"Use the bomb directly! Cheat it

Commander Wu did not think for long. After a moment, he raised his head and looked at Heng Yan Lin in front of him. After that, he said.

There is no way. As far as the present situation is concerned, it is better to use big killers directly.

It's also safer. I cheated this place directly. I think there's nothing else.

When he thought of it, he was at this time, and he was relieved.

As long as this place is not in that city, he will cheat no matter where it is.

At that time, it will be announced directly, that is, an experiment, that is, there will be no other things.

That Heng Yan Lin is listening to each other's words, at this time is a corner of the mouth, the other side of this violence incomparable attitude, is no one.

If you want to cheat, you don't have to think about it?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin is at this time, can't help but shake his head.

However, it was after that that that there was no more to say. After all, it was at this time that the other party's attitude was normal.

At this time, it is the direct choice of a very safe way to come.

After all, in the past, it was this kind of bombing, and then it was successful. At this time, if you come once, you can be sure of it.

But, the problem is, at this time, Heng Yanlin does not know where, this is the most difficult.

That side of the sea Jun, at this time, are some listen to wait.

That is to say, the speaker, at this time, is actually her father, and her father is a very high-ranking person.

Otherwise, at this time, it is looking at the people in front of her. She can't help but sneer.

What are you talking about? What's your joke?

Who do you think you are? At this time, is to say, is to use a nuclear bomb, is to bomb?

That's a nuclear bomb. Do you think it's a landlord fight?

It can be fried, and what you still need to know is, do you have such a thing?

But now, it is very unfortunate that my father, even if he has such things, still has such command power. If he really wants to blow up, his father can do it.

That is how it is, so at this time, her heart, is some of the continuous start to rise that cold sweat.

I just don't know. At this time, something happened.

In the past, Heng Yanlin said one thing, that is, his father was so excited that he directly moved out such a big killing device. It was so powerful that it exploded.

When I think about it all here, her forehead is going to start sweating. I don't know what kind of situation it is at this time and how it can make things like this.

At this time, Hai Jun thought of it like this, and then he took a look at the Hengyan forest. In his eyes, there was something strange.

This guy, should not have made something for himself, or his father, at this time, is doing it, as if he had lost his sense.

Heng Yanlin didn't notice that Hai Jun was looking at his eyes at this time. Even if he saw it, hengyanlin would not care at this time.

At present, we should pay attention to it, or the devil's affairs. We should pay attention to this look, where is there anything to pay attention to.

"This matter, when we say, we should pay attention to it now. We don't know where the place is."

Heng Yanlin was looking at commander Wu in front of him, and then he said a word.

Before that, commander Wu was still in a decisive manner. But at this time, he heard what Heng Yanlin said. After listening to him, he was stunned.

Then is in raises the head, is looking at that in front of the Heng Yan Lin, is that in the eye, is some strange.

"You don't mean that you have seen all of them. Why don't you know where they are?"

Commander Wu was made confused by Heng Yanlin. He didn't know what Heng Yanlin was talking about at this time.

You know, in the previous time, Heng Yan Lin but said, he has seen, so it is true.

But now, that is to say, I don't know where it is. Is there something wrong with this statement?

At the thought of here, he is looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of him, and then is waiting, the other side is in the reply after.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, but there is no surprise, at this time, is directly shaking his head."I didn't say that there was only one place. The other person I met had been dealt with by me, but there were two places. I didn't know where they were."

Hengyanlin some helpless said a sentence, after finishing, is constantly shaking his head.

Commander Wu on the other side, listening to this, was shocked in his heart. Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at the Heng Yan Lin.

At the moment, his eyes, is becoming, incomparably ugly.

Heng Yanlin said that it was the discovery of such things. He felt that it was extremely bad. He felt that there was some imminent disaster, but there was still something that could be saved.

But now, he is feeling, this time is even the opportunity to recover, as if there is No.

How to recover, is even the place does not know, what to do next?

I don't know the place. I want to bomb with a nuclear bomb. There is no place to bomb!

In this case, what should we do!

At the thought of this, commander Wu had some. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to do. What to do next!

Damn it, if you know the place, everything is to be said. It's just that one bomb has passed, and one is not enough. I'll have two.

If it's not enough, I'm going to make ten, right?

When I think about it, I feel that although there will be some bad things in this situation, it is still understandable.

It's just that when I look at it now, he is listening to Heng Yanlin's reply. He feels that the whole person is not good.

There are still places, but I don't know whether the places are here, or there are two. What should we do next?

At the thought of it, his heart was filled with resentment.

This time, I really feel that the sky is going to destroy them.

"How, how can you not even know the place, and how do you know that there are still two places?"

The commander Wu stayed for a while, and then looked at Heng Yan Lin in front of him. He asked him urgently.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, after, also shake head to come.

"I have my own way to get this information. You have to believe that I won't make fun of this kind of thing. Now the key is that under the current situation, we can find these two places. If we can find them, we can."

Heng Yan Lin is looking at Wu commander in front of him, and then he answers.

There is nothing to tangle about this matter. It is certain that there will be such a place, that is, it can be done.

It is at this time that we have to worry about where these two places are. If we find them, we don't need nuclear bombs. Heng Yanlin himself can destroy this place.

On this one, Heng Yanlin himself still has some self-confidence.

Therefore, it is at this time to see commander Wu in front of him. Heng Yanlin is also indifferent, and returns a word.

Commander Wu was listening to the words of hengyanlin, but he was helpless.

He is a little bit aware of such a place. He doesn't know, and he doesn't know how to find it. In this case, what should he do?

I just don't know how to find them. Their country and territory are so huge. How to find them?

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