After Chu Yan asked.

Zhenbei general fell silent.

"What changes have taken place in the nine realms?"

Zhenbei recalled carefully. After a while, he suddenly said: "it seems to be true, but the emperor of Chu, when the king of nine wars unified the nine realms, the changes in the nine realms changed in a good direction. At the beginning, the king of nine wars was really good to the nine realms. Otherwise, we wouldn't follow him."

Chu Yan squinted: "you mean that the king of nine wars was really a Ming king at the beginning?"

Zhenbei nodded: "really, although I don't know what happened later, the king of nine wars will betray, but at the beginning, the king of nine wars unified the nine realms. He didn't do anything to hurt people, nor was he arbitrary by power, but really worked for the nine realms. In those years, the king of nine wars had a good reputation in the nine realms and was loved by the people."

Chuyan frowned.

If so, it would be a little strange.

Listen to what general Zhenbei said, the king of the ninth war doesn't seem to be a bad man.

How did you betray in the end?

"Is it possible that everything is pretended?" The emperor said strangely.

The human Lord gave a white look: "you think too much. In this world, there are some things you can install, but there are some things you can't install. Mingjun, you can't install it. If you don't really want to change the nine realms, one can install it for one day and one year, but it's impossible to install it all the time."

The human Lord himself was once the Lord of the human race and a practitioner of the people's hearts. In this regard, he has the right to speak.

The emperor wondered, "why?"

After a while, Chu Yan said, "we must have missed something. Before the king of nine wars betrayed, he must have experienced something, and then his mind changed greatly. Just like the six emperors in those years."

The sixth emperor of the ninth world, wasn't he the emperor of the Ming Dynasty?


Chaotic imperial period.

In ancient times, the emperor and others loved all living beings and treated the nine realms with the same heart.

But later, they found themselves just a chess piece.

The king of nine wars probably suffered something, which frustrated his confidence and greatly changed his temperament.

Chu Yan thinks that only this statement can explain clearly.

"Zhenbei, think about it carefully. Did the king of nine wars experience anything before the change?" Chu Yan asked.

The general of Zhenbei thought for a moment and shook his head: "I really don't know this. Although I was a general of Zhenbei in those days, I was a marginalized figure. The king of the ninth war preferred to communicate with the literati such as king Zihao and didn't like us Wufu very much."

Chu Yan nodded.

That's not surprising.

However, what kind of experience can make a person abandon his faith?

Chu Yan didn't know. Fortunately, he didn't think much about it. He continued: "up to now, it's almost certain that there are two points. First, after the king of the ninth war, someone must be secretly supporting him. This can be firmly established. There is no support. The story of a scholar's counter attack is too ridiculous. I don't believe it."

Waste wood counter attack.

The rise of small people.

Such a story is really inspirational.

Sounds like blood.

Chu Yan himself was once the protagonist in such a story and a standard template.

But it is precisely because of his immersive experience that he is more and more determined, which is unrealistic.

Small people can indeed rise, and waste can counter attack.

But the height is limited.

The real kingship is always in the hands of the strongest.

When a small person rises up, if he doesn't have enough strength behind him, he will break his wrist with those irresistible forces. Such a person has too much ambition. The final result is greed, snake swallowing elephant and looking for his own death.

Civilians rebelled and died mostly by county magistrates.

Forget the overthrow of the dynasty.

King Jiuzhan, there must be someone behind him.

Maybe it's his charm that attracts some real strong people.

Chu Yan said, "who these people are is our next breakthrough. If we find these people, we may be able to find some truth about the secrets of the nine realms."

"The second is the attitude of the heavenly family. If, as we guessed, they have been deliberately letting go of the king of nine wars, what is their purpose?"

The host said, "is it possible to catch it all?"

Chu Yan lengxia: "what do you mean?"

The LORD said, "according to what Zhenbei said, before the king of the ninth war appeared, the ninth world was in a state of chaos. At that time, the Tianjia needed to fight a lot of people to break through the ninth world. However, after the king of the ninth war unified it, as long as they defeated the king of the ninth war, the faith of the ninth world would collapse."

Chuyan squints: "sit and collect the fisherman?"

The Lord nodded: "since ancient times, there has been a saying that the nine realms are the core of the universe of refining heaven. The nine realms must be very critical. However, the nine realms are chaotic and scattered. Even if the heavenly family makes a strong move, it is difficult to integrate the Qi. At this time, the nine realms need a person to stand out and unify the nine realms and gather all the Qi of the nine realms."

After a pause, the human Lord continued: "Jiujie, it is true that after the king of the ninth war was defeated, his luck fell, and has been declining a little until now. Until the emergence of the emperor of Chu, his luck had a little meaning of recovery."

Chu Yan nodded: "it's really possible."

The theory of Qi and fortune has always been very metaphysical.

Can't see, can't touch.

It affects many people.

Tianjia, let the king of the nine wars unify the nine realms, become the belief of the nine realms, integrate the Qi of the nine realms, and then defeat them, which can indeed give a fatal blow to the nine realms.

At this time, Chu Yan turned and said, "Zhenbei, there are two kinds of spiritual power during the creation period. Do you know why?"

Zhenbei general was stunned: "two kinds of spirits?"

Chu Yan nodded.

He found out long ago.

Almost all the avenues in the creation period were divided into two kinds.

A good road, a bad road.

This in itself is something wrong.

How can there be two spirits in one world?

Zhenbei general shook his head: "I don't know."

Chu Yan touched his chin: "is it true that, as I guessed, the spirit of the universe had schizophrenia? Multiple personality?"

At this time, the master said, "this may not be the case. Everyone has two sides, the good side and the evil side. All his life, people are constantly struggling to overcome their inner evil. Even the best people in the world have an evil side in their hearts, but they suppress the evil side with their strong will. The spirit of the universe may also be so."

Chu Yan nodded. This is the truth.

He asked himself that even he had many evil thoughts.

He also complained about the unfairness of heaven and had countless thoughts of giving up.

When he was chased and killed by the Terrans in the real world, he was even completely disappointed with the Terrans. He also wanted to destroy the sky and destroy the world.

He didn't do so in the end, just because the goodness in his heart defeated the evil thoughts in his heart again and again.

The spirit of the universe, two thoughts are also normal.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly narrowed his eyes: "do you think there is a possibility that God or Tianjia also found that the spirit of the universe has two kinds of consciousness. One is good and the other is evil. What Tianjia has been doing all these years is deliberately stimulating the spirit of the universe and exposing the dark side of the spirit of the universe?"

The human Lord was stunned and said, "but what good is it for them to expose the dark side of the spirit of the universe?"

Chu Yan shook his head.

This is also what he doubts.


Chu Yan said seriously, "Jiujie! Yes, we have ignored a huge key point."

The owner was stunned: "what do you mean?"

Chu Yan said, "have you forgotten that the nine realms have been ceded! However, as the core of the universe, how can the nine realms be easily ceded to the nine realms? During this period, God and the spirit of the universe must have reached an agreement!"

"But we didn't know that the spirit of the universe actually has two sides. God cooperates with the spirit of the dark side of the universe to help expose the dark side of the spirit of the universe and occupy the dominant power a little bit. In return, the dark side of the spirit of the universe should cede the nine realms to God."

When they heard the speech, their eyes twinkled slightly.

This possibility is great.

The Lord nodded: "indeed, if it is a kind spirit of the universe, it should not choose to cede the nine realms. Only the spirit of the universe on the dark side will do anything."


Chu Yan took a deep breath and something began to surface bit by bit.

At this time, the emperor listened to the clouds and said strangely, "but how can Tianjia expose the spirit of the universe on the dark side?"

The master said, "it's very simple. The spirit of the universe absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and lives by the will of all sentient beings. Tianjia, as long as the first universe is chaotic and the people's hearts are evil, and the goodwill is overshadowed, the spirit of the universe on the dark side will rise."

After speaking, he paused and said, "it's just like people. Suddenly one day, desire conquers reason, impulse suppresses thinking, and many things done will be out of control. The spirit of the universe is the same. If people in the world are good and all living beings are good, the world will be good. On the contrary, it is the same."

Chu Yan nodded: "the spirit of the universe itself is transformed by all living beings in this heaven and earth."

He had thought for a long time that there were no indigenous creatures in his universe.

His spirit of the universe is the first indigenous creature in the universe, and his spirit of heaven and earth itself is assembled by the will of all living beings in the universe.

If one day, his universe is full of villains.

His spirit of heaven and earth will become extremely evil.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the evil intention of heaven and earth increased after the Tianjia family went crazy and died one by one.

Chu Yan said, "Tianjia is influencing the spirit of the universe a little and completely blocking the good side of the spirit of the universe. Once the spirit of the universe becomes completely evil, the world... Is really hopeless."

Zhenbei general said: "so, at the beginning, they attacked the nine realms in order to make the goodwill side of the spirit of the universe despair?"

Chu Yan nodded: "probably! When will people despair? When there is no hope! Tianjia deliberately let the king of the nine wars create a hope for the people in the nine realms, and then destroyed it in person. The evil side of the spirit of the universe probably woke up at that time."

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