Heng Yanlin has said two words, but at this time, there is still no movement on that side.

Heng Yanlin is looking at this situation, is a little impatient.

It is true that some people are speechless.

In this case, the other side is still some unwilling to come out, but this is some wrong?

In how to say, I have already said that I found the other party, and the other party just can't say, at this time, is to get yourself out?

If only in their own at this time, is to find out the other party?

This fierce ghost, but a little uninteresting?

Heng Yanlin is looking at this scene, his heart is a little speechless, and then also to see the situation, after that, is that face, also began to gloomy Ali.

"If you don't eat or drink, if you do, don't blame me for being rude."

Hengyanlin is at this time, is to look at each other, after, is extremely angry to say.

This other side, is so confident about his own strength and confidence, Heng Yanlin is also a little curious. The other side is cheated out directly by himself. What will happen to him.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin also stretched out his hand in his palm, and then with a gentle stroke, there was a mark full of golden light, which began to emerge from Heng Yanlin's hand.

After Heng Yanlin drew the seal, he took a look at the side and then threw it directly.

The rune is thrown directly at the ground.

But after a moment, we can see that the seal is direct, facing the ground, and beginning to enter.

But when the rune began to slowly sink into the bottom, it was able to see that a picture that seemed a little startled began to emerge.

It seems that it was at this time that the seal touched something.

So at this moment, is to be able to see, the seal, is to continuously emit incomparably bright color, after that, is able to hear, the sound of the light is beginning to ring.

It seems that there are some things in that area. It is at this time that it is constantly blocking the seal.

For this scene, that side of the two women, is to see, some feeling of astonishment incomparable.

On the other side, the ghost could see more.

It was just after the seal fell that it had a very strong Yin Qi. It was at this time that the seal was dispelled.

But it didn't disperse for a long time, just to be able to see, that Yin Qi began to gather together, and then it gathered together. A picture that wanted to block the seal was to block it, not to let it fall directly.

This place, is it true that there are other fierce ghosts?

And that's the beginning of the scene.

However, these Yin Qi will not be so spiritual. Without the control of people, they will gather together.

The present scene can only prove that there are other ghosts here. It is at this time that they begin to control the Yin Qi.

Thinking of this, the ghost girl is also a little afraid.

I didn't think that there were still other things here that were more powerful than ourselves.

If he had known before, he would have come here later.

The other side is hiding like this, how to see it is also some bad feelings.

At the thought of this, the people on the side, at this time and some of them, began to be afraid.

The modest and modest people, however, were very straightforward. They were looking at the scene in front of them. It was the first time that they had seen such a situation.

So, at this time, I was looking at this situation, and I was afraid.

However, no matter how to say, at this time, is looking at this situation, Heng Yanlin still has some fierce.

At least, that just a symbol, or give them a trace, is extremely safe feeling out.

So it is at this time, to see the situation, they are also some, is to take a look at the Heng Yan Lin, is extremely conscious, is hiding in the side of the Heng Yan Lin.

Heng Yan Lin is at this time, is to see these two people come, also did not pay attention to what.

At this time, just looking at the seal, it was at this time that some of them were difficult. At that time, I was also a little upset.

Although I know that this guy's strength is some powerful, but at this moment, I'm looking at this situation. My own move has some effect of eliminating demons.

But at the moment, the other side is actually able to block the feeling, is let's Heng Yan Lin, is also eyebrows, also began to constantly wrinkle up."Go!"

Is already some impatient Heng Yan Lin, is to look at the situation in front of him, is a direct cold voice, is a reprimand.

At this time, a spiritual light is directly attached to the mark. After that, it can be seen. Suddenly, it is a very bright light, which is directly put on.

Seeing this situation, the two women on the other side were looking at the scene in front of them in dismay at this time.

Wan Wan did not expect that this Heng Yan Lin was so powerful.

Originally thought, this time, is also by the other side, is to block, but now is to see, the other side is actually not so powerful.

At this moment, after the beginning, we can see that there was some decline and slow rune. At this time, it was direct, it was a very bright light, and then it went down directly.

At this time, the two women on the other side also saw that their eyes lit up slightly and then showed a very happy color.

Just for a moment, Heng Yanlin didn't know what he had done.

So after that, we can see that the seal, which is actually direct, burst out, extremely powerful.

Seeing this situation, the two women still think that Heng Yan Lin is the strength of that fierce ghost. In fact, it is somewhat similar.

But now look, look at this, actually speaking, the strength of the two, or some difference.

So at the moment, to see the situation, the two women on the other side, naturally, are a little happy at this time.

Heng Yan Lin took a look at the situation in front of him. Seeing the seal, he began to fall down, that is, he began to wait.

Just that moment, is directly started to fall, is to have each other, is able to bear.

Therefore, it is at this time that Heng Yanlin looks at the situation, that is, he is very casual and starts to wait.

No matter how, at this time, it is to look at the bottom, Heng Yanlin is beginning to wait, the other side is what means, is able to next, his own this move.

At this time, the seal finally fell.

The rest of the people, is not to see, but Heng Yan Lin, or can see to.

At this time, he was able to see that the low, there is a trace of black gas, is the beginning of continuous winding the seal, a picture is to wrap the other party is the feeling of general.

However, the problem is that the seal is not so casual, it can make the other party wrapped in this way.

Therefore, it is only a moment later that we can see that the seal is direct, which is to break the black gas.

Some of the black gas, is not contact with the seal, is the existence of smoke.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin also shook his head, the other side this means, but some not very good.

It's the only way to get around. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin looks at it at will, that is, a hook in the corner of his mouth, which makes you so careless. Then it is to let you have a try. At that time, he will face the punishment.

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