"Surrender! You can't get out. "

The head of the big man's face a little proud looking at these people, they are fierce, how, but also can avoid the stinger missile? That is to say, the man who was just a strong man, or he may be able to resist these missiles.

They all looked gloomy at the man's words. They did not feel shaken by his words. Seeing that the helicopter had completely aimed the missiles at them, Lu Danxi took a deep breath.

"The others cover up and let the mice leave safely."

Lu Danxi's voice was cold and cold. The rest of the people were silent. They knew that the meaning of Lu Danxi's words was to let them resist the fire of the helicopter and cover the retreat of rats.

They are very strong indeed. It is estimated that they can circle around for a while in the face of helicopters, but if you want to cover the mouse, it will not be long before it will be torn up.

Because once a weapon has targeted the mouse, they must use their own body to block, to block all those attacks!

The crowd took a deep breath, a chill flashed in their eyes, and said, "yes, the blade team has received the order!"

"Mouse, you go!"

Lu Danxi took a deep breath. Then he turned his head and said to the mouse in a cold voice. The mouse's throat moved and nodded silently. Then his body flashed. He ignored the helicopter and rushed directly to the front.

In his mind, he knew that his comrades in arms would definitely come to block the attack of these weapons for himself once they were locked in the weapon. As long as they were not all dead, he would be safe. The mouse was very clear in his mind, but when he thought that his comrades in arms who fought side by side died here in this way, he felt a convulsion in his heart. About all of them had thought that they would die in battle, but they did not expect that they would die in this way.

And the mouse did not expect that he would have such a day. In this way, he would like to die here if it was not for the things on his body.

The head man with Bala's arm on one side, seeing the mouse up to now, is still on the run. His face immediately coagulates, and then his face flashes with ferocity.

Since you want to die yourself, go and die! I don't know why, the uneasiness in his heart has become more and more intense, so now, we still need to solve these people directly and complete the task quickly.

Otherwise, it is estimated that there will be trouble later, but I don't know what the trouble is. He has already blocked this place, so it is impossible for people here to find out their situation here.

However, if it is not the army here, what is it that can make him uneasy. According to reason, with his strength, as long as the number of people sent out by the other side or the strength is not too high, there is no way to threaten him.

Han felt the uneasiness in his heart, and he had the impulse to turn around and run. But now these guys are about to be solved. He can only watch them and leave after they are solved. Otherwise, something goes wrong and his task is still a failure.


At the sight of the big man's instructions, the fighters on the helicopter did not hesitate, but did not hesitate. They aimed their weapons at the sharp blade team on the ground, and there were as many as three missiles fired at the mouse.

It seems that, in order to complete the task, these people did not hesitate to return at all costs. They actually launched missiles, and there were as many as three against rats.

The mouse saw the missiles coming, as if they had not seen them. They were heading for the front, while the sharp blade team on the side suddenly rushed out three people, as if they had a tacit understanding, towards the three missiles.

Lu Danxi saw this, silver teeth slightly bit red lips, some can't bear to see three teammates, just constantly avoid, those bullets.

"Ah, it's stupid. You can just avoid it directly. You can use your body to block missiles. You think you have reached the peak of your cultivation and become a saint?"

All of a sudden, they saw a man in short sleeves and casual clothes standing in front of them. It was really weird.

You know, in this kind of icy snow, the temperature is extremely low, even though they can not be afraid of these temperatures, but in this temperature, they are still frozen to delay their movement, so they are wearing extremely warm.

The sharp blade team carefully looked at this man who suddenly appeared. However, the people in the sharp blade team flashed a look of shock in their eyes. Why did this man appear here!

And just that a sigh, obviously is also in front of this man, sends out.

Heng Yanlin shook his head and looked at the three people who were rushing towards the missile. They were just slightly grasped by his right hand. The three people who had been rushing towards the missile at once seemed to be faster than their rushing speed. In an instant, they returned to the face of the blade team.Just backward back, let them really is some not used to, when Heng Yanlin put down his hand, the three people suddenly fell in the snow.

At this time, the missile also directly locked in the direction of Heng Yanlin, and rushed straight to the crowd. Seeing this situation, the people of the sharp blade team all changed their faces and wanted to go directly to the front to block the missile.

Although we don't know what Heng Xiulin wants to do, we should never let the missile fall among the people like them. Otherwise, even if the division doesn't die, they will end up seriously injured. In this way, the mission will be a direct failure.

Heng Yanlin's face did not move. Looking at the missile, his face was frozen. Then an invisible wave spread out. Then, a very strange picture appeared in front of the public.

At this time, the speed of the missile, which was originally extremely fast, slowed down slowly, and then solidified directly in the air. If it was not for the flame that was blowing from behind, they would all think that the propulsion fuel of the missile had been exhausted.

However, even if the fuel is exhausted, it is impossible to let the missile fly in mid air!

In the eyes of the people, there was a strong color of shock. At this time, those big men also looked as if they had seen a ghost. What kind of ghost is this? Even the missile can block it like this?

Hengxiulin ignored these people's surprise, but controlled the missile with his divine sense. It was not a particularly powerful thing. However, even in this way, it consumed him a lot.

After all, he was just a monk in the foundation period. It was a bit of a struggle to intercept the missile, and the missile was still struggling. Therefore, Heng Yanlin had to solve the missile as soon as possible.

Otherwise, his mind is relaxing and the missiles will come again.

Heng Yanlin controls the divine consciousness and pushes slightly in front of the missile. The missile turns in a direction and directly locks in the three helicopters. The pilot of the helicopter, seeing that there is something wrong with these missiles, is a little chilly in his heart.

At present, seeing the missile, it was so strange. In the air, it turned a direction directly, and suddenly the souls of the dead were scared. Then, they quickly turned the direction of the plane and wanted to stay away from here.

If they don't act quickly now, they may die on the missile. They are very clear about the power of the missile, but even if they turn the direction, they may not be able to save their lives.

However, if they don't turn around and stay away, they will die, because the distance is too short. They don't even have a little extra control space. The missile will definitely shoot them straight.

Seeing that the three helicopters wanted to escape directly, Heng Yan Linton gave a cold smile, and then he directly released the control of his mind. At this time, the missile had locked the three helicopters. As long as he let go, the rest could be completed.

The reaction speed of the three helicopters is very fast, but there is no missile coming quickly. After a roar, there is a violent explosion. The three helicopters are directly torn into countless pieces and then splashed around.

All the people present looked at the scene in front of them. If it wasn't for this thing, it happened in front of them. They still couldn't accept the scene just happened. It was so weird and left. No wonder, no wonder they have already felt very powerful. However, when compared with Heng Yanlin, they all knelt down, and those who kneel have no resistance ability at all. What's more, hengyanlin's weird means is that they even test all Heng Yanlin's strength.

Those big men, looking at the three helicopters engulfed by the fireball, swallowed their mouths one after another, and stepped back in horror. The guy in front of them was clearly a freak! How can they not panic at the thought that they are going to fight a guy like this?

After solving the three helicopters, Heng Yanlin turned his eyes to the big men. He saw that the faces of the big men were full of panic. There was no fluctuation in his heart. To be honest, these big men were just scum.

For LV Danxi and others, maybe their strength is strong, but for him, there is no threat at all. You know, at present, his strength has directly reached the foundation period, and these people in front of him have only improved in speed and strength.

Even if there are so many black clothes for him, they are still not enough.

"These people, you solve or I come?"

Heng Yanlin turned to look at the big men and asked a group of people in lvdanxi.

The people of the sharp blade team suddenly turned red when they heard the words. In their current state, although Heng Yanlin solved the three helicopters, they were still not the opponents of these people.

At present, each of them has a huge consumption, not to mention, before the war, they have been rushing for hundreds of kilometers, and their physical strength has been almost exhausted. Before they fought with these soldiers, their consumption is even greater.Therefore, at present, they are no longer the opponents of these people. It's just that they feel a bit shameful to say this in front of Heng Yanlin. In any way, Heng Yanlin is also their instructor.

Looking at the faces of the people, Heng Yanlin suddenly realized that they were not able to solve these people. He immediately shook his head slightly, and then raised his eyes to look at the big men.

At the sight of Heng Yanlin's eyes, the head of the Han Dynasty suddenly felt a chill in his heart. The uneasiness was so strong that he wanted to leave here.

No matter what the strength of Heng Yanlin is, he believes in his own feelings, so he wants to leave here quickly.

When Heng Yanlin saw this, he immediately sneered, reached out his hand, and pulled out a spear from lvdanxi's waist. Then his figure flashed, as if he were running straight towards the big man at a very strange speed. The mouse thinks that his speed is extremely fast, but seeing Heng Yanlin's current speed, he is ashamed to find a hole to drill in. Compared with Heng Yanlin, his speed is simply weak.

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