Every time someone breaks into the devil's mountain, someone from the devil's sect will come to observe it. According to the talent, the number of people is different.

Only this time, more than half of the people came to the devil's sect, because this time, the person who broke into the devil's mountain was actually a famous monk. This has never happened in the history of demon sect.

When the people around Xie Yun saw that Chu Yan stepped on the killing and cutting demon hall, he gave a cold hum: "he was too proud to be recognized by the heart demon hall. He should have been honored to enter it and chose to practice. He even wanted to challenge the higher demon hall, so he was looking for death."

"Don't say that." Xie Yun said with a calm smile: "he was born in a humble river of stars. How can he know how big the sky is and how can he become king in the river of stars? He has some skills. He always has to give people some self righteous rights."

"You're right, elder martial brother." They nodded, but they showed sarcastic faces. They stood aside and did not argue with each other.

Ziyin and Zhufeng are slightly worried when they look at the magic mountain.

The killing and cutting demon hall is different from the heart demon hall. The heart demon hall only needs to maintain its original mind. However, the killing and cutting demon hall needs some real skills and tests of combat power. Moreover, they have all learned about Shura, which is extremely difficult to break through.

Even in a sense, killing and cutting the demon hall is one of the most difficult among the eleven demon halls, with the least number of recognized demon disciples.

Chu Yan passes through the hall of demons and looks at an ancient road in front of him. His eyes are calm. It's like an ancient battlefield. There are scarlet battle flags on both sides, waving in the cold wind. In the center, there is a Shura in the demon world. His eyes are shining with the light of killing. It seems that Chu Yan will tear Chu Yan to pieces as long as they step out.

"There seems to be a boundary in the hall of killing demons. You can feel my realm. The Shura in front of you are the same as me. They are the three levels of the emperor." Chu Yan glanced at the Shura in front of him. The realm of these shuras was the same as that of Chu Yan.

However, the test of combat effectiveness is not about the realm. Although combat effectiveness is directly proportional to the realm, it is not a necessary condition.

For example, no matter how powerful a master is, it is difficult for him to surpass the emperor. But the same as the emperor, blood, soul, including martial arts, will play a decisive factor.

The Shura in front of us is obviously the one with the top fighting power among the three levels of the emperor. Chu Yan has fought with countless three level people of the emperor, including four level people of the emperor, but he is not as stressed as Shura in front of him.

"Those who are both emperors are at the third level, but they have the top blood, the top soul, and the supernatural powers. If they don't have super fighting power, they can't get through this magic hall." Chuyan road.

Outside the magic mountain, everyone thought that Chu Yan was going to give up when they saw that Chu Yan had been fighting outside the magic hall for a long time. Xie Yun said with a smile: "it seems that there is still some self-knowledge."

"He's moving!" However, at this time, everyone's eyes stagnated. Chu Yan, who hesitated for a long time, took a step towards the nine mountains of the evil killing hall.

Xie Yun's eyes were cold, obviously because Chu Yan's choice was very unpleasant, because the Seven Magic halls he got at the beginning did not include the killing magic hall.

He evil cloud, was killed to cut the evil temple to refuse, defeated in this ancient battlefield road.

"Just because you can't, doesn't mean my elder martial brother can't." Wang Feng said with a smile, his eyes shining. He adores his elder martial brother very much. No matter in the dust or in the land of stars, he has created countless miracles.

"I'll see if he can defeat some shuras." Evil clouds encircle the arms.

Chu Yan moves. He adjusts his state. A sword clanks in his hand. The first Shura seems to feel him and roars at once. Holding a dark magic knife, he splits at Chu Yan. The magic way seems to be able to cut the void. The void breaks down and spreads towards both sides.

"Seven steps, one kill!" Chu Yan murmured, the heart of the sword flickered, and then he cleaved a sword against the magic knife. The sword collided in the air and immediately had a strong aftereffect. The sound of metal collision was like the roar of a beast. A magic mountain was shaking and chanting wildly.

Chu Yan changed his true self with a knife. He had only three blood lines, which was not enough to compete with this Shura. So he directly used his pure blood to make his body bigger and taller. He had a huge axe in his hand. It was as if he was going to open the sky. He was golden and smashed by the demon repair.

"Renxiu? Out of your own way He despises the man of Chu.

"What is magic? I practice for others, but if I have more terrible power than the devil, are you me or am I the devil Chu Yan asked, and Moxiu laughed wildly: "it's ridiculous. Moxiu has the best blood and has the incomparable combat power. What's more, is it comparable to you?"

"Never tried. How do you know?" The golden axe in Chu Yan's hand opened and closed like a golden giant. It was almost the same as the demon Shura. The light of one gold and one black produced several contrasts. It collided in the air and burst out a strong aftereffect.

"Chop Chu Yan is another axe, gravity blood blessing, the golden axe has ten thousand tons of weight, the eyes of the demon repair frightened, quickly forced back, but it's late, Chu Yan an axe.

"I'll kill you if you do it." Chu Yan calmed down and turned into a man of strength, just like the golden God of war. He was very powerful. Every step left a deep pit on the ground.

"So strong!" The people outside the magic mountain were shocked.The purple Yin Feng's eyes twinkled with fine awn, and said with a smile: "Zhu Feng, you said that if I fight with you that day, my younger martial brother will use this move, can you stop me?"

Zhu Feng said: "this boy, he has a conscience..."

Xie Yun's face was very ugly, but he would never show it: "but one Shura, there are nine in this ancient road, and one is better than the other. I don't believe he can defeat them."

Wang Feng shakes his head, does not go to explain, he waits for Chu Yan to get all the demon temple to approve, good export evil spirit.

"If you win, you can go to the next mountain." The first devil Shura let way, Chu rock back to me, polite bow: "thank you, master."

"Your talent is good. It's a pity that you don't practice magic." The first Shura sighs.

"What's the point of human demons? People have villains, demons have good demons. My heart remains the same. I am a human being and a demon. " Chuyan said with a smile, "yes, you taught me a lesson. It's interesting. Go ahead. I'm looking forward to your next performance."

Chu Yan nodded his head and continued to step on the devil mountain, followed by the second killing Shura. This Shura is good at the attack of the devil shadow. The speed and blood of his cultivation, all the supernatural powers and martial arts are deduced from the blood, forming thousands of devil shadows, and constantly strangling against Chu Yan.

Feeling this power, Chu Yan changed his true self, and the true self of speed appeared. He fought against Shura by the same means.

People outside the magic mountain were stunned. Many people were speechless.

"Do you deal with Shura in the way of Shura?" "It's funny," he said with a smile

After half a pillar of incense, Chu Yan came out with a sword and stepped into the third Magic Mountain in the hall of killing and cutting demons.

"Yes." The disciples of the demon sect were shocked. Ziyin looked at Gu lie and said, "elder martial brother Gu, how long did you use it to kill the demon hall?"

"Seven days."

"It seems that younger martial brother may break your record." The voice of Ziyin Yinling thought, and Gulie approved: "it's true that younger martial brother's fighting power is terrible. Although he is a man cultivator, I can see the devil's way, the devil's law, Buddhism and many other forces in his body at the same time. The killing of the devil's Palace should not stop him."

"It's a strange thing." For example, although there is a gap between the practice of Buddhism and the practice of white demons, he knows that the practice of white demons has its own way.

This is true of demons and Buddhists. Of course, there are also some rare ones, such as Buddhists, and some eminent monks who practice demons. They reincarnate for life, preach in the magic state, and spend their lives. Therefore, there is a saying that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell, but they are in the minority.

But now Chu Yan, one person practices ten thousand methods.

Kill the evil hall, the remaining seven evil mountains, Chu rock are swept all the way.

The devil Shura here is the third level of the emperor, and for Chu Yan, the invincibility of the same realm is his self-confidence.

Even if you are the top demon, as long as you are the third level of the emperor, he will not lose. With the improvement of his realm, this self-confidence becomes more and more extreme.

"The hall of killing demons is on!" Purple Yin bright smile: "two magic temple."

At this time, some people who are not optimistic about Chu Yan also secretly nodded to show their approval of Chu Yan.

"Whoosh!" Just at this time, a huge shadow flew out of the magic mountain, with magic wings behind it. It spread out thousands of feet, covered the magic mountain, and came to Chu Yan.

"It's the butcher!" The eyes of the disciples of the demon sect are bright. Although the ancient sect of the demon sect is one, there are differences in the hall of the eleven demons.

"The evil Lord of the slaughter appeared in person." People were surprised. In the past, some people broke into the devil's mountain. Occasionally, if there were excellent disciples, there would be a devil king who would be recruited as an apprentice.

The killing and cutting magic hall is absolutely the top one among the eleven magic halls.

"Boy, although you are a man of cultivation, your fighting power is amazing. Now that you have been recognized by my killing demon hall, would you like to join us? If you are willing, even if you practice for others, I will personally guide you and cultivate you into a man with extraordinary fighting power comparable to the great devil. " Kill to cut a demon king to proud way.

At the foot of the magic mountain, people envied him for a while, and killed him to accept his apprentices. There were not many times in the magic mountain.

Chuyan smiles and looks at the evil king: "thank you for your kindness. I still want to think about it."




"No." At the foot of the magic mountain, everyone was stunned. Gu lie also gave Chu Yan a deep look, and then showed a smile of appreciation.

Chu Yan didn't know the situation at the foot of the devil mountain, but as far as he was concerned, it wasn't too difficult to kill the devil palace. As for worshiping a certain devil palace, he really didn't think about it well and just responded with his heart.

The face of the evil king changed slightly. Obviously, he didn't expect that. He came out in person and was rejected by Chu Yan.

"What do you think? In your position, although the fighting power is good, if you continue to challenge, the magic mountain above will shake you out. At that time, I will not accept you again. " The way to kill the demon king is a bit of a threat.

Chu Yan also frowned slightly. To others, killing the demon king seemed like good advice, but to him, it seemed like a threat or a curse."I still want to try." Chu Yan said nothing, and then he decided to step on the next magic hall without looking at the killing demon king.

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