The next morning, when Eternal Yan Lin woke up, Mu Shishan had already left for the company. Eternal Yan Lin shook his head, he had agreed to give himself a car, but now that he said that he didn't have the money to refuel, he might as well just give up the car. As expected, women were unreliable.

As Eternal Yan Lin saw that he couldn't see Mu Shishan anymore, he was incomparably angry. After eating breakfast, he rushed towards the company.

At this moment, Ling Meiqing was in the midst of speaking to Mu Shishan with a fawning expression on her face.

"Shan Shan, my dearest Shan Shan, look, I helped you take down such a difficult customer, shouldn't you compensate me with something?"

In the CEO's office, Ling Meiqing was holding onto Mu Shishan's arm, shaking her tender hands while rubbing against her little face, trying to curry favor with her.

When Mu Shishan heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes in annoyance and said somewhat helplessly.

"You're so old already, why are you still acting like this!"

This move started from her university. Every time Ling Mei Qing wanted Mu Shishan's help, she would use this move, and Mu Shi Shan had no ability to resist this move. As long as Ling Mei Qing used this move, Mu Shi Shan would fall into Ling Mei Qing's hands within a short period of time.

"I've asked for what I should get for myself. You said before that once you take down this customer, you will give me a holiday. Right now, I've done it, but it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Ling Meiqing pouted and said nonchalantly. She did not care about her appearance. If word of this got out, many of her colleagues would be shocked.

"So that's what you're talking about. Didn't I already promise you? As long as you complete it, I'll give you a holiday, including your colleagues."

When Mu Shishan heard this, her eyebrows relaxed for a moment. She told Ling Meiqing that she would naturally remember the promise she had made. Furthermore, Ling Meiqing's clients had invested a lot of capital into the company.

Based on this, it would not be a problem to take a few days off for all the staff in their department.

"We are preparing to go out for a meal together. You have to pay for it. My sister's salary is all gone to buy clothes and cosmetics. I don't have any money on me."

When Ling Meiqing heard these words, his spirit was immediately roused. However, a moment later, he spoke pitifully to Mu Shishan.

Hearing this, Mu Shishan rolled her eyes. They had both been in university for many years, and everyone knew that their good friend's family was incomparably wealthy. Although she didn't know why they were working under her group, she still had some money in her pocket.

Even if every month, she spent six digits on this, it was certain that she would definitely not lack money. However, since she had already requested for it, and since the cost of the gathering was not small, there was nothing much to be done about it. Thus, she lightly nodded and said somewhat helplessly to her.

"I'm convinced. You can just hold on for now. When the time comes, I'll go to the finance department and tell them personally."

"Thank you, boss!"

Hearing this, Ling Mei Qing immediately screamed out in excitement. After kissing Mu Shi Shan's cheek, she hurriedly ran over. Mu Shi Shan was stunned for a moment before she realized that she had been kissed by Mu Ru Yue. She wanted to say something, but Ling Mei Qing had already run far away.

By the time Heng Xiulin arrived at the company, all of the department's staff were already present. At this moment, they were all discussing something with incomparable excitement. When Ling Meiqing saw Heng Xuelin arrive, he immediately stepped forward and said to him.

"Our department has just taken down a large order, so the president specifically approved it. We can use the public funds to play for a day, but now we are preparing to go out for a meal, you should come along as well."

They were all women. Originally, they wanted to go to some more private places to play, but with Heng Yulin here, they could not do so.

After all, Eternal Yan Forest was also part of this department. If it weren't for Eternal Yan Lin's reminder, this customer of hers might have really screwed up.

In the process of conversing with that customer, Ling Meiqing had used only a little of the time on the road to realize just how difficult it was to deal with that customer. In the end, she was no longer hopeful and ended up having an accident that allowed her to successfully take down that customer.

Even at this moment, Ling Meiqing still felt that the miraculous scene from before was a little strange. As he looked at the Eternal Yan Forest, his eyes were filled with a sense of exploration.

"Wow, so you mean I don't have to pay for lunch and lunch?"

Upon hearing these words, Hengyan Lin instantly cheered and then said, "Heavens have mercy on me. I, an exalted Immortal Emperor, am already at the point where I can't even eat anymore."

"Pfft, do you have to be so exaggerated? As a man, how could you not have the money to eat?"

When all the girls heard his words, they did not take it seriously. After all, in this society, how could there not be a single person who could afford to eat?

"It's true. Without this job and my ability to starve, I would have long since starved to death."

As Hengyan Lin heard this laughter, he helplessly said. Saying these words was like telling someone else that he was the Immortal Emperor. It was hard for others to believe, but this was a fact.

He wasn't lying at all. No matter what, he was still an Immortal Emperor in the past, and now that his cultivation was gone, he was severely injured. However, he was once an Immortal Emperor, so he did have the ability to starve.

Speaking of this, even I don't believe it. I was originally a Celestial Emperor, but the last bit of power I have is to starve to death.

If these words came out, many people would fall out of laughter.

"So, little brother is so pitiful. Since that's the case, big sister will take care of you. Don't worry, you can eat three meals to your heart's content."

When Xu Yiyue heard this, she instantly smiled charmingly. Then, she rubbed Heng Yulin's face and exhaled a fragrant breath as she spoke to him.

"Wa, Big Sister Shan is so amazing. I can't even raise a cat, you can already raise a lover!"

Hearing this, Little Treasure cried out in surprise before he exclaimed in shock. These words caused all the girls nearby to laugh incessantly. They pointed at Xu Yiyue and joked, thinking that this woman was already trying to take care of her lover.

In this situation, it had to be said that Lin Ming was actually extremely handsome. His white face was spotless, and his pair of deep eyes had two rows of sword-like eyebrows hanging on them. With a glance, one could see that he was an incomparably handsome man.

With a high face, she was welcomed wherever she went. In this department filled with women, it was a pleasure to see a handsome man with such a high face. The ladies would usually take liberties with him.

As Eternal Yan Lin saw himself being taken advantage of, he felt a bit embarrassed. These women were clearly just teasing him, and yet their actions were bold and daring. However, he didn't dare to make any big movements, afraid that they would misunderstand him.

Eternal Yan Lin knew that they were all joking. They could lay their hands on him now, but once he did something bad, they would think that he was thinking of something bad.

If this was really the case, then even if Eternal Yan Lin could stay in this department, the girls would no longer stay as far away from him as they were today.

Currently, Eternal Yan Lin wanted to live here, so he definitely wouldn't let this sort of thing happen.

Facing the teasing of the girls, Eternal Yan Lin could only smile awkwardly to hide the bitter smile in his heart.

"Alright, let's not talk about that anymore. Go and change clothes, then we'll go out for dinner. Don't tell me all of you want to go out dressed like this?"

Seeing that the girls seemed to be going on endlessly, Ling Meiqing waved his hand and said to the crowd, "Ladies are all wearing workplace clothes, so it's alright if we go out to eat. However, if we're going out to play, it's not appropriate, so Lingmei asked the girls to change."

"It's still Ling Meiqing who is feeling sorry for Eternal Yan Lin. I can't bear to see him being bullied anymore."

When Xiao Yun heard this, the two of them laughed playfully and then went to change clothes. This department was filled with women, so all the girls here also had some clothes placed in case they needed to change clothes.

Just as Ling Meiqing's words fell, all the girls ran off to change their clothes. As for Ling Meiqing, he glanced at Eternal Yan Lin and followed him. The place where all the girls were changing their clothes was in a nearby office, and even if he wanted to see it, he would not be able to see it.

However, even if there was a chance, perhaps Eternal Yan Forest wouldn't dare to do so. Women were particularly vigilant in this regard, especially when it was within their departments or at home.

When someone's eyes landed on them, their sixth sense seemed to be exceptionally strong, as they directly discovered that someone was secretly watching them.

The girls did not make Eternal Yan Lin wait for too long. After a moment, they changed their clothes and walked out. After seeing the girls change their clothes and their beautiful clothing, Eternal Yan Lin's eyes lit up slightly.

Even though they were wearing work clothes, they were all extremely beautiful. After they changed their clothes, they became even more gorgeous.

The girls all noticed the look in Eternal Yan Lin's eyes and smiled. They were extremely pleased with themselves and immediately waved their hands, indicating Eternal Yan Lin to take the lead and the girls to gather for dinner.

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