Two people think of here, immediately is that Heng Yan Lin, is to be scared.

In the previous time, but did not think much of what, but at this time, they are really, is that Heng Yan Lin, is to give a shock.

This guy, is it true that he wants to frighten them, is he doing rest?

At the thought of this, they are holding the hand of Heng Yan Lin, and they are all a little nervous.

That is to say, hengyanlin's erection is good, and the body is almost cultivated.

So it is at this time, it is two people, such a catch, or can resist.

Otherwise, at this time, the other side is such a catch, Heng Yanlin himself, are some will feel unbearable feeling.

But fortunately, at this time, hengyanlin can still be immune to this catch.

"Don't you scare us, can you? You're really talking to that ghost girl?"

That side of modesty, is extremely afraid, is some complain incomparably, is to that Heng Yan Lin, is said after a sentence, is nervous, is the beginning of four times to look up.

Deep fear is at this time, that side, there are some strange things, is the beginning to appear.

That side of Heng Yan Lin, also at this time, is to see that modest to, in the eyes, is some helpless.

"I'm asking each other? What are you doing so nervous? "

Heng Yanlin is looking at each other, that tone is extremely speechless, he is asking about the way so?

How is it at this time, the other party is also like this, is afraid of the appearance?

What is it like this? Ask yourself, but she's not asking?

That modest is to listen to the words of Heng Yan Lin, is at this time, or a little nervous.

"Do you really see ghosts? What did the other party say at this time? What did she respond to? "

Modesty at this time, also know that he is at this time, is a bit of a gaffe, so at this time, is to say a word, but at this time, is facing Heng Yan Lin, incomparably nervous inquiry.

"She said," it's the place in front of you. She also said that you two have not seen her. It depends on you two who are afraid. I don't know. Ghosts are also afraid of people? "

That Heng Yan Lin is at this time, he is listening to the words, is with two people, but also gently opened his mouth to say a word.

For these two people, is also extremely helpless.

I didn't expect that these two people would be so afraid.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin is also a little speechless. The ghost girl is at this time, both of them are laughing at them.

If it is absolute in normal times, it will not be like this.

After listening to this, they were stunned for a moment, but they didn't have any at all. They heard the ghost's abuse and showed some anger. On the contrary, at this time, their faces became extremely pale.

If they can, they don't want to be targeted by the ghost. What's wrong with them? What's wrong with them?

At this time, it is not good to ignore them directly?

At the thought of this, some people are also a little nervous.

Is to see in front of this Heng Yan Lin, is some of the body is beginning to tremble.

Heng Yan Lin is a look at the two people, see the two people, is at this time, are some afraid of the appearance.

Take a look at that side of the female ghost, but also some speechless.

"I don't know how these two people are so timid, that is, they let you pass a word!"

That female ghost is to see, that side of Heng Yanlin's eyes, is also some innocent, is open to say a word.

I didn't think that at this time, there would be such a thing.

Heng Yanlin looked at each other, and then shook his head. He knew that this matter had nothing to do with her. In fact, it was just that these two people were timid.

So at this time, after seeing the ghost girl, I didn't say anything.

Hengyanlin is to continue to the front, is slowly walking, and at this time, also can feel, that nearby breath, is at this time, is also beginning, is slowly falling down.

At this time, the two people on the other side could feel that it was a little cold nearby.

"What's the matter? How do you feel? It's so cold here."

Two people at this time, in fact, are wearing more, but at this time, is still the breath, is to be frozen, is beginning to shiver.

Heng Yan Lin is a look, that in front of this situation to, and then also eyebrows, is a slight jump, and then is not to think about what."It's nearby. It's a little different, so you'll feel that way."

At this time, Heng Yanlin said something to them.

After saying that, after thinking about it, he threw out some of the spiritual power on that side, and then protected them.

On these two people, under such circumstances, if you don't protect them properly, they will be invaded by these cold air.

When the time comes back, it is inevitable that there will be a serious illness.

Originally, I would have thought that the two people in front of me were following me. In fact, he didn't need to worry about anything.

But now look, hengyanlin feel, he still some think too much.

Take a look at these two people in front of you, where you don't need to worry about anything.

At this time, if they do not take care of themselves, they will be ill at that time.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin is also a bit helpless. Originally, he thought that he did not need to take care of each other. It was at this time that he would know that he still needed to take good care of the other party.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin just shook his head at will and walked towards the front.

I was in the previous time, I promised to come down. At this time, I can't see them again. These two people are injured at this time. That's also my own. It's something that I got down. It's nobody's fault.

Think of here, Heng Yanlin is also continue to go towards that front.

Before that, they still felt that they were a little cold and so on. But after that, they could feel that their bodies were surrounded by a very warm feeling.

That kind of feeling, is extremely gentle incomparable, will that around the cold, as if to disperse the general.

A sense of this, in looking at the side of the Heng Yan Lin, their eyes, is also a surge of a touch, is a very frightened look.

In the previous time, or constantly questioned the Heng Yan Lin what.

This is also based on the fact that, in the past, what the other party said, and some other situations, it was necessary for them to break some of their own ideas for more than 20 years.

So, for this, they are a little difficult to accept, but also normal.

But at this time, that Heng Yan Lin's this, but to their own, is extremely appropriate use.

That is to say, this is to make them, at this time, is incomparably shocked, this hand is simply too powerful!

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