"This hole can't be opened by the other party. I'm going to help find it now!"

The sea king on the other side, at this time, also realized something. At this time, he looked at the situation in front of him, and then his eyes were slightly frozen.

Is looking at that in front of, at this time, is the emergence of the situation, after, that is, extremely worried.

There is no way. As far as the present situation is concerned, if not, there will be some troubles.

As far as the present situation is concerned, if we can, we should go directly there, find this place, and then destroy this place.

Listening to her father's words, she finally understood that her father, why, was going to use the nuclear bomb.

In this case, if we don't use a nuclear bomb, we're finished.

It's totally impossible. It's something like this.

Let the other party's people come here, it is estimated that they will be faced with disaster.

Think about it like this, at this time, it's better to shoot directly.

Hengyanlin is at this time, is to look at the situation in front of him, and then that is the eyes, is slightly drooping up, for the other party, at this time, such excitement, but no expression.

The other party is so excited, also expected, but, on that place, not to say, you are so excited, is able to find.

Heng Yanlin for this, or very clear, so to see each other, at this time, is so excited, but there is no expression.

"OK, I've already sent someone to go there. You're honest here. Don't make trouble."

Commander Wu on the other side took a look. His daughter came and shook his head.

For myself, at this time, this appearance, is also some helpless, but there is no more to say.

After all, just for the present situation, his daughter is at this time, like this, he is also a little speechless.

As far as the present situation is concerned, the people over there have already begun to look for them. What we need to do now is to wait for them to find a place and then start to deal with them.

On my side, it is still relatively simple, but the situation on the other side is not necessarily.

You know, in terms of the situation over there, there are two places. At this time, we know one place, which is a bit troublesome.

This one on your side is still very sure that you can find it, but what about the other one?

Also do not look, there is a person, completely do not know, in the end is where, in the heart is with such an idea, his heart, also has some helpless up.

It is estimated that we should communicate with each other at that time. If we can't find it, we will die together.

"Now things here are easier to handle, but the other is that there is no news? If so, how to find the things over there? It's impossible to find a needle in a haystack. "

Commander Wu on the other side is at this time. He is looking at Heng Yan Lin on the other side.

Then he said casually that at this time, he still wanted to see if there was any other information on hengyanlin.

If not, it's a little bad.

When he thought of this, he was looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of him at this time, which was casual. After a glance, he was helpless.

After all, it is only in the present situation that the current situation is really like this.

Heng Yanlin listened to this, is to look at the other side, and then at this time, that is to shake his head.

I know so much about that place. I just don't know where it is.

Heng Yanlin is really not very clear about this.

If you know, Heng Yanlin still won't mind. He said it.

If you know, it's the right time to leave for Hengyin.

After all, it's not reliable to leave this matter to the other party.

That is now, at this time, is looking at that in front of him, under such circumstances, Heng Yanlin is feeling, is his own past, is the best.

Those people, even if they know this place, the only thing they can do then is to use nuclear bombs.

However, even with the use of nuclear bombs, if there is a mistake at that time, it will be in vain if this place is not sealed.

Now is to see, then in front of this situation, Heng Yanlin is also in the future, will not this place is to say out.That is to say, at this time, Heng Yanlin is looking at that in front of him. As far as the current situation is concerned, things are really like this.

Heng Yanlin at this time, that is, do not know where this place is, so it is at this time, is to tell these people.

If you don't know, hengyanlin will not tell them.

Commander Wu listened to the words that Heng Yanlin said at this time. After thinking about it, he felt that Heng Yanlin in front of him was really unnecessary. He lied to himself, so he nodded.

At this time, hengyanlin has already said so. At this time, he should really want to believe that hengyanlin is in front of him.

After all, it's just the current situation, that is to believe that hengyanlin is the best choice.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

At this time, Heng Yanlin has already found him. If he does not tell her all the things in it, it is obviously illogical.

At the thought of this, he also directly believed that Heng Yan Lin came.

At this time, Heng Yanlin is looking at that in front of him. In the current situation, after that, he directly nods down.

"I'm going to have a meeting. Do you want to come with me?"

At this time, commander Wu stood up and looked at Heng Yan Lin on the other side. Then he asked.

Such a big thing, in the present situation, can not be a person, is able to bear.

At this time, it is also necessary to talk to the rest of the people.

Otherwise, it will be a big trouble and he will be responsible.

As for such a big thing, he had already said it with some other people just now.

At this time, he just wants to go over and hold a meeting with these people to discuss what to do next.

After dealing with our own affairs, that is, we should deal with the affairs of meiguo on the other side.

If you don't deal with the emptiness of the other party's place, it will be a big trouble.

When he thought of this, he was also looking at hengyanlin by the way. He wanted to see whether hengyanlin was going to go together.

After all, it's just under such circumstances that if hengyanlin is together, it's better to ask hengyanlin what's going on at that time.

Moreover, those people, in fact, had already known hengyanlin before. It is these people who still don't know what hengyanlin is like.

For some people, Heng Yanlin is more mysterious.

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