"Is this successful?" Chu Yan smiled. "I feel a little worse. You work harder."


The ancient Taoist King's face was gloomy, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense at the moment. He was worried that Chu Yan was angry and killed himself before the emperor came.

Moreover, the ancient Taoist king has made plans.

This time, the lead was completed. As long as someone came, he turned and ran away.

It doesn't matter who can win.

For him, the first task is to live first.

Chu Yan is right.

This time, it can only be the separation of the emperor and the Lord.

And the first time it comes, it shouldn't be too strong.

There must be a little temptation.

But the nine realms are absolute.

2. If the nine realms are at war, it's death to stay.

Chu Yan continued to watch.

Follow the lead.

The human shadow is becoming clearer and clearer.

In the end, even the facial features were almost visible.

Very ordinary person, a national face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, no characteristics.

Chu Yan looked at it and was a little disappointed.

He thought the emperor would be very handsome.

Does the result seem mediocre?

But he didn't speak and kept waiting.


After a while.

In the heart.

There was a faint sound.

This means that the emperor is really about to appear.

"Who is leading us!"

The voice is very dignified.

As soon as the ancient Taoist King's eyes lit up, he immediately said, "die, see the ancient emperor."


The real name of the ancient Taoist king.

Chu Yan also knew for the first time.

Xu Ying continued to say: "perish? Have the nine realms been reunited? You don't seem to have reached the imperial level. There is also the origin of this seat. Why is the power so deficient?"

The ancient Taoist king looked at Chu Yan and clenched his teeth and said, "return to the emperor, the nine realms are in chaos and have not been unified. There is external influence. Please come to the emperor."

The virtual shadow was silent and sighed, "is there still trouble? It's not an accident. What's the matter with the core of divine pattern?"

"It's going to be perfect."

"Well, you continue to input strength and prepare to lead the Buddha out."


The ancient Taoist King nodded and there were some palpitations in his heart.

50 million years, this is also the first time he communicated with the emperor.

Regardless of whether it is separation or self, the emperor will appear soon today.

This is definitely a milestone in the nine realms and even the whole universe.

After today, the universe may change.

Will it evolve towards the emperor level war?

The ancient Taoist King guessed, and then he didn't talk nonsense and quickly followed.





A forbidden place.

The Lord of the avenue palace howled: "Chuyan, where am I? I depend on you... You're killing me!"

Crazy, going crazy!

One nine realms, two and a half emperors, attack madly here.

At the moment, like an old Wang Bayi, the Lord of the avenue palace has been curled up in the avenue palace and dare not show his head.

But even so, the avenue palace was broken by people.

"Chu Yan has gone to the source and has no time to care about you."

The pope said coldly, but he was very unhappy.

The plan to lead the emperor was broken.

Chu Yan seemed to have expected and went to the source ahead of time.

That certainly won't give the Shanggu road a chance to continue to connect.


However, he was thinking that since he couldn't count on the emperor, he quickly cut the mess and killed the palace master of the Avenue on his own side. As soon as he looked changed, he suddenly looked up.


At this moment, it's not just the Pope.

Everywhere, everywhere in the universe, everyone was surprised.

Was pulled by a force.


The universe.

Countless people all looked up and looked at the source one after another, full of horror.

A touch of golden light runs through the world and directly sweeps through heaven and earth.

The strength of the golden light seemed to illuminate the universe for a moment.

All creatures can't help palpitating.

On the side of the six realms, the great heavenly king and others began to tremble subconsciously.

You know, they have all experienced the training of the Lord of the avenue palace, and their deterrence to the nine realms can be in vain, but the first second they are covered by the golden light, they have only one feeling in their hearts.




"Huangwei!" the Pope was the first to be shocked. How could it?

The connection succeeded?

Asked, Bing Yan, one by one very excited.

Is this the emperor the pope said?

50 million years, from the extinction of the imperial court to 50 million years now, is there finally another emperor coming today?

The golden light is still spreading wildly, as if to disperse all the dark clouds in the nine realms.

All the blood and gas caused by the killing dissipated at this moment.

All that remains is the light.

This is the emperor.

When it comes, the world is auspicious.

The glow covered a hundred thousand miles.


Avenue palace.

The Taoist priest was also stunned. He leaned out his neck from the inside, then rolled his throat and stopped talking.

Because no one found it, but he saw it. There seemed to be a small black spot under the golden light.

That little black spot is... Chu Yan?

This boy, stabbed the horse honeycomb?


The golden light is still spreading, farther and farther.

Until all are covered.

In the golden light, it slowly introverted and finally turned into a golden figure, but it is still shining and shining on the world.

Someone couldn't help looking up.


But it was just a glance. The man's eyes suddenly bled and exploded directly.

This is Huangwei.

Dignity is inviolable.

The weak can't even look straight.

The golden figure walked out and was so tall. Looking around, he seemed to feel the eyes of hundreds of millions of people and smiled: "the universe, heaven and earth, haven't seen you for a long time."

God religion, a forbidden place.

The Pope was the first to get excited and knelt in the void: "minister, see the emperor!"

Asked, Bing Yan, one by one very excited: "micro minister, see the emperor!"

Those cardinals and bishops who didn't know why knelt down one by one.

This is the emperor.

For the first time in 50 million years, the emperor appeared in the nine realms.

And it seems that this emperor is on the side of the divine religion. Will there be any suspense in this war?

For the emperor, in the eyes of the nine realms, even heaven and earth, that is the real God, who can decide everything.

For 50 million years, the name of the emperor has long been a myth. It is an invincible legend and a myth that one word can determine the law of the world.


On the six sides, countless people are desperate.

The face of the Lord and the emperor was extremely gloomy.

The emperor appeared

This is what they didn't expect.

Can we win this war?

The king Daewoo and the king of heaven all feel a strong sense of powerlessness at the moment, and they are even more desperate than when facing the God Pope.

The God Pope is also nine realms, and may not even be weaker than the emperor. The difference is that the God Pope is a person who lives in the same era with them.

It's alive, flesh and blood.

But what about the emperor?

It's a myth!

It is a legend that has been passed on for thousands of years.

Taigu emperor walked out, golden light and auspicious, glanced at the world, and seemed very satisfied with this feeling, but at this time, he suddenly lost his head.

Because he found that there was a figure not far from him, so he sat quietly on a bench and looked at himself silently.

That look is very unfriendly, a bit like appreciating art.

"Are you the Chu Yan?"

Taikoo emperor cold road.

Obviously, the heart is not ignorant of the outside world.

Chu Yan stood up from the bench, very calm and smiled: "Emperor... Separated? It doesn't seem to be very strong. It's not as amazing as expected, but a little disappointed."

Taigu emperor frowned and sneered, "you are talking big. These nine realms are ours. If you surrender now, I can spare you..."

"Fuck you!"

Chu Yan suddenly scolded and then stretched out his hand: "kill!"

Then he stabbed the emperor with a sword.


A sword breaks heaven and earth.

One sword, everyone was stunned.

The emperor's eyes widened.

What are you doing now?


Chu Yan cut out with a sword and said with a sneer: "all right, don't pretend. What nonsense Huangwei, just pretend and do it!"

At the origin, the owner laughed: "boy, how can people say that he is also the emperor? He has been sealed for 50 million years. Don't you give him some face?"

"Yes, pretend, otherwise he will be sad." the emperor smiled.

More than two people.

The land of the gods.

The look of Daewoo Wang and others changed in an instant, and the color of decadence and despair disappeared.

"Ha ha, then kill!"

"This bastard, I've agreed to put on a suit first. When the God cult is fooled, he doesn't play cards according to the routine." the king smiled.



The spirit cult, the family of a flash, and all the people in the six circles have a great momentum. They are even more terrible than just now.

The king of heaven killed several people in red in almost an instant, beheaded each dragon Avenue, and then flew to the eyes of the joint attack array behind.

"I'm going to break through the eight realms and kill the bishop." the great heavenly king laughed excitedly.


All the red avenues were burned, and then turned into strength again to continue to greet the great heavenly king and others.

More than that.

Many people in red were killed.

There are not so many people in the sixth world.

They began to retreat from the front line and join the joint attack array.

Originally, the joint attack array on the side of the six circles could support almost 70 strong seven circles.

But as some people retreat, their strength gradually concentrates.

In the end, the king of heaven and the king of Daewoo really had a tendency to enter the eight realms.


"Damn it, how is it possible?"

"Six Worlds, are you crazy?"

The gods were shocked.

That's the emperor.

As a result, do the six circles dare to be so crazy?

He asked angrily, "Damn it, six realms, do you want to disobey the emperor?"

"Huang NIMA, there is no emperor in the six realms, but only one saint, called Chu Yan!" the great heavenly king laughed: "bullshit emperor, I don't recognize the six realms!"


Suddenly, thunder billowed.

The king's words seemed to touch some rules.

A vast thunderstorm was born.


But almost in an instant, the great heavenly king blew out his fist and directly smashed the thunder robbery: "want to punish Lao Tzu? Why? Six realms, get out of the micro and survive in the mud, have a fart relationship with the emperor! The emperor came out to kill us, so today we will kill the emperor!"


God religion, completely shocked.


It's all crazy!

At the source, the emperor also laughed: "emperor? I don't know how much we can improve by killing."

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