Chuyan squints.

Jiutian xuanta is not something of the universe?

But falling out of the universe?

This is something he never thought of.

Because he always thought that the universe is all.

Chu Yan said in a deep voice, "that is to say, in fact, in addition to refining the universe, there are other cosmic civilizations?"

The emperor looked at Chu Yan like a fool: "what do you say? Aren't you creating this civilization yourself? Don't you think it's normal to have other universes in this vast dimension?"

Chu Yan is silent, too.

They can open another universe, and there are other universes outside the sky. It's really normal.

Lord of the imperial way said faintly: "of the course, we guess that there is no other universe beyond refining heaven. This treasure should have fallen from another dimension."

"Another dimension?"

The emperor nodded: "yes, of course, what's there, even I don't know."

Chu Yan fell silent.

At this time, the Lord of the imperial way smiled and said, "what? For the sake of me telling you so much, do you want to consider lending me the treasure in your hand? Maybe I can find something with my strength?"

Chu Yan's face sank and he immediately became vigilant.

The Lord of the imperial way smiled and said, "it's all right. I'll just have a look. Otherwise, with my strength, it should be easy to kill you here?"

Chu Yan has a headache. What should I do.

To the Lord of the imperial way?


Take a look, it's probably gone.

Moreover, with his creation of the universe, jiutianxuan tower has long been integrated with his universe. Once it falls into the hands of the Lord of the imperial way, the other party will be damaged and his universe will suffer.

No, I can't beat this one again.

Suddenly, Chu Yan laughed coldly, "do you think you will win?"

The Lord of the imperial way smiled and looked at Chu Yan: "otherwise?"

Chu Yan said in a deep voice, "your strength is strong, but if I guess correctly, you here are just a separate body. If I publish your separate body to the public, will anyone be interested in the separate body avenue of the Lord of the imperial way?"

The emperor was stunned and said with a smile, "these people? They are not my opponents."

"These people are not, but sooner or later others will break through and arrive here, including the Lord of the avenue. Their strength is not weak. If they know that you are alive, will they be moved?"

The emperor narrowed his eyes: "do you think they dare to fight me even if they know?"

Chu Yan sneered: "you underestimate the courage of the people in the nine realms."

Chu Yan can't guarantee those people in the creation period.

Because those people live too comfortably.

No ambition or competition.

But Chu Yan was sure that if he told Taigu, Hongmeng, including the polar sky, whether the Lord of the imperial way was a separation or a real separation, someone would be moved.

This is the nine realms.

Although he has been fighting inside, he has the heart to fight.

Neither the emperor nor Hongmeng gave up.

And that's how people are.

Living in the mud for a long time, as long as you give them a little light, you can't help trying to catch it.

The emperor desperately wants to create the universe. Why?

These people, such as Jitian and Hongmeng, have been trapped in a dark prison for 50 million years. What supports them to live?

That's a little bit of hope.

And for this little hope, they are willing to bet everything.

Including life.

The Lord of Huangdao looked at Chu Yan meaningfully, smiled and didn't speak.

Do people in the ninth world dare to fight with themselves?

Hard to say!

The same idea as Chu Yan.

If it's just some Genesis people.

He doesn't care.

At least for now, it doesn't matter.

There were also some bloody people in the creation period, but few came in.

But the nine worlds are different.

Hundreds of millions of years of imprisonment have driven people crazy.

Madman, dare to do anything.

The Lord of the imperial way was silent for a while. He didn't say much. He turned to look at the others and said faintly: "after so long, I didn't have an eyebrow at all. Is it all waste? Just, I'll give you a hint."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The emperor of Taigu said, "a separate body is installed. If it weren't for the rules, I..."


The ancient emperor flew out again.

Chu Yan watched and sighed.

This head is real iron.

Of course, he was too lazy to say, but looked at the Lord of the imperial way and was ready to listen to the next mystery of breaking the pass.

At this moment, Chu Yan had an idea and hurriedly left the Huangdao area and the ghost place.

It's so annoying.

In other areas, I'm the boss, so it's OK to walk sideways.

But there is such a person here. He doesn't dare to be too arrogant.

The Lord of the imperial way smiled lightly and said, "breaking my level is actually simple. Now everyone knows that heaven and earth have a system and balance, but few people can achieve real balance. The way to break this level is real balance."

Everyone was stunned.

Taigu emperor sneered: "what did I think it was, so simple?"

Chu Yan prayed silently for the emperor Taigu. If you say more, I'm afraid you'll fly again.

Fortunately, this time the Emperor didn't hit him, but sneered: "simple?"

Taigu emperor said confidently, "of course, this seat is also a emperor. Can I balance the world?"

Hong Meng nodded to himself.

Indeed, the Huangdao checkpoint has a natural advantage over the ancient emperor.

This one is the Emperor himself, so what he is best at is to maintain balance.

The Lord of the imperial way sneered: "well, try it and balance this space."

Say it, boom!

The Lord of the imperial way threw out a small world.

It's the size of a fist. It contains ten thousand words, but it's very messy.

Chu Yan glanced, which is heaven and earth, this is a chaotic space, and the avenue is chaotic.

The Lord of the imperial way said: "balance this space into the world, and you have broken this pass. Let's start."

"I'll come first."

The emperor of Swire came forward first and was full of confidence.

The first thing to do to balance the world is to split it.

Split the chaotic power into roads.

This is not difficult for the emperor of Taigu. He split it out in a short time.

In the small world, it becomes a line.

The demolition is only the beginning, but also needs to be balanced and built.

The ancient emperor began.

After a while, xiaotiandi had the rudiment of the world.

Taikoo emperor proudly said, "is it OK?"

The Lord of the imperial way glanced and sneered, "is this what you call balance?"

Taigu emperor frowned: "isn't it balanced?"

The Lord of the imperial way said coldly: "a balanced world is like a closed independent space, which can resist external pressure, but what about your one?"

After that, the Lord of the imperial way gathered a little bit of the road and gently aimed at the world.


The small world blew up.

Taigu emperor frowned: "how is it possible?"

Chu Yan said, "it's not balanced enough!"

Taigu emperor was unconvinced: "impossible! I match them all in the most perfect proportion."

Chu Yan nodded: "you are in the most perfect proportion, but you don't control well enough."

"What do you mean?" The ancient emperor is strange.

Chu Yan sighed and looked meaningfully at the Lord of Huangdao: "I'm afraid this level is not as simple as balance, but micro manipulation?"

The Lord of the imperial way smiled but did not speak.

Chu Yan said, "we can all achieve a simple balance. We can take the Avenue as the basic unit, but the balance mentioned by the Lord of the emperor's way is obviously not so simple, but with a smaller force as the unit."

Taigu emperor frowned: "what do you mean?"

Chu Yan said faintly, "your world is just a model, very rough, but not fine enough. In short, in the five element balance, there are 100 parts of gold, wood, water and fire, and only 99 parts of earth. In fact, it can barely maintain the balance when put together."

"Although a portion of soil is missing, it will not affect the whole cycle."

Emperor Taigu nodded.

As we all know, once the main road is unbalanced, it will cause a very terrible phenomenon.

However, this imbalance also has a critical point, which does not mean that it will be unbalanced one point away.

Generally, there is a relative value.

Chu Yan said, "the heaven and earth you just saw is balanced, but not perfectly balanced. There are some forces that have not reached an absolute constant value."

Taigu emperor's face sank: "all constant? How can this be possible? Just as the saying goes, it's easy for a person to hit with all his strength, but it's almost uncontrollable for you to let him hit his weakest punch."

Chu Yan nodded: "therefore, this level is not easy to break."

Then he went to the restored chaotic world.

He wants to try it himself.

He saw that the way to break the pass of the Lord of the imperial way was to control the power of the road!

Now you have to say that Chu Yan can control 100000, 10000, even 1000 and 100 channels, but it's too difficult for him to play one channel accurately.

He is so strong that every cell in his body has more than one power.

How to play?

This is a very micro thing.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and put one hand into the chaotic world.


This is not difficult.

Like the ancient emperor, he easily pulled down the avenue.

The next combination is the most difficult.

He controls a little bit, just like catching a small flying insect. He doesn't control his power a little.


Will crush that Avenue.

It made him frown.

To tell the truth, he didn't understand it at all. He said grandly to test the use of this game.

But he continued to do so.

Try again and again, split again and again.

The original chaotic world was finally divided into Avenue spaces almost the same size as particles.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly brightened.

Become incomparably glorious.

Because he found a magical thing.

Originally, he always thought that the avenue was a line.

But now?

He split this line into points!

Chu Yan even thought that the essence of the avenue may not be a line, but a point?

The reason why we see a line is that connecting points into a line does not mean that the avenue itself is a line.

Chu Yan suddenly looked at the Lord of the emperor's way: "so, this is what the elder wants to tell us?"

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