That group of people at this time, is a look at each other, and then is incomparably bitter up, and then a look at each other, is bow, ready to leave from here.

"Lao Li, you arrange personnel to send these people off. Their cars are taken off one by one, and their bank cards are frozen. They are not allowed to use them for the time being."

The old man on the other side took a look at these people. Suddenly, he thought of something and said something.

One of the housekeepers on the other side listened to this, took a look at the old man and nodded his head when he saw the firm look in his eyes.

"I see, sir. I'm going to arrange it."

At this time, the housekeeper took a look at the people in front of him, and then he began to prepare.

These people's coffers and so on, he is very clear.

After all, these people spend their daily expenses from him. These members spend a lot of money every month.

At this time, his hands, of course, is to grasp each of their bank cards.

Want to freeze, their bank card, at this time, in her here, but very simple.

At the thought of this, I was looking at these people in front of me. A group of people on the other side also turned pale.

Damn it, I have bad money in my bank card.

At this time, it was frozen like this, so after that, how would they live?

At ordinary times, they are used to a lot of life, but at this time, all of a sudden, their economy is cut off. So, what should we do after that?

At the thought of this, their heart is a little nervous.

Each other is a look at each other, is looking at the side of the ancestors, is some pleading up.

"Well, you go down. What kind of punishment will come down at that time."

For these people, is already some helpless, the old man is to see these people, is shaking his head, is not want to say more.

After all, as far as the situation at this time is concerned, he is really looking at these people, but he is somewhat dissatisfied.

These people are their ancestors, but how do these people do it? They all want to die by themselves!

Are these people their own descendants?

At the thought of this, he was still somewhat spiritual. He was almost angry, but he did not faint.

That side of Heng Yan Lin, is at this time, is a look at these people, then also shook his head.

It's just a punishment.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin is a little disappointed, but just at this moment, he took a look at these people. In their eyes, suddenly, there was something strange.

Then, the corner of the mouth, also with a smile out.

At that time, Heng Yanlin looked at the past at a glance and saw that these people were one by one. They had countless bad luck, and they began to cover these people.

In this case, these people will not have any good results at this time.

I thought it was just like this.

But now, just because of this matter, originally these people have good fortune, but at this moment, we can see that these people's fortune seems to have been greatly affected.

So it seems that after these people, but there will be no good life, about after, one by one, there will be extremely poor in the latter half of their lives, is waiting for them to come.

That Heng Yan Lin is at this time, is to look up, that is extremely strange.

These people are at the present time, do not know that they are at this time, the fate is to have some changes, but when they are true, it is estimated that they will regret.

Heng Yanlin thought of this, and some expressions on the corners of his mouth naturally began to show.

That group of people wanted to say something, but seeing that the old man was incomparably gloomy, naturally, after moving his lips, the technology was silent.

There is no way, the other side is already like this, put clearly, just do not want, is at this time, continue.

So at the moment, these people, still at this time, should not stay here more.

I didn't see it. It was because, before that, the old man who begged for help decided to seal their financial resources?

If we ask for it later, I'm afraid there will be more severe punishment, which is waiting for them.

When I think of this, I think that I bought some yachts before. They just shivered, and then they started to leave.The old man was looking at these people. At this time, he began to leave here one after another. When all these people left, he immediately sighed.

"I didn't expect that when people get old, there will be no one who cares about themselves. If you look at these animals, they all want me to die. As an old bone, I have no meaning to stay here."

The old man said this word, is extremely desolate.

As he spoke, he was full of exclamations.

Heng Yan Lin is to take a look at the old man, and then also at random four start to look.

This is the other party's business. It has nothing to do with myself.

As for how the other party is, and his relationship is really not very big.

"It doesn't matter. Isn't it for both of us?"

That side of the hundred snow two people, is listening to this, immediately is in the heart of a sour, then is hastily opened his mouth to say a word.

There is no way, also do not look, at this time, the other party is here, that is, the two of them.

If both of them do not comfort each other and estimate that the other is true, they will be depressed to death.

What's more, for this ancestor, they are really belong to, is more concerned about.

Otherwise, the other party is here to speak to them like this. It is estimated that they are both not qualified to speak.

The old man is listening to this, bow his head is to look at the two people in front of them, and then also slightly nodded.

On the corner of his mouth, there was a smile.

"Yes, there are both of you. If it were not for you, I would have become the lonely one."

The older she is, the more afraid she is of loneliness. She is afraid that she will be by her own side.

At this time, there are such two people, is at this time, is so accompany themselves, is really, is tens of thousands of good.

At least, at this time, he was extremely satisfied. When he thought about it, he was looking at the two men in front of him.

At this time, the old man will also decide that some of the property of the later generations will be handed over to these two people.

I just want to go. For those people, there is no one who can be qualified to inherit their own heritage.

Death is not to take away, it is better to give it, this is able to at this time, also care about their own people.

That side of the Bai Xue two people, is looking at the old man, see each other's eyes, full of joy, immediately also holding each other's hand, sharing their own heart joy.

In the past, he thought that the other side is dead, did not expect that the other side or survived, it is just too good.

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