Chu Yan was moved in his heart. The pride of heaven was still there.

"Heaven, the pulse of the criminal law?" Ji Huangji's eyes coagulated and looked up to heaven.

"Ji Huangji, for thousands of years, Zhentian has been there. As long as Zhentian is still there for one day, then you will never be safe. Today, I will fight with God!" The next moment, mei'er, the emperor of heaven, flew out and stood behind Chuyan.

"I know that if I don't do it, I will do it all the time." Meier also showed her attitude.

"Hum, live a life and shake the tree!" Mu Yu, the herdsman, also gave out a cold hum. Then he turned into a furious thunder force, and at this time, he brutally shot out.

"Fight The crowd roared, and everyone's eyes were stunned by the picture in front of them.

Chu Yan's eyes are red. He suddenly smiles and nods his head. This time, he is not abandoned. Although he doesn't want a pulse of heaven to die for him, as long as the earthshaking pulse remains, there will be a chance for revenge. But how can he refuse today's move?

"Then fight, who is afraid of who!"

Chu Yan holds his sword and wants to dye the sky: "Ji Huangji, remember what I said on the Tianbei. If one day I enter the tianhuangxingyu again, it will be the time for your emperor to destroy the gate!"

"Kill A lot of great powers came out. This war is so fierce.

In this battle, Chu Yan will be defeated. Even if God takes part in it, today's battle is their attitude, their blood and pride.

Better die than live!

The blood of heaven is still there.

"Kill Chu Yan rushes out fiercely, the person emperor territory he sweeps.

In the distance, more and more people came to watch. At this time, tianxingzong also arrived. Ziyan and mubai stood in the crowd. Ziyan almost subconsciously rushed out, and she gave out a roar.

"Younger martial brother..."

But immediately the elder of Tianshan sect stopped him and shook his head at Ziyan: "it's useless. It's not enough. There's no king in heaven. What's more, even if there's a king, what can he do? Today's situation is even worse than that on Tianbei mountain. Ji Huangji is also here. Even if the purple dragon demon king and Qin Zixuan are there, who can save him? "

Ziyan also knows that she can't help Chu Yan, but she is not willing to.

She hates, Chu rock has the talent of juechen, the world-wide demon, how, this heaven, want him to die!

Heaven, be jealous of him!

Ziyan's eyes are more red, and an ancestor of tianxingzong sighs: "it's too early, it's too early. If you let him grow up for some time, these six domains will be his six domains. Maybe he can really be king, but it's too early now, he shouldn't be exposed."

More people moved, that Chu Yan killed to ascend to heaven, at this time he had been covered with blood, ragged, so haggard.

"Ouch!" The wolf roared, he was crazy, rushed to the sky, turned into a huge demon wolf, fought with countless emperors, and killed an emperor.

But what about that? Today, there are thousands of emperors who want to kill Chuyan, and the great king has not done it. Today, who can change the ending?

"Chu Yan, you will die today. After you die, the dust will also perish. The earthshaking pulse will be swept away." A emperor of the emperor's clan roared.

Chu Yan eyes a anger, he raised his head, pierced the cloud empty, directly fell on the emperor.

"You will die!" Chu Yan's calm way made everyone feel stunned. Now, in this situation, Chu Yan even said, will a Heavenly Emperor die?

"Are you kidding?" That day, the emperor laughed coldly, and then he laughed so wildly that he didn't pay attention to Chu Yan at all. Then, he turned into a light of imperial power and approached Chu Yan straightly.

However, at this time, Chu Yan did not talk nonsense. He went up and let thousands of lights come to him.

But just at this moment, his arm suddenly appeared a sword.

That's right. It's a sword. Chu Yan's first soul, the sky chopping sword. This sword can cut the sky.

"It's enough to kill the immortals and kill you." When Chu Yan finished speaking, he held the sword in both hands, and his eyelids flashed with endless power.

"If I want to become an immortal, I will step up to heaven! With the help of the celestial power, we can gather the Star River to kill and cut, and reach the immortals in all directions. "

When the sword comes out, heaven and earth cry bitterly. It seems that at this moment, all the stars are swords. At this moment, Chu Yan's idea of killing immortals is more terrible than ever.

Zuojun of TIANYAO peak was also there. He saw the sword and his eyes were full of fear.

"Zhentian inheritance, the last one!" God Meier Feng eye is more can't believe, that one, even the power that Zhen Tianjun didn't use, now, was used out by Chu Yan.

All of a sudden, God mei'er remembered that Chu Yan had said that he had another inheritance, but it couldn't be used, but today, he used it.

But the power, is burning crazily Chuyan vitality, just for a moment, Chuyan gushing blood.

"Burn your own life and use the power of the gods." There was a low roar.

This sword is too terrible. For a moment, even the king did not dare to step forward.Heaven fairy cried even more fiercely. She had heard the tenth inheritance of earthshaking pulse. If she wanted to use this sword, she must kill herself first.

Everyone was shocked. For a moment, the sword was dyed in all directions. The emperor of heaven did not dare to step forward and stepped back one after another.

"All under the emperor of heaven, back 100000 miles away!" Muyu immediately ordered that the battle was terrible. Although Chuyan was only a famous emperor, he didn't even doubt that he could kill a monarch with this sword.

"Chu Yan, if you use this sword, you will die." Chen Lihuo whispered.

"Ha ha, I don't need to. Will you let me live again?" Chu Yan looked at Chen Lihuo with a sneer: "if so, why don't you kill a few grand princes to accompany you

Everyone was stunned. At this time, another man screamed. A famous emperor was killed just by the sword.


More and more people scream. Under the immortal sword, the emperor can't live. The emperor of earth needs to kneel down, and the emperor of heaven needs to tremble. Even the emperor is afraid.

"If the overlords of all parties want to kill me, they will launch all kinds of great powers. They will kill me if they say they want to kill me. Then why don't I disturb the six regions of heaven today?"

Chu Yan low roars, his sword, still trembles, the essence blood in his body continues to burn, he only leaves this sword.

"Daotong grandfather, take God's pulse and go!" Chu Yan suddenly way, heaven orthodoxy eyes a coagulation, serious look to Chu Yan: "if I go, you?"

"Heaven's pulse, can't die! Now my sword can hold each other, you go, is the hope, stay, only all die! " Chu Yan said in a hurry. His arm was trembling. He knew that he couldn't control the immortal sword for a long time. When the sword came out, even if he killed the emperor, it still didn't help.

When the time comes, the overlord will attack. He and God will die!

So now the best way is to let God leave first, at least then, there is a chance.

"Chu Yan!" God Meier frowned, how she didn't know Chu Yan's intention.

"God, listen to the order and evacuate. This is the order. I order you to live! Are you going to rebel? " Chu Yan suddenly said in a fierce voice, which made everyone tremble.

Those who questioned Chu Yan before all bowed their heads with guilt. Chu Yan could escape with this sword, but he didn't. He chose to let God go first.

"Chu Yan, with his true disposition, is desperate for my God. We still doubt him!" One of the disciples of heaven's pulse whispered.

"Go Chu Yan roared, and the sword in his hand became more manic. It turned into the sword Qi of the sky, and thousands of sword shadows were formed on the sky.

Chu Yan, I can't hold on.

God's eyes were red. At this moment, he knelt down on one knee, so formal.

"Heaven, take orders! I will live up to it! Go The God orthodoxy then turned around, and the people in the same vein with God quickly withdrew.

Seeing this scene, a distant emperor's heart sank: "can you walk?"

"Go away!" But the next moment, Chu Yan read it out, and it turned into thousands of killing intentions, killing and cutting swordsmanship, and it burst out directly. The emperor of heaven was suddenly pierced by thousands of sword intentions, and turned into blood shadow.

"Step forward, kill!" Chu Yan steps out with a sword and approaches the enemy step by step.

Chen Lihuo's eyes were cold, and suddenly said: "ha ha, Chuyan, you are generous. Even if you die, you have to protect the veins of heaven, but I'm afraid you don't know who exposed your whereabouts?"

Chu Yan's eyes are cold. This problem has been bothering him all the time. He thinks that the mirror world can definitely let him hide from the world. Liuyu can't know his trace, but the overlord of all parties is still chasing him.

He had already guessed that someone might have betrayed him, but he didn't know who it was.

"You are betrayed by God. The person you want to save is ridiculous." Chen Lihuo laughed coldly. At this moment, everyone's eyes stagnated.

God Qing's heart was shocked and looked maliciously at Chen Lihuo: "you betrayed me!"

"My dear disciple, your eyes are disrespectful to the master. Now, don't you come to the master's side?" Chen Lihuo said with a smile. Everyone looked at the God engine, and the God orthodoxy was even more angry. He let out a low roar: "God engine!"

"Why?" God fairy red eyes, today all, unexpectedly is God engine sell?

God Qing hated him, but he knew that now he couldn't hide it. He suddenly looked at Chu Yan and said, "I don't agree. Originally, I should be the receiver of God's pulse, but since he appeared, everyone was facing him. Why! I don't agree

"Son of a bitch!" God orthodoxy was trembled by Qi, God pulse, unexpectedly appeared traitor.

"Death God daotong claps his hand angrily and claps it to God Qing. God Qing screams and is directly killed. At this time, God is silent and looks at Chu Yan with guilt.

Chu Yan looks at the corpse of God Qing, and his heart is indifferent. Today's war is so tragic, but it's just because of God Qing's jealousy.

"Go! Grandfather daotong, take this wolf away for me, too! " As soon as Chu Yan received his look, he didn't change his original intention because of God's affairs and ordered the way."Ouch!" The little wolf roars low and wants to get rid of it, but it's useless. Chu Yan knows little wolf too well. Although this guy is used to being lazy, if he dies in battle, he will die. So, he wants God to take him away!

"Go All the people in God's vein retreated one after another. The God's way bound the wolf. The wolf tried his best and burst out blood, but he was still taken away.

The sword Qi in Chu Yan's hand is constantly spreading, which makes the whole world tremble. His essence and blood are burning. He can feel that even the candle in his body is consumed.

Now, the idea of killing immortals has reached its limit. If he doesn't release it again, there will be stronger retaliation. When the time comes, he can't even control this force.

"Not enough!" But looking back, the distance of God's pulse was not enough, he had to continue to endure, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

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