"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first."

Heng Yan Lin took a look at the old man, then shook his head, and then was toward the outside, is to start walking.

The female ghost, said the place, hengyanlin is a little curious, so is to greet the female ghost, is toward the outside, is slowly out.

That hundred snow see this, immediately is in the heart an urgent, is to want to follow that Heng Yan Lin to go out together.

At this time, she still has some not give up. She wants to see if she can persuade Heng Yan Lin so that she can help her ancestors.

However, the old ancestor at this time, is to see the snow, is to stay her.

"Snow white, listen to me for the next thing."

That old ancestor this time, is looking at that hundred snow, is extremely serious said a word.

That Bai Xue originally thought, is able to give their own ancestors, begging for love or something, let's hengyanlin, is able to hand, will their ancestors, is to save.

But at this time, is to see their own ancestors, at this time, the eyes, is incomparably dignified looking at themselves, immediately is that heart, is slightly tight.

"What's the matter, please tell me!"

That hundred snow at this time, is looking at their own ancestors, and then is open to say a courtyard guard.

There is no way, for her ancestors, she has to obey, who let the old ancestor, from his childhood, for her is all kinds of good.

That kind of feeling, is not so shallow.

At this time, the old ancestor was looking at the snow in front of him. On the corner of his mouth, he showed a smile.

Pain so many people, good or bad, in the last time, there is no wrong person.

When he thought of this, he was looking at Bai Xue Liang in front of him. His eyes were full of joy.

"The old ancestor's time is not much. Although the boy gave me an extra day to come out, after that, I will die."

When the old man said this, his tone was very flat, without any fluctuation.

At this time, the other party is doing something. At this time, how can it be?

He knew that he was bound to die, so after thinking about it, he should start to explain the future.

"The two of you are very happy to the old ancestor. At least, you two are very concerned about me. So the old ancestor decided that in the future, he would give some of his inheritance to you two."

At this time, the old ancestor looked at the Housekeeper on the other side and began to order. It was just like a picture that he would like to leave a will.

See this situation, that side of the snow, is to see this situation, that in the eyes, there are tears, is beginning to fall down.

"Laozu Zong, no, there is still a way. I'll ask for love, and then he will cure you."

That hundred snow at this time, still did not understand what happened.

So at the moment, or feel, is to beg for mercy, let's hengyanlin, then, their ancestors are also some of the rescue.

But in fact, if you think so, there is no problem.

Also do not look, at this time, that Heng Yan Lin, is here, as long as the female ghost, is to get rid of.

At that time, these people will be able to survive.

It's not at this time, it's looking at this situation, that is to say, the old ancestors will not die.

At this time, the ancestor looked at each other, and then shook his head.

"This matter is not so simple."

When Laozu Zong said this, there was a trace of sigh in his eyes. He didn't think of it. At the beginning, it was his own thing. How could it be like this.

At that time, it was really his fault.

But there is no way, it is already like this, so at the moment, he is looking at the situation in front of him, and he has already accepted his fate.

"Laozu Zong, you just tell me what happened? As long as we know something, there is still a way to solve it. "

That hundred snow is at this time, have a look, in front of this ancestor comes, then is open to say a word.

She knows that, if she doesn't know the specific things here, it can be solved later, that is, there is no way.

At this time, it is to inquire about this matter well, and then it is able to solve this problem.

But now, is completely does not know, this time, this matter is what kind of situation, she just wants to start, is unlikely.The old ancestor did not want to say, but saw the snow incomparable firm eyes, in thinking, if in the later.

Their own snow, is not aware of such a thing, when it happens, it is estimated that they do not know who to look for, it is some danger.

This time, is to tell the other party, there is such a thing, if in the future, is to encounter such a thing, is to find that Heng Yan Lin.

If there is hengyanlin, if hengyanlin has a good relationship with Bai Xue, that is to say, he can treat his own woman well, and then preserve his own snow.

He took a deep breath and then nodded.

"Well, then this matter, is to tell you about it, but you must remember that this matter is not to be passed on indiscriminately!"

It was at this time that the ancestor took a look at the two men in front of him and nodded.

After saying a word casually, after looking at the housekeeper and others on the other side, he just waved his hand to get these people back.

There is no way. For this matter, it is really not these people who can participate here.

So at the moment, looking at these people, the old ancestor is also extremely impolite.

Anyway, it's all his servants. Does he want to command these people or not?

These people, who just want to direct, can also be at will.

A few people on the other side were curious about the old ancestor's next words, but at the moment, they saw each other and began to scold people.

At that time, it was helpless.

Know that the other party does not want to let themselves, is here to continue to stay, so one by one, that is, nod, is to leave here.

After a while, people on this side left one after another, clean and clean.

It is the two hundred snow on the other side who have stayed here. None of the others can stay here.

Seeing this situation, the snow is a little bit nervous, let his grandfather, is such a grand treatment, the next thing, may be some unusual up.

However, in the following, the old ancestor said that the words were direct, so that he opened his eyes, and then he looked at the old man in front of him. In his eyes, there was a full of questioning.

That is to say, the person in front of him is his own ancestor. If he is the rest of the people, he is speaking such words to himself at this time. He doubts why the other party is, that is, he wants to deceive himself and make such a funny joke.

Are you kidding me? Is the man who wants the life of his ancestors a ghost?

Isn't this thing, that is, everybody, a random fabrication?

How can it be at this time, is this kind of random appearance here? Think about it like this. If this thing is true, then what should I do after that to be able to survive here?

At the thought of this, she just took a look at the ancestors in front of her, and her eyes were full of strange colors.

What is the meaning of her own words?

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