"Brother feather, it's not our fault. You see, this man is so fierce. If we don't do this, then you will die here, and we will die here. It's not like that you are dead. At that time, we will be able to survive Yes. "

"That's right, brother Yu. You see, since you're a dead man, it's to sacrifice yourself."

Several security guards on the other side, at this time, took a look at brother Yu, and then the look in his eyes became somewhat elusive.

No matter how, at this time, looking at this guy, they feel that, at this time, that brother Yu can die, and then change, so that they can survive, in fact, it is very good.

So, at this time, is to look at the Yu brother in front of them, their eyes, also become, is a little indifferent.

No matter how to say, but at this time, it is to look at these people in front of them. It is at this time that their eyes are also some fun.

"Brother feather, you see for yourself. Originally, this person is what you provoked. At this time, it is also necessary for you. It is better to deal with it."

"Brother feather, you are wronged. We brothers will remember it."

The rest of the people on that side, at this time, took a look at the feather brother and then began to talk.

No matter what, at this time, it is to see the guy in front of them. They also begin to shake their heads.

This guy, however, gave them these people, is extremely miserable, if not this guy, at this time, is facing them, is all kinds of nonsense.

Or ask them, is to the Heng Yan Lin hand, in fact, there is no other thing.

So, at this time, they are looking at the guy in front of them. They think, in fact, it can be like this.

Otherwise, at this time, they are seeing the situation. It is at this time that they are forced to get up.

Also do not see, that Heng Yan Lin, what kind of monster is in the end.

If such guys, at this time, is let, they are against that guy, at that time, they are also absolutely, is a way of death.

Since we all die together, it is at this time, if we can, to let that guy in exchange for their lives. In fact, it is very good.

Think of here, they these people, is also the beginning, is some, extremely ferocious looking at that feather elder brother to come.

Feather brother is at this time, is by these people's eyes, is to see, in the heart is some uncomfortable.

"You people just don't look. If I am killed by you at this time, my family will be able to let you go? Are you dreaming? "

That feather elder brother is at this time, is a little angry, looked at these people, is extremely angry, is to begin to say a word.

These people, really, are some stupid?

In the previous time, that Heng Yan Lin is to say, there is no mistake, is these people stupid!

In this case, it's like saying, even if they catch him, then they keep themselves, and then what happens afterwards?

Is not to see, if say, at this time, he is dead, but after that, their families, can let go of these people?

After all, but these people have changed. Otherwise, what can these people do here?

It is estimated that at that time, these people will die directly.

Their own family, is not so useless, is to kill these people, but there is no problem?

Think of here, he is looking at these people, that look in the eyes, but also some disdain.

These people just don't know their own strength.

What's more, the brain is not easy to use, thinking, is to use their own, is able to exchange for a life in general, it is really silly appearance.

At this time, Heng Yanlin took a look at these people and then shook his head.

That feather elder brother, really wants to say, actually has said a truth.

Although he was killed by himself at that time, as far as those families are concerned, if these security guards are not removed, they should not think that they can recover some face.

It was at this time that the security guard on the other side heard the words.

At that moment, his face was a little ugly.

This guy, speaking of it, has some truth.

But in this case, the matter, that is, some, is elusive.If we say that at this time, they are real, it is for this person, and there are so many people on the other side who are here.

At that time, that is to say, there will be some things to pass on.

At that time, they people, that is, do not think, will have a better time.

It is estimated that the possibility of them being killed is 100%.

They are not as fierce as Heng Yanlin, so it is very simple for those families to kill them. When they think about it, their faces will become ugly.

Some people are hesitant when they look at them.

The female ghost, especially at this time, was watching with some relish.

Hastily is to the side of Heng Yan Lin, is to start to say, "you don't interfere, is to see them at this time, is to start dog bite dog!"

That side of the female ghost, is at this time, the performance is extremely interested.

Lianlian is beginning to tell that hengyanlin, is to hope the other party, is not to interfere.

At this time, it's really fun to watch them play like this.

He was persecuted by these big families about a time ago. So, at this time, he was looking at these people. Under such circumstances, he was also a little gloating.

I wish that at this time, we should take a look at the current situation.

Heng Yan Lin is to look at the situation in front of him, see that girl ghost, is such an attitude, and then is lazy, is at this time, is to continue to shoot.

Anyway, when it comes to this time, if there are these people to make a move, it is still OK to have a direct look at the excitement at this time.

After all, she didn't look at it. At this time, she felt that if she could not do something, it was done. When the time came, the people in this room would feel regret. In fact, it was very good.

That group of people is at this time, are all feel, is oneself by that Heng Yan Lin, is to oppress to feel general.

So at the moment, is to look at the Heng Yan Lin, in front of the feather brother to, their heart, also began to twitch.

If you can, at this time, you need to be more careful.

After all, if Heng Yanlin was dissatisfied at this time, they were definitely going to die.

Therefore, at this time, no matter how to say it, it is impossible to let Heng Yan Lin be dissatisfied and angry.

Think of here, is to see in front of the Heng Yan Lin, they are also some anxious.

"What about all that? At least, if we kill you, we will be safe for the time being

A man on the other side was extremely impolite at this time. He opened his mouth and said a word.

That said, is to look at that feather brother, is that in the eyes, is full of cold color.

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