"Are you going to fight me to the end?"

The man in the demon world took a look at the Hengyan forest. At this time, the tone of voice changed, and it was not good.

This guy, in the previous time, still thought, is to let him off.

But at this time, we are looking at this guy. We can already see that the other party is at this time, that is to say, they want to die.

Since it is so, it seems that it is not perfect for each other, it seems that there is something wrong with it.

Immediately, he took a look at the hengyanlin. At this time, the eyes were full of cold color.

I didn't expect that this guy would be like this at this time.

Originally thought, it was to send this guy away, that is OK, but now looking at the Heng Yan Lin, it seems that at this time, that Heng Yan Lin's strength is somewhat fierce.

And, it is at this time, is looking at the Heng Yan Lin, the other side seems to know some, should not, belong to the other side to know the general.

When I think of this, I'm looking at Heng Yan Lin. he is at this time, that heart is full of cold, is beginning to emerge.

"Hum, since the people of the demon world have come here, they should be prepared to die. For those of you in the demon world, don't want to have a person who can come here!"

Hengyanlin at this time, is to look at each other, at this time, is full of sneer, after, is repeatedly, began to talk.

I never thought that this guy would dare to say such words at this time.

Also do not see, at this time, with the strength of the other side, how can we fight with ourselves?

From the beginning, Heng Yanlin could see it. Originally, he wanted to set up some words. But now, he seems to think too much.

The other side is also extremely vigilant, not to mention or face, in front of hengyanlin, the other side is impossible, so, at will, is to tell hengyanlin what he knows.

So if you told Heng Yan Lin, this is not after, is to let Heng Yan Lin with people, let the other party destroy here?

At the thought of this, the other party is also impossible, is at this time, is to make such a thing out.

Hengyanlin is at this time, is to look at the other side, after thinking, is simply, is at this time, is directly torn his face.

Since there is no news, then simply do not want news, directly is to kill the other party, and then close here.

"Originally, you already know the demon world. Who are you and how can you know these things?"

That person is at this time, is to listen to the words of hengyanlin, at this time, is a little frightened, looked at Heng Yan Lin, is full of doubts said.

I didn't expect that hengyanlin knew so many things.

In the past, he thought that hengyanlin knew little, but now he could see that hengyanlin knew more.

However, since this is the case, it is absolutely impossible to let go of Heng Yan Lin.

Otherwise, let's this guy run out of here. Who knows, what will happen at that time.

It is estimated that there will be countless people who will come here and destroy this place.

As for the power here, he doesn't know exactly how it is. But now, he should also know something about it, so as not to have the rest of the things start to appear here.

The man in the demon world knows that Heng Yanlin in front of him is absolute. He can't let him go. So at the moment, he looks at the words. His eyes are full of killing intention. He begins to emerge.

Just, Heng Yan Lin is to look at the other side, after that, is a faint smile.

"Why do you think I know?"

This guy, at this time, actually still has some killing heart to himself.

I don't know who killed who at this time. When I thought of this, I was looking at the guy in front of me. The chill in Heng Yanlin's eyes also began to emerge.

However, after seeing this guy, Heng Yanlin's mouth also began to come out with a smile.

Just a moment later, Heng Yanlin just took a look at the other side, and the spiritual power of his body began to stir up.

That meaning is also very clear, that is, hengyanlin is at this time, is to start.

The other party is to see this situation, that is the breath, is at this time, but also slightly stagnant, after that, is some vigilant looking at the other side.In the other side's body, he is feeling, that spiritual power feeling.

If so, it is to be able to identify each other.

I didn't expect that this time, I was so unlucky, and I met a cultivator directly. I don't think that there are very few of them here?

How is to let oneself encounter, that demon world person, is at this time, also some impatient.

Look at Heng Yanlin's spiritual power, it seems that there are still some powerful.

I just don't know. When it comes time, when I'm shooting, I think the other side is much more powerful than myself. I don't know. It's OK.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous this time.

At the thought of this, the people of the demon world on that side took a look at the Heng Yan Lin, and the evil spirit on his body also began to surge.

"I didn't expect that I would still be here to meet practitioners. Then there is nothing to say. It's a war!"

That person is at this time, is to look at that Heng Yan Lin, at this moment, is gently, is open to say a word.

Wan Wan didn't expect that this thing would become like this, but there was no need to think more about it.

Since yanheng has already made a move, it is so.

"I want to know one thing. How did you get through here?"

Heng Yanlin looked at the other side. At this time, he put forward his own doubts.

In the past, Heng Yanlin also knew that the other side was in the front of the time and made some things come out.

And now is to see, in front of this situation, Heng Yanlin is also some doubts.

This place, is not to say, is to want to get through at will, is able to get through.

However, the other side is to get through, this point, in hengyanlin look, but some strange appearance.

So if you can, Heng Yanlin also wants to know how the other party did it. In this case, it is estimated that he can continue to prevent it.

In order not to be the time, the other party is the time, that is to say, there will be some other other parties that are opened by the other party.

That demon world person, is to hear Heng Yanlin such words, at this time, is slightly a Leng.

"Do you feel like I'll tell you about this? Do you think too much! "

At this time, the man took a look at Heng Yan Lin. after that, tens of thousands of sneered at him. He opened his mouth and said a word.

I don't want to look at it. It seems that the other party will be like this right now. No matter whether or not he is sure that he can stay with the other party.

But at this time, it is absolutely impossible. It is at this time that some news is brought out from here.

Therefore, at this time, it is to look at the situation in front of him. The man in the demon world is also full of ridicule for Heng Yanlin.

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