Heng Yanlin is at this time, is a little surprised, looking at the scene in front of him, and then there are some, is surprised.

He didn't expect that, before, it was the Yin Qi on this side, which was a little fierce.

Originally, I thought that this was already the case, but I didn't expect that the situation here is still after being suppressed.

In the previous time, but completely did not think of.

So at the moment, looking at this situation, Heng Yanlin is naturally a little surprised.

At this time, this place is a bit fierce for its Yin Qi.

It is estimated that after that, if it is true here, it is directly to let the other party begin to practice. The other side's realm can be cultivated to a very high level.

Look at this situation, at that time, we can understand that the other party is at that point. If we go out, we can estimate that the outside is real, that is, we are going to start, and we are all in a loss of life.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin is looking at the situation in front of him, and his eyebrows are also beginning to pick up.

Did not expect, will be such a situation, however, at this time, Heng Yanlin still some indifferent.

In addition, it is for the things before that, also have some understanding.

Originally, I thought, what is the situation like.

How is a blink of an eye, is constantly forcing each other, is to fight, is to become, is to become their own pot.

At this time, is a careful look, Heng Yanlin is to understand.

It is because the Yin Qi here is too strong.

Judging from the situation of this place, the other party will have completed his cultivation at that time. It will take several years for the other party not to need this place.

So, look at this situation, Heng Yanlin can understand.

The other side is in a short period of time, completely will not, is for the human hand, even if it can, that is a long time later.

However, it seems to the other party that hengyanlin's way of doing things like this is totally forced by Heng Yanlin. It is because of Heng Yanlin that he makes such a thing.

So, if the other side is to make what things out, what things, should let Heng Yan Lin back.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin also understood that in the past, why this thing is, it will become like this.

People are later, or they will become such killers, but that is what happens later. At this time, the other party is not like this, but is forced by Heng Yanlin, which is what will happen.

This reason, of course, is from Heng Yan Lin back.

However, this matter is also true, Heng Yanlin himself, there is no way.

After all, in terms of the situation at this time, Heng Yanlin was in the past and felt that he was practicing here. It seems that he will not be able to practice for long.

Estimate, when the time comes is also to random hand, for the disaster of the world.

But now look, Heng Yanlin is able to understand that he is wrong, the other side is actually able to practice for a long time.

However, things have been like this, at this time, is also thinking, is no longer meaningful.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin also raised his head, and then looked around. After that, he looked at the fierce ghost.

"Well, I'm surprised. I was just trying to hide the Yin Qi. But you still forced me to come here at this time. It's just enough. In that case, it's also necessary to let you taste the taste."

The fierce ghost caught Heng Yanlin's eyes. He saw the other side's eyes. He was full of them. He was surprised, and immediately he was a little proud.

This guy, is from the beginning, is the performance, extremely calm appearance, from the beginning, has not changed, his face and so on.

At this time, it is able to surprise the other party. This is enough.

So, he is at this time, is some, is proud to see that Heng Yan Lin came.

Heng Yanlin listened to this and then nodded.

"Yes, I really didn't expect that the Yin Qi here was so strong."

It was at this time that Heng Yanlin began to admit it directly.

After all, in terms of the situation of hengyanlin before, hengyanlin would not, because he felt that he was wrong or wrong.

But now it seems that Heng Yanlin is really wrong.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin is also at will incomparable, is to look at each other, after that, is some, is looking at the side of the Yin, is some thinking."With all this Yin Qi, how do you fight me?"

That side of the fierce ghost, is at this time, is becoming, is extremely rampant.

After taking a look at the Heng Yan Lin, he began to laugh.

In the past, he himself did not think that things would be like this.

However, at the moment, it is after seeing it that it is also the beginning, and it is directly proud.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the other side, after, is shaking his head to come, also don't know, the other side is at this time, is such complacent do what.

He did not expect that there would be such a thing, but no matter how it is, the other party is at this time, such ability, Heng Yan Lin but do not feel that he is not able to deal with him.

Therefore, at this time, Heng Yanlin is very casual and incomparable. After looking at this situation, he is indifferent and incomparable.

Several people on that side, at this time, are slightly frowning.

Although there is Heng Yanlin, from time to time is to say some words, but only by virtue of this situation, they really, it is difficult to understand, at this time, what happened.

"I feel cold all of a sudden. What's the matter? Even the moon in the sky, why is it missing? "

"Yes, it's so cold. What's around here? How about the moon? It's like fog, but it's not like it."

That side of the modest two people, is at this time, rubbed his arm, after, is some shudder said.

While saying, there are some, is beginning to nervously look around.

I just don't know what's going on here. I think the situation here was not like this before.

And at this time, how can it become like this.

It's like, it's an instant. It's like entering a refrigerator. It's a bad feeling.

Two people are at this time, are some, is cold to feel.

Hengyanlin is listening to the words, turn his head, is to look at the two people to see, this one eye, is also let Heng Yan Lin, is some eyebrows a wrinkle.

In the past, he had penetrated into some spiritual powers of these two people, so as to maintain their body temperature. In addition, he was not eroded by these Yin Qi.

But at this time, Heng Yanlin is at a glance, two people's spiritual power, at this time has also been consumed.

After all, they suddenly become extremely strong Yin Qi, which means they start to surge. Naturally, some of their spiritual power can not last long.

So at this time, when the spirit power is exhausted, it is naturally a feeling that it is a little cold.

At the moment, to see the situation, the two people are also a little afraid, especially when they see Heng Yanlin. At this time, they are beginning to frown, and their hearts are more depressed.

However, Heng Yanlin's frown was just for a moment, and then it began to stretch.

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