Chu Yan strolls. Today is when he takes office. He is going to the Bishop's core report in the forbidden place.

At the same time.

Deep in the forbidden land.

In a secret mansion.

A terrible figure slowly opened his eyes.

"Yang Xiao is back? Kill Qingshan and Gengu?"

"Go back to the archbishop, yes."

"It doesn't matter, an eight boundary, don't pay attention to it for the time being. There are many changes in the six boundary. We should hurry up. Haven't those guys been found yet?" the Archbishop said in a low voice.

The man couldn't help shaking his head: "still not. Those people, like mice, were scattered around the divine pattern world. When there were many people before, they could still find one or two, but now there are too few people, and they are nine orthodox circles. They converge the avenue and can't find even a inch of sweeping."

"Hurry up, we don't have much time left."


The man dispersed.

The Archbishop glanced again and finally closed his eyes slowly.


Chu Yan walked quietly.

Or, dare not speak.

He was watched by a semi emperor and could only move forward a little.

This feeling lasted a long time before it disappeared.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Enough vigilance."

Chu Yan sighed. Then he was a little helpless. If only he could be stronger.

Unfortunately, on the side of the divine pattern world, he can't open the way. He can't even introduce the shadow of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, he still has the basic ability to protect his life even if he is defeated by half the emperor.

But he really didn't dare to drive.

Divine grain world, the basic power is too strong.

He opened the way as a strong man of the eighth world level. He felt that even if he led to the Tenth World Road robbery, it was possible.

The emperor can create nine realms.

And here?

It may be the emperor's private plot.

The power of the six emperors is concentrated here. Even if there is a Dao robbery at the eleventh level, he won't be surprised to tell the truth.

Road robbers above ten realms

Just thinking about it, Chu Yan felt his scalp numb.

"Mother's messenger stone."

Chu Yan was wondering if he wanted to use it.

"Besides, first determine the situation here." Chu Yan thought and soon entered the Bishop's core.

It was the previous bishop who went through the formalities for him to take office, named eternity.

Do everything well, the eternal Bishop said with a smile: "Yang Xiao, you are now the bishop of the divine church, and we will encourage each other next."

Chu Yan smiled and nodded: "I still have to rely on the guidance of my predecessors."

The eternal Bishop said lightly, "well, there's nothing more to say about the forbidden place. Turn back and draw an area yourself as on the spot. In addition, two points need to be paid attention to here. There are two places that are forbidden to approach."

"First, it is the core of the forbidden place, where the Pope is located."

Chu Yan nodded and saw it when he came.

In the center of the divine religion, there is a mysterious place.

"The second is the land of the Milky way. Don't get close to it. It's easy to pollute your own Avenue." the eternal Bishop said.

Chu yanleng said, "Tianhe?"

"Yes, that's it." the eternal bishop stretched out his hand.

Chu Yan looked at it and saw that there was a huge hole in the sky to the east of the forbidden place.

Yes, it's a hole

It feels like a leak.

There was still a continuous stream of turbid breath in the hole.

It really looks like a milky way is leaning down.

"What's that?" Chu Yan said strangely.

The eternal bishop shook his head: "I don't know. When the divine church was opened 30 million years ago, there was a hole there, and the power of filth always flowed in."

"Before that, some people went there to investigate and want to see what the Milky way is, but for those who are close to that side, their internal strength will be unbalanced soon, and finally the avenue will be polluted, so they have to cut off their own way in order to survive," said the eternal bishop.

Chu Yan was stunned.

"The power of filth?"

It's quite mysterious.

The problem is that up to now, he has a thorough understanding of the essence of the world.

Where does the dirty power come from?

Even if chaos is cultivated, there is such a powerful existence as chaos.

What does this filthy power mean?

Of course, he didn't ask much. He would know if he had a chance to sneak a look back.

"My Lord, what do I need to do when I become a bishop? Do I have any tasks?" Chu Yan asked, trying to set a set of words.

The eternal bishop smiled and said, "usually there is no task, just practice separately. If there is a need, the Pope will order."

Chu Yan sighed. Unfortunately, he didn't get any useful information.

But simply, he was not in a hurry, and then he delimited an area as a dojo alone.

same day.

Chu Yan left the forbidden place again in the name of returning to the Su family.

On the way, he kept vigilant and made sure that the half emperor's mind was not following, so he was relieved.

Leaving the forbidden place, he found a quiet place directly.

Then he took out the voice stone that Qin Rumeng handed him.

Think about it and inject a trace of power.


The next moment, the voice stone lit up.

Chu Yan's eyes changed.

This kind of sound transmission stone is often two-way. When it is forged, it is two pieces.

It's on now, which means another sound stone is still there.

Not broken.


In an instant, Chu Yan's body disappeared from its original place.

Hide in the dark and observe.

After a long time, a sneaky figure suddenly appeared around.

Chu Yan feels it in the dark. It's very weak.

It's just a world or two.

This kind of strength is OK in the sixth world, but it is really too common in the divine pattern world.

However, when he saw the person's face, the whole person was stunned.

Because of this man, has he met?


Yes, it was the soul that came.

A man who only met Chu Yan on one side, but made him remember deeply.

Because when he was in the sixth world, Chu Yan accidentally entered the divine grain world. At that time, the divine grain world he saw was still like a primitive forest.

In it he met a man, the soul.

But he couldn't figure out why Qin Rumeng left him such a sound transmission stone in the hands of the soul?

Soul... Too weak.

One or two levels.

It was enough when he fought with the three races in the sixth world.

It's even powerful.

But now, it's too bad.

Qin Ruo Meng left himself such a weak helper after millions of years?


The soul appears here, and the eyes scan with vigilance.

"It's strange. It's here. Why is there no one?"

The soul looked left and right.

Just when he was strange.


His eyes darkened.


The soul was about to scream subconsciously, but it was suddenly suppressed by a force.

"Shut up!" Chu Yan whispered.

The soul was stunned when he saw Chu Yan, and then screamed, "is it you?"

"Do you remember me after so long?"

The soul was speechless: "has it been a long time? It's only 2 or 3 years?"

Chu Yan was stunned and burst into laughter.


Since he arrived in the real world, he has been fighting in the north and south, especially after the end of the front line. He has been shuttling through all major times, so that he thinks it has been a long time.

But in fact, it's only two or three years.

Regardless of these, Chu Yan said, "why do you have a voice stone?"

The soul was speechless.

"Should I ask you this? This is the voice stone of my family."

Chu Yan blinked, a little embarrassed.

"Your family, what family are you?"

The soul is tired. It's like asking whether you are a father or a mother?

But he thought for a moment and said truthfully, "I don't know, but if we calculate carefully, should we belong to the Shenwen family?"

"It's all a mess." Chu Yan said nothing.

The soul thought and said, "let me tell you, the divine grain world was opened by our ancestors. If I remember correctly, you should come from the avenue world? Do you know the Lord of the avenue palace?"

Chu Yan nodded.

"Before ancient times, the era was very vague. The real era began to be separated from that period."

Chu Yan nodded, which he had heard.

The times before the emperors were very chaotic. Maybe one day is an era.

Heaven and earth have not yet taken shape. They are all chaotic wars.

Today you are king, tomorrow I will be overthrown.

It has a little meaning of troubled times.

The real division of times should start from the stage of emperors and ancient masters.

"In those years, the Lord of the palace of the great road created the world of the great road, and the head of our family created the world of divine patterns." the soul said.

Chu Yan's eyes coagulated.

So, the family referred to by the soul is actually the founder of the ancient divine pattern era?

"How could it be? Didn't the divine pattern world be established 30 million years ago?"

At that time, it was too ancient.

Soul lost smile: "you understand wrong. The divine religion was founded 30 million years ago, but what does it have to do with the divine grain world?"

"En?" Chu Yan said.

"Divine religion... The so-called true divine religion actually only refers to the forbidden place. You know, 30 million years ago, the three ancient worlds were still one, and it was not until recently that they were broken. At that time, the three worlds were one, and there was no so-called divine grain world in the world."

Chu Yan was stunned at first, and then his hair stood up.


In ancient times, the three realms were one.

The avenue, divine pattern and ghost force are all in one era.

Chu Yan knew it for a long time.

Not long ago, when God created the next era, the ancient world was broken and the divine pattern world was stripped out.

In other words, 30 million years ago, where was there a separate divine grain world?

The soul continued: "the divine religion was founded 30 million years ago, but you can be surprised when you go back. The construction time of 72 city was actually 10 million years ago, that is, the ancient divine pattern world."

Chu yanleng, he hasn't checked this.

But he knew that the first day of wolf appointment was more than 30 million years.

"It turned out that red clothes were also in the forbidden place, or at that time, there was no forbidden place in the divine religion. It was later that the ancient divine patterns were opened and they spread outward."

Chu Yan suddenly understood something.

"Then you are..."

The soul sighed: "the divine religion has never been regarded as the ninth world. We have fought with the divine religion many times over the years, but until 10 million years ago, the old ancestor fell, our soul family collapsed, and the divine religion occupied most of the divine grain world."

Speaking of this, the soul resented extremely: "the divine religion has been swallowing the power of the divine grain world. The forbidden place itself is a conspiracy!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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