than before.

"Lord of destruction..."

Chu Yan didn't want that.

If it is.

He felt that he would probably collapse.

Even crazy.

"My mother did all this for the sake of raising poisonous insects, and then killed me with her own hands?"

"Or... Mother is the hope, let me be the master of blood?"

Chu Yan squinted: "it's not right. My mother doesn't necessarily want to kill me, but she needs me to be stronger. Only in this way can the power of destruction be stronger."

Chu Yan took a deep breath and didn't want to think about it any more.

Compared with the Lord of destruction, he hoped Qin Rumeng was the Lord of Shenwen.

He is the master of blood.

It's better to be the founder of the ancient divine pattern world than to calculate.

"I hope not."

Chu Yan sighs and shakes his head. He really can't imagine that one day he really meets his mother, but it's a scene of war. He thinks that he may even collapse his faith.

"No, certainly not! How can my mother be the master of destruction? Everything my mother left me has nothing to do with destruction. I must be narrow-minded and evil. "

Chu Yan himself denied the idea.


Chu Yan helped the master solve the power of destruction and witnessed the master's breakthrough.

A few days later.

He went straight to the door.

Tell the Lord, as long as the sky does not fall, do not disturb him.

According to Chu Yan

You are also in the four realms. It's time to take on some responsibilities.

When he heard this, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

It's like I'm very irresponsible.

of course.

He broke through the four realms and was willing to share it with Chu Yan. So for a long time, he was the only one guarding Chu Yan in both the ancient and new era realms.



A very secret place.

A place not even known to the owner.

Three layers inside and three layers outside Chu rock sealed this place, and even used the power of time and space, creating a space gap.

For many days after that, he was closed here.

"This time, although it's a little different from the plan, I didn't kill him, but the harvest is still very big. After the death of the ghost, the ashes of the road can be used well. "

"Besides, although I can cultivate the two powers of destruction and blood, I can't be careless. These two forces are a little special... "

"It's balance..."

Chu Yan squinted.

There is also a need for a balance between the world and the times. However, there is still a range for this balance. If there is a slight imbalance, it is not a big problem for him now.

However, destruction and blood can not

It is true that the balance between the two should not be neglected at all.

No fault tolerance at all.

Once any force is out of balance, the result may be that a force begins to grow savagely and develops directly in the direction of the living dead.

"No, no! There should be a balance between these two forces, and between the forces of all Tao, the world and the times. "

"Otherwise, if there's more destruction, I'll add a little blood. If there's more blood, I'll take in a little destruction, back and forth... There's no fart in the world."

Chu Yan suddenly said, and then he rubbed his forehead: "it's really hard... At this stage of cultivation, it's really a subtle gap. Every detail and balance point is a key test."

"Fortunately, I have a blood pool. The amount of blood gas is directly controlled by me. Even if it is slightly unbalanced, it can be remedied in time."

Chu Yan thinks that this should be his biggest advantage, at least a little bit better than both of them.

"Besides, there's one more thing... Maybe, it's time to put it on the agenda."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. This time, apart from digesting the harvest, he has another plan

That is... To cultivate the creatures that really belong to their own world!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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