
The war of origin broke out.

Become the second battlefield outside the taboo.

Of course, Chu Yan was not surprised.

All this was in his expectation.

Go to war on your own side.

It's strange that the source is not involved.

Now I am involved, and some things have been confirmed.

On Chu Yan's side, he cut out with a sword and forced the two men to retreat.

Then he looked up at the heart of the source.

The corners of the mouth rise.

Will you come out?

I hope so.

If you don't come out, isn't this war too boring?

At the next moment, Chu Yan said faintly, "Lao Dao, I'll give these two to you. Just hold on."

After saying that, he soared into the air and flew directly to the sky of the forbidden place.

The Lord of the avenue palace was stunned when he heard the speech.

"Boy, are you crazy?"

The Lord of the avenue wants to curse his mother.

I'm the ninth world. What's the God Pope, isn't it?

We are at the same level. You are leaving me two and a half emperors. What shall I fight with?

Chu Yan said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? The people in our six realms have always been invincible in the same territory and can fight beyond their level."

Thank you for taking a swipe from the corner of the mouth of the palace master.

But it was useless for him to refuse. Chu Yan withdrew after saying that.

Asked and Bingyan, naturally they won't waste time chasing. They directly got up and killed the palace master of the avenue and united with the God Pope.


The palace master of the avenue was immediately under great pressure.

Fortunately, as soon as the two people participated, he immediately turned from attack to defense, from the original attack posture to defense.

It can be maintained for the time being.

But he couldn't figure it out. The strong Shenjiao are already here. What else does Chu Yan want if he doesn't take the opportunity to destroy it at this time?

Just now, I asked that Chu Yan was not proficient enough when he fought with Bing Yan. Although Chu Yan used the power of nine realms.

At the top of the sky, it is still half emperor level, which is not the real nine realms.

But the palace master knows that Chu Yan is pretending.

It was tested in six circles before.

With the help of his nine realms, Chu Yan was stronger than him at the beginning.

When he didn't polish his proficiency, he was not even as strong as Chu Yan with his strength.

Later, when he polished the road robbery, Chu Yan was watching it all the time.

The Lord of the Da Dao palace remembered that when he killed the last Dao robbery, his proficiency was about 95%, but he already had nine world combat power.

But Chu Yan, after switching to the avenue palace, his second universe still has the power of life and death, and his proficiency may be as high as 98%.

Better than yourself.

At that meeting, the palace leader was a little unsure.

I always feel that Chu Yan is the real master of the avenue palace.

I'm really the same thing.

So where's the lack of proficiency.

The goods are deliberately showing weakness.

But why?

The strongest people of the divine religion are here.

Let's work together and kill it directly. Isn't it over?

The leader of the palace doesn't understand.

Chu Yan didn't explain.

One man soared into the air and quickly flew towards the source.


At the same time.


Six heavenly kings were killed together.

They are the top strong. Although they are not half the emperor, they can be used as their home court. Moreover, when there is a number advantage, six people just beat the Lord and the emperor.


The LORD was punched by the ancient ghost king and vomited blood. He couldn't help scolding: "old man, come out and don't come again. I'll kill your wife!"


The void trembled.

The ancient Lord appeared with a gloomy face: "man, don't be so ugly."

The human Lord was stunned and hurriedly said, "no, I said dry death, that dry death, not what you think."


The ancient Lord's face became darker and scolded: "shut up quickly. No one thinks you are mute if you don't speak."

Then he looked across.

The ancient Taoist king said in a low voice, "ancient Lord, you have settled in the source. Now you return to the throne. Can you be the emperor in the future? Do you have to go the same way with the six realms to Hei?"

The ancient Lord smiled and said, "in ancient times, don't say it's useless. The throne in your mouth is just a substitute for the emperor. Why, when you become the emperor, do you go to jail for them?"

In ancient times, Wang Leng said, "the emperor won't ignore us. We just release the emperor temporarily."

"Come on, that's unreliable. Just cheat these fools. My ancient destiny will never be handed over to outsiders."

The ancient Lord smiled and said, "since the emperors won't harm us, why don't you let them release some power and lend it to me to break through the nine realms temporarily. How about I help you kill people and the emperor?"

The ancient Taoist king said in a deep voice, "the emperor is trapped and can't release his strength."

"Go to your yard, what nonsense, do!"


The ancient Lord said, stretched out his hand, and the void behind him seemed to be reversing, turning into an ancient battlefield. Then he put his hands into it, and Shengsheng took out an ancient battle axe from the void and split it at the king of the ancient road.

"You two, do those five, I'll do this!" the ancient Lord laughed.

Both the Lord and the emperor were surprised: "I'll go. Can you old boy? That's half the emperor!"

Ancient Taoist king, very strong.

Chu Yan sorted out the ranking of the strong in the universe.

Regardless of the emperor's words.

God is the Pope first.

The second is the ancient Taoist king.

Third, it should be the destruction of the Tao king.

The fourth is ice inflammation.

It can be seen that Wang Zhiqiang of the ancient road.

Now, the ancient Lord wants to pick him one-on-one.

The ancient Lord smiled and said, "you forget? I'm also from the six realms. What did the boy say? The six realms are invincible in the same territory and can fight beyond the level! Ha ha."


At the next moment, the ancient main tiger body shook and the Qi machine surged, directly stepping into the semi emperor field.

"You also broke through?" the emperor was stunned.

The ancient Lord sneered: "your emperor and emperor have broken through, and I will be slower than you? Why, I went to Chuyan for a few days and forgot who was the first in Taigu?"

"The original Taigu, the strongest is my ancient Lord, not your emperor."

"..." the emperor threw his mouth: "Taigu is gone, but he still talks about that."

"Do it!"

Three men, attack quickly.

Several heavenly kings were temporarily suppressed for a time.


The ancient Taoist King punched out and suddenly looked at the ancient Lord with a gloomy face: "have you broken the way?"

Yes, only one collision, he found the difference.

The word of the ancient Lord is not in the heart.

The ancient Lord smiled: "I said, I'm not a substitute. Do you want me to go to jail for them? Dream!"

"Ancient Lord, you are looking for death!" the ancient Taoist king was very angry. The ancient Lord cut off the road, which is of great significance.

It's different from the Lord and the emperor.

9 the great source, every heavenly king, means a substitute for the emperor.

But now, the ancient Lord has broken the road, which means that there is an emperor who can't get out!

The ancient Lord became the emperor, and the emperor couldn't come out.

Of course, when the road was broken, the ancient Taoist King guessed with great probability that the ancient Lord had no chance to become the emperor.

"It's no use saying that. It's a big deal. I'll take the source of ancient ghosts to the boy in Chuyan and be a emperor in his second universe. It's better than being in God." the ancient Lord smiled.

The ancient Taoist King's eyes shrunk: "you all know? Who are you?"

"It's your father!"

Without saying a word, the ancient Lord raised his hand and punched again.

The two fought together again.


At this time.

The source suddenly shook.

A figure came out of thin air.

"Chu Yan!"

In ancient times, the faces of six Taoist kings changed greatly, one by one like a great enemy.

In the face of the Lord and the emperor, the other heavenly kings dare to fight. Even if the Lord and the emperor are half emperor.

Can see Chu Yan, several people's hearts are tight.

This kind of deterrence, unlike the nine world oppression of God and Pope, comes more from psychology.

Chu Yan glanced at the crowd and said with a smile, "don't be nervous. I'm not here to beat you. I'll come and have a look."

Several heavenly kings were alert and found that Chu Yan really didn't do it. They were relieved one by one.

But this feeling is strange.

The vigorous war just now turned into a test.

It's like two children wrestling. One child takes his parents. The parents say it's okay. You play with you. I don't care

But NIMA, you just watch. I farted?

The Lord and the emperor really killed and maimed him. Can Chu Yan bear it?

Chu Yan found this and said with a smile, "it seems that you can't do it here? Well, I'll go and have a look in the deep."

After talking, Chu Yan got up and flew to his heart.

In ancient times, Wang's pupil contracted: "Chu..."


Chu Yan's reverse is a punch.


The ancient Taoist King vomited blood on the spot and flew hundreds of miles directly.

Everyone was surprised.

The ancient Taoist King... He was known as the first person in the ninth world, but he was hit and flew with one punch?

The emperor and the Lord are confused. Did the ancient Taoist King cook like this?

At this time, Chu Yan sneered: "a wisp of separation, just hit the ancient Lord. Dare you talk nonsense to me? Do you believe I have killed you now?"

"En?" everyone was stunned.

The emperor screamed first, "Chu Yan, is this separation? False?"

Chu Yan said with a smile, "of course it's fake, otherwise you think Gu can play so easily?"

The ancient Lord said silently, "boy, there's no need to expose people so short?"

The emperor scolded and said, "OK, Lao Gu, you split up and install it with me here?"

The ancient Lord Leng hum: "if you don't agree, let's change?"

"Just change."

In an instant, two people exchanged battlefields.

The emperor looked excited, carrying a gold knife and killed the king of the ancient road.


At this time, the ancient Taoist king got up from the ruins and punched. Then the emperor screamed and flew out directly.

The emperor was stunned when he got up again and said, "boy, are you sure this is a separation?"

Chu Yan sneered: "come back quickly. The ancient Taoist king, the first person in the nine circles, his half emperor separation, probably similar to Bingyan."

The emperor looked decadent: "am I so weak? I'm really not as old as old?"

Chu Yan glanced at the ancient Lord, smiled and didn't speak.

This one is still deep enough.

One step and a half emperor is even better. After the breakthrough, it is not weaker than Bingyan.

For a moment, Chu Yan even killed the ancient Lord.

Because this one is too special.

But fleeting.

At least for now.

Chu Yan didn't want to get involved. He said lightly, "you fight, I'll go inside. Ancient Taoist king, let your master meet me inside."

"Chu Yan, you..."

Chu Yan suddenly turned around and looked at him like ice: "don't you want this separation?"

The ancient Taoist King trembled and didn't say a word.

Next second.

Chu Yan got up and flew towards his heart., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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