Hengyanlin is at this time, is to notice this side of the situation, but hengyanlin also did not pay too much attention to what.

After all, it's just these people. They're just some people watching.

Under such circumstances, it is not much for these people to take a look at something.

However, at this time, the situation here should be solved as soon as possible.

After all, if these people surround this place, there will be some trouble.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin is looking at these people. Naturally, he wants to solve this matter as soon as possible.

Heng Yanlin is after, looked at the situation in front of him, is to walk slowly towards these people.

However, after that, I saw that the crowd on that side started to stir up for a while, and then the road was separated to pick out.

Heng Yan Lin see this, in the later, that is slightly a meal.

It was originally to see hengyanlin, a few people walking towards themselves, and their hearts were extremely nervous. After that, they had already started, and they were slowly retreating.

But at this time, I noticed that there were some changes in the surrounding crowd. After that, I saw that some people in security clothes came in directly.

At this time, their faces, at this time, are very happy.

Damn it, these guys, it's here at last!

These people, good or bad, are also one by one security, if Heng Yan Lin at this time, also want to commit murder or something, then there will be no good end.

The most important thing is that the people who deal with Heng Yanlin are finally here. They don't have to worry about it. When it comes, they are directly kicked by Heng Yanlin, and all kinds of broken hands and feet are coming.

So at the moment, it is to see these security guards who are usually extremely despised. At this time, they actually become extremely kind people.

"You are finally here. Come here quickly. This guy dares to commit murder here. You should be quick and arrest this guy. I know the president of this airport!"

At this time, the man in the white shirt took a look at the security guards on the other side.

In turn to come over, is to look at that Heng Yan Lin, eyes suddenly become incomparably proud, at this time, is to that Heng Yan Lin a finger, then is incomparably fierce said.

Naturally, he knows the president of this airport.

Such a thought, in to see that Heng Yan Lin, he at this time, that heart is to become incomparably proud.

This guy dare to force them to such a situation.

Moreover, if it wasn't for these security guards who came to me later, it was estimated that at this time, this guy would still have to continue.

Think of here, is to see that Heng Yan Lin, their eyes, where can be good up.

The security guards on the other side saw the situation in the past. The crowd congested all of them. After that, some screams came from these people.

At this time, it is extremely alert to run in.

At this time, is to see the situation inside, but also a glance, is to see, that fell to one side, and then is a face, keep the cold sweat Gu shaolai.

Naturally, they don't know this guy, but it doesn't hinder anything.

The most important thing is that the other side is injured and still so heavy, so at this moment, that is, we should come here to take this guy well and say it.

They think of this, is ready to start when, is to hear, that side of a person's voice.

When they heard that these people were actually with the president here, after knowing each other, the hearts of a group of people suddenly began to sweat.

This kind of discourse, generally speaking, is impossible, and it will be false. After all, such a discourse, generally speaking, is arbitrary and debunked.

If these people are lying at this time, there is no need at all.

What's more, after staying here for a long time, we can still see some people and their clothes. When we look at these people, we can see that these people have some strength.

Such a contrast, then it is more can be seen that these people are some unusual.

Just, it is these people, is some unusual, is let them, is at this time, that cold sweat is some non-stop downward flow.

Originally, he was an acquaintance of his boss. At this time, he was bullied by others, and he was bullied here.

In this way, when they look at this, they are just a little nervous.In the past, if you can, you should be more careful.

After all, such a fierce murderer was put in like this, and these people were treated like this.

It is estimated that when the time comes, the people above will know, and there will be something they enjoy.

Such a thought, in front of the constant Yan Lin, their eyes at this time, is not a bit of good-looking.

This guy, at this time, makes things, is to let them, is to lose their jobs!

Although this matter, in fact, is with them, is not too much relationship, but they are the boss's acquaintances.

At this time, if there is some anger in my heart, I want to vent it out. What can I do for them?

At the thought of here, in front of the two Heng Yan Lin, their eyes, of course, is not a bit of good-looking.

"You, get down now!"

The security guard at the moment, is to look at the Heng Yan Lin, eyes is become incomparably fierce up, directly refers to the side of the Heng Yan Lin, is tens of thousands of fierce said.

Whether it's this guy, it's at this time, or the other party, it's at this time that he's done something, and it's a direct way to break a bone.

Are able to have reason, let them to that Heng Yan Lin, is to change extremely ferocious rise.

In front of the other side, is to fight each other into this look, if they are not careful, it is possible that they will be injured.

Although that is to say, they are so many people.

Those who are there believe in their own military value. But if you look at Heng Yanlin, this guy, let them feel that their future is in danger.

At this moment, they all feel that they need to be careful.

Otherwise, in terms of the situation here and at this time, how do you look at these people? If you don't come up with some things at that time, I'm sorry for this guy and did it himself!

A group of people is at this time, looking at the eyes of Heng Yan Lin, is to become extremely fierce.

After that, he was in a hurry. He surrounded the Hengyan forest. He was extremely vigilant. He looked at the Hengyan forest.

One by one, the sticks in the hands, at this time, are also direct, which is aimed at the Heng Yan Lin.

It seems that at this time, it should be a good lesson for hengyanlin.

Just, Heng Yan Lin is at this time, looked at these people, that look is also become, is a little impatient.

These guys, when is not a good time to come, is to run over and intervene at this time?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's heart is naturally full of impatience.

Originally, they were all prepared. They were good. They gave them some help, and then they just finished work and left.

As a result, these people are coming, and some meddlers are coming. At this time, Heng Yanlin wants to leave and waste some hands and feet.

It is estimated that at that time, if hengyanlin does anything, these people will not let him go.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin also felt that he was in some trouble.

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