Polar sky: "

Polar: "

Jisheng: "

The corners of their mouths were drawn.

Also speechless.

But this is not the way.

The polar star is back.

Over there.

Chu Yan, alone, started rolling the Yin and Yang poles in all aspects again.

Seeing this, the yin-yang pole has an irreversible disadvantage.

Once this disadvantage expands, I'm afraid that in a short time, the Yin and Yang poles will be dragged to death by life.

At this time, the polar sky said in a low voice: "do not support, give strength to Yin and Yang!"

The nine main roads can be transformed into each other.

In fact, all the ways can be transformed into each other.

Just a little trouble.

The difference between the nine main roads is not so far.

Polar nodded: "now it can only be like this. Let's start the power transformation and reconcile it into the power of yin and Yang."

The polar sky said coldly, "polar star, if you don't support, then you should resist a little more pressure. The polar star and I are born to turn."

Without saying a word, Jixing directly shouldered the pressure of its own limit.

Whatever you want.

I'm not going anyway.


Jisheng said in a low voice, "Yin and Yang, receive power!"


Several people began to mobilize the avenue together and transform towards the power of yin and Yang.


On the battlefield.

The eyes of yin and Yang changed slightly, hit with a fist, took advantage of the situation to flash back, and then a halo appeared on the top of the head.

Power blessing.

Chu Yan frowned, "can you do this?"

9 great pole Tao, the forces can be transformed into each other.

In that case, it's a little troublesome.

But the next second, he suddenly burst into a drink: "old Taoist, give me blessings!"

Old saying: "??"

Bless peat!

People are homologous and transform each other.

We're not the same thing, okay.

Chu Yan didn't care and smiled: "it's all right. Lend me the avenue palace and I'll use it as well."

The old Taoist was speechless: "what about me? The old boy has been chasing me. I'll lend you the avenue palace. I won't die?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Just give it to me. That guy will be dealt with naturally." Chu Yan said quickly, "hurry up, yin and Yang blessing, I don't have it. I'll lose later."

The old Taoist priest was speechless, but he didn't talk nonsense. He suddenly threw the avenue palace towards Chu Yan: "here you are."

The avenue palace sensed Chu Yan and made a happy sound.

Chu Yan took over the avenue palace and smiled: "this time, wronged you and transformed it into the shape of my universe. Otherwise, I'm not proficient enough and it's not easy to win. Should I have no problem?"

Avenue Palace: "meow!"

Old saying: "??"

He's really a cat?

Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense. He integrated the Da Dao palace with his own universe. Then the Qi machine in his body suddenly increased. It was faster than the blessing of extreme Yin and Yang. He killed it with a sword.

Another battlefield.

As soon as the extreme five elements looked changed, they hummed coldly: "Lord of the palace, you're looking for death!"

At the moment, he is actually a little shocked.

Can the power between Chu Yan and the palace master of Da Dao still communicate?

It's still a little scary.

This is more terrible than the transformation between them.

But what he couldn't understand was.

You give the avenue palace to Chu Yan, don't you want to die?

Really think I don't exist?

Losing the old way of Da Dao palace is not to say that it has completely lost its combat power.

After all, the creator of the universe is powerful and top in all aspects.

So take the old way now, even without the blessing of the universe, it can be comparable to the peak of the nine realms.

The point is... If you meet ordinary people, it's really nothing.

Extreme five elements... The real extreme Tao is extremely powerful.

"Five elements out!"


Extremely five elements manipulated a five element magic gun and quickly stabbed the palace master of the avenue.

The Taoist priest was also numb. He felt an extreme threat from the long gun when he lost the blessing of the universe.

He subconsciously wanted to drag the avenue Palace back, but at the thought of Chu Yan's words, he clenched his teeth, stifled his fear and took the initiative to fight out.

"Son of a bitch, don't pit me... I'll be stabbed here, and I won't let you go as a ghost!" the old Taoist muttered in his heart.


Almost in an instant, the five element long gun fell.

There was a vast force in front of the Taoist priest, and then there was a ferocious magic light in the world. A figure of devil road batian came out of it and punched against the long gun of extremely five elements.


Heaven and earth burst.

The extreme five elements were attacked by the old Taoist priest and the troll at the same time, and their body shape was a few steps back.

His face was shocked.

"Who are you?" the extreme five elements are shocked, and there are strange strong people dormant?

Morgu appeared and said in frustration, "well, let's stop fighting here. It's not the main battlefield, is it? Just wait for the results there? Look, Chu Yan will win, you can't run away. If Chu Yan loses, you don't have to fight, and we two will die."

The extreme five elements stared at morgu and said in a low voice: "the breath of the demon Tao... The peak of the nine realms, but there is no core power in the body and has not opened up the universe. Who are you?"

Morgu said helplessly, "I don't know. I'm curious about it. Do you know who I am?"

The extreme five elements are silent.

It's not just him.

See morgu.

In the distance, the pupils of the polar sky, the polar earth and the Jisheng are slightly narrowed.

"What about this man?"

"I don't know. There is no door in the top of the nine worlds. Isn't it the person of the first universe?"

The polar sky stared for a while and said in a low voice, "he is the man of the first universe! His power belongs to the first universe, which I can't feel wrong! But he really has no door or core power in his body."

The polar strange way: "how? No door? No core force? How did he break through?"

The polar sky was silent for a moment and said in a low voice: "polar, have you forgotten? In the early days of chaos, there was no door in the avenue itself! The door... Appeared later."

Under the polar ridge.

He does know something about it.

But I just heard.

In the early days of chaos, some people had no doors in their bodies.

Their Avenue leads to the depths of the first universe.

The door came later.

God to stop the flow, the spirit of the universe to protect the power of the first universe from passing.

Forced door.

The polar Earth said in a low voice, "you mean, his Tao is the first division between heaven and earth?"

The polar sky nodded: "in addition, I really can't think of any other possibilities. Chu Yan and the Lord of the avenue palace, these two are the creators of the universe. The avenue is not within the first universe, which is very normal. But this person's Tao is the Tao of the first universe, which can only be the first batch of unchanged avenues."

Polar silence, but his eyes showed some envy.

"So he is the real emperor of the first universe?"

Polar nodded: "you can say so..."

In fact, neither the extreme way nor the emperor belongs to the strong man of the first universe.

They have only the first half of the Tao in the first universe, and the second half of the Tao has been transformed into the fourth universe.

Morgu is different.

His roads are all in the first universe.

Isn't this what the extreme Tao and the emperor have been pursuing?

The truth of the first universe!

The polar heaven sighed: "after the nine realms, what we practice is actually the false tao, which is set by God for us! Only his Tao is the true Tao! And only he may have the opportunity to see the brilliance and scenery at the end of the first cosmic Avenue."

"But does this way really exist?" Jisheng frowned. "He doesn't seem to know what the situation is."

"It's normal. It should be the reincarnation of the strong, and the memory hasn't awakened yet." polar preached.

Jisheng nodded. This possibility does exist.

At the beginning of chaos, there were almost no people left in the Jidao period.

God is the only one they know.

But does God have no contemporaries?

There must be.

In Chu Yan's world view.

The time axis of the first universe is: chaos, extreme Tao, emperor, destruction and nine realms!

Such a timeline.

But for them in the polar sky.

But I know a little.

There is a period before chaos.

In other words, it is not a period, but there are still a group of people.

Chaos... Is also a part of the method of refining heaven.

It is inherited from God.

But what about God?

God before chaos!

At that time, there were no other creatures in the universe except God?

There must be!

It is said that the way of those people is the true way of the first universe.

At that time, there was no sealed door.

Chaos... Has a door.

There was no door before chaos.

Just until now.

God was the only one in the polar days they knew.

God has never recognized him as a man in the period of chaos.

What he said to the outside world is the creation period!

God once said that it was he who opened up heaven and earth and created the world that created chaos, extreme Tao and Emperor.

But the polar sky and others guessed that this was not the case.

If God is really the creator God, why should he create the fourth universe?

God is not the master of the first universe.

Jisheng said in a low voice, "do you mean that this demon is a man in the creation period? An era with God?"

"It should be." polar nodded: "the creation period is too long... Even for us, it is unknown. In the end, God is the only one, and the people of his generation have disappeared, but the roads of those people are almost eternal, and reincarnation is normal."

Jisheng nodded and said helplessly, "I just didn't expect that even such people would appear around Chu Yan... It's also fate."

Polar nodded and regretted, "if I had known the beginning... I should have strangled it in the cradle and shouldn't let them in."


Several people sighed.

They already knew that Chu Yan was going to enter the extreme path.

The emperor guessed when he came in.

But I didn't take it seriously.

First, I think Chu Yan is still very weak.

Not worth mentioning.

Second, I also think that Chu Yan can share the pressure for them when they come in.

Now, as soon as I came in, I killed one directly.

The second one almost died.

"Bless Yin and Yang first and solve the problem at present." Jitian Dao.

The others nodded helplessly.


On the battlefield.

Morgu appeared and joined the old Taoist priest, and then... They began to run together.

Yes, in the past, jiwuxing was only chasing the old Taoist. Now there is one more demon, and it has become chasing two people.

Chu Yan ignored it. With the avenue palace, his combat power increased again and quickly killed towards the extreme Yin and Yang.

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