Top Gun King

Chapter 73

But Chen Yao has been communicating with Su Qiyao about her needs all the time

Relatively speaking, their needs are not too difficult to meet.

It's impossible to store limited time guns in the warehouse of the first-line team. Only permanent guns have the value of research and modification. Qin Yizhu, the leader of the dictatorial team, is known as the AK prince. The AK series guns in the warehouse of the dictatorial team are the most. Whatever they choose, they basically have ready-made ones.

However, Chen Yao's needs are a little complicated.

Too ordinary things have never been in the warehouse, and too high-end things have been traded.

It took Su Qiyao a long time to match him with a golden star tactical belt, golden star tactical gloves, and a pair of dark gold streamer secondary anti radiation pants.

"There's really no way. We don't have enough armor here. Why don't we bring you another main weapon?" Su Qiyao is in a dilemma.

There won't be too many armor in front-line warehouses.

But as they said, there are no low-grade goods in the warehouse of the first-line team!

Golden starlight tactical belt and golden starlight tactical gloves are already the configuration of b-league.

As for the dark gold streamer series, only the first-line team players will be equipped with!

"Do you have Barrett?" Chen Yao asked.

"No Just a bunch of accessories. " Su Qiyao said regretfully, "there were five M82 refitted and three xm500 refitted. They were packed away by the Longyin team this morning."

"Oh? Is the first team involved in the trade? " Chen Yao's eyebrows sank.

"Yes." Su Qiyao's voice also dropped.

Qin Yizhu said to Chen Yao before that if there is any hope of a comeback after a team accident, all the first team will keep a tacit silence and will not easily take part in the transaction.

But now Longyin team such a first-team shot, it shows that the situation has been irreversible.

The dictatorship team is basically over.

"Yao Zai." Su Qiyao called him.


"Don't be upset."

"No Chen Yao calmly replied, "I have no position to be sad."

Su Qiyao was stunned.

Yes, Chen Yao has no professional contract with the dictatorial team. He has never been a member of the dictatorial team for one day.

Even if he wants to be sad, he has no qualification to be sad!

"Take care." Chen Yao estimates that the liquidation of the team's assets has come to an end, and Su Qiyao is going to leave.

"Sure!" Su Qiyao gave a low smile and sniffed, "come on, too."

In addition to getting three pieces of armor that far exceeded expectations, Su Qiyao also turned out a smoke bomb [cherry blowing snow] and asked him to make do with it with a smile.

There are more than 30 kinds of smoke bombs in the sniper of life and death, with different light effects, but in fact, there is no big difference in use except for the different carriers blocking the line of sight.

[cherry blowing snow] is a very representative smoke bomb in the sniping of life and death. Its explosion rate is extremely low and extremely precious. Its smoke effect is pure and beautiful, so that 80% of the smoke bombs used by female professional players are cherry blowing snow!

Spark's spare weapon, Su Qiyao gave him a gold double holding Shaying, which is the weapon that Zhang Ning, the boss of the black Internet bar, is proud of.

Unfortunately, no decent cold weapons were left in the warehouse of the dictatorial team. Su Qiyao chose a few for him, but he didn't like them.

When Chen Yao finished his trade, they had to wait for a round of flying chess.

"All right, get out." One by one, the spark revived them, took them along the path indicated in the strategy, went to the hangar, and left the aghoff Arsenal by helicopter.

"You're back at last?" Beard looked at the time, "I said, do you know in advance that you will explode rare ammunition, so you can fight in such a hurry, and finally set aside time for trading?"

Originally, he was just a joke.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yao replied, "yes."

"Yes?" Hu Zi, with his new permanent gun, was so proud that he almost lost all his melon seeds. "That's rare ammunition! How do you know? "

"I've seen the strategy." Chen Yao answered faintly.

"Get..." Along the way, Chen Yao had already explained 100 questions with this sentence, and he simply stopped asking, "I really want to see how the strategy is written!"

"Where to look?" Asked one of his teammates.

"The strategy of fighting without injury is either in the water area or in the novice area..." The beard stroked the forehead.

"I still don't see it. I've been burned by his strategy." Another teammate resolutely refused to see this inhuman strategy.

"It's like we didn't get bloody by his strategy today." The beard mended the knife in a bad way."Alas, the strategy of war without injury is like chocolate candy in a box!"

"You never know if the next piece is gnawed by a mouse?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Five people successfully arrived at the hangar, the helicopter took off, beard took over the control of the vehicle, the "rapid march" team for two hours, finally relaxed.

All the way laughter, a few of their teammates while watching the strategy, while also issued a funny laugh curse.

"I've taken it. It took me 160 times to find out the platform above the second workshop. Try more than 100 times just to find a new player's defense point. What does he think? "

"At the crucible of death, he tried 285 times just to find out What's the sequence of five people lying on the conveyor belt? What does he think? "

"You don't say, just because the order of lying on the conveyor belt is different, so when we fall down one by one, the spark can just be at the farthest point of the boss!" While listening to them, the bearded Helicopter Driver gradually found out the key to some problems, "but in the No. 9 warehouse, he sent himself as a hostage, and then rescued other hostages, let them cry and howl, jump up and down to attract the boss's eyes, so as to ensure the survival of all the team members How did he come up with such a bad way of playing? "

"He lost more than a thousand times He tried out the last sniper hanging upside down at the farthest point. As long as there are three shots in the end, one of them can hit four big pieces! "

In the whole team channel, because of a strategy, there are "what does he think" one after another, because normal people really can't understand the brain circuit of war without injury.

Soon, the helicopter landed safely on the top of the building 2000 meters away from the aghoff Arsenal, and several people who watched the strategy saw the end.

Chen Yao looked at the time and quit the game.

What he is doing today is not shooting thunder bags or trading rare ammunition.

About the school team next door, he said he was in charge!

"Well, beard." Spark just quit soon, a teammate's voice suddenly.

"What's the matter? So serious all of a sudden? Did you catch the grandson who hurt my foot? " Beard said with a smile.

"That's not true." Another teammate also spoke, "spark really knows that it will explode rare ammunition in the end!"

"Spark said that just now. He has seen the attack..." Beard answered with indifference.

"No, no, no, he didn't just know that rare ammunition would come out in the end! He knows more... " The teammate interrupted him, "you'd better have a look at it. This strategy is too bad..."

"Oh? Really? What else does he know? " The beard didn't exit, it just cut out.

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