The experimental body was just a moment, it was directly hit to the ground by No. 1, and then the bipolar powerful hands locked the thick neck firmly at this time, and the experimental body No. 4 was flushed all over the face, as if it would suffocate at any time.

The remaining three experimental bodies on one side had a slight twitch in the corners of their eyes. Although the number one had not shown anything special just now, they could see clearly the crushing strength.

If the experimental body No. 4 is directly replaced by them, it will be their fate, and it will be no better. When I think of several people here, they will naturally be full of fear for No. 1.

"Do you still want to compete with me, or do you want to go your own way?"

No. 1 looked at No. 4 lying on the ground, and his eyes flashed a cruel look. His heart was filled with raging emotions. He wanted to break the neck of the man in his hand, but in the end, he still didn't act. Even though he knows that this is a bad thing, he enjoys the feeling. If he has strong willpower, he is still able to control his emotion, so as not to get involved in it.

At this time, No. 4 experimental body was scared and shook his head. At this time, he felt a strong smell of death. He did not dare to say some harsh words with No. 1.

His strength is strong, the strength of his body is high, but at this time, as long as No. 1 moves his hands at will, he can twist his neck. How can he not be afraid?

No. 1 looked at No. 4. At this time, he was really afraid. He gave a cold hum, and then let go of number four. If there were not too many soldiers and too many heavy weapons, he said that he could not have killed the No. 4 just now.

However, in the current situation, it is better to have one more, to share the firepower together, and the difficulty of rushing out will be much lower. Therefore, for his own safety, he directly let go of No. 4 and No. 1 horse.

"I'd like to say that we all work together and rush out together. Do you have any opinions?"

The experimental body No.1 glanced around coldly and looked at the other three people. He said coldly that as long as he could get out of the encirclement outside, it would be safe. Once he was one of the sharpest soldiers, he could only break out of the encirclement.

At that time, he has a very strong anti detection ability. In addition, his strength has been greatly strengthened. When the time comes, let alone the police, that is, the special forces come, and they can not trace him.

At that time, as long as we follow the prescribed route and go all the way to the border, we will go to a chaotic place and occupy land as the king. With his current strength, it will be a matter of minutes for him to organize a group of powerful organizations.

At that time, he will be able to live smartly. As for the fools around him, if they can survive, or if they are willing to listen to his orders, they can be taken with him.

If you don't agree, it's estimated that these four people will die sooner or later. If the rest of us don't say anything, their abilities are really very good, but they really don't have any brains. Do you really think that if you are stronger, you can fight against the sergeants here?

It's too naive, or maybe, these people are full of violence in their minds, so some of the existing reason is suppressed, so they have a feeling of invincibility.

No. 1 slightly shakes his head and shakes off these thoughts in his mind directly. The rest of them do not say that he is going to spend the difficult time in front of him.

The three experimental subjects, at this time, all looked at number one, and then shook their heads. They all knew that number one was powerful, and they would not be looking for trouble.

What's more, they also feel that it's better to rush out together at present, or at least much better than to rush out alone. Seeing that all three of them should come down, No. 1 immediately relaxed his face a little, and then said, "they all took some iron doors from the side that can prevent pills. Just those were just some bullets, but now when you go out, there will be those heavy weapons bullets. If those bullets are hit by one, it will not be too good."

He is very familiar with the heavy weapons in the army, such as Barrett's sniper guns. If this gun is hit on them, they will definitely be injured. Therefore, some preparations are needed.

"In addition, we are looking for something bulky. There are four tanks outside. After we go out, we have to kill those tanks directly. As long as we destroy their cannons, we can do it." After looking outside, No. 1, with a gloomy face, said to the crowd that he had just passed the radio, but he heard the news that there were four tanks outside. Therefore, he must be on guard and kill the tank car directly. He didn't want to go out, but he just ate the gun of the tank car.

On hearing this, the people on the side nodded to each other, and then they went to look for something. This thing is easy to find in the base. As long as some gates are directly dismantled, it is OK.With their amazing strength at present, as long as they exert a little force, they will be able to remove all the gate. After a moment, several people are carrying a door and directly walk to No. 1. Although the iron gate is particularly heavy, they don't feel any general.

Seeing this, No. 1 nodded slightly, and then looked at the people and handed them the things in their hands. All the pieces were iron.

"With your strength, as long as you throw it accurately and hit the barrel, you can directly destroy the barrel. If you destroy the barrel, the tank will be abandoned. Do you understand?"

No. 1 looked at the four people in front of him, took a little breath and said in a deep voice.

Several people heard the speech, looked at each other and nodded. Listening to the tank car outside, they thought about the great power of the tank car. They were also afraid.

"Good, remember. When I give you my command, I'll rush out quickly, and then disperse and run. Those tanks won't aim at us all at once. Just take advantage of this gap and scrap that tank car."

No. 1 looked at several people. After telling them again, he looked out of the door. Then he said in a deep voice, "go!"

With a burst of drink, the No.1 was the first to rush out, followed by a flash of figure, and then rushed to both sides. The tank car directly aimed the gun barrel at the exit, so he would not stand there foolishly.

What's more, the first one who ran out was afraid that the man who came out from behind was directly hit by the tank. He was very confident in his own speed. He believed that when he ran out, the personnel of the tank car could not respond and launch.

However, he thought of this point, and the four people behind him also thought of it. When he ran out quickly, the four people in the back also followed him and rushed out directly.

The driver in the tank car only felt that the crowd in front of him flashed slightly, and that was out of their range of aim. He was shocked immediately. He quickly shifted the muzzle and aimed at the five men. Some other soldiers saw this, and their movements were not slow at all. They were directly a shuttle of bullets. They directly covered the five people, but all of them were carrying a huge shield. When the bullets hit them, they just made a jingling sound, which was to throw all the bullets aside.

Even if the heavy weapon hits the shield, it only makes the shield shake slightly, which means there is no other effect.

"Damn it! The shields in their hands are the defense doors of our base

A soldier with a Barrett sniper gun in his hand hit the shield with a small shallow hole. Then he looked at the shield and his face became ugly.

As soldiers of this base, they naturally know how defensive the doors are. It can be said that they are made of the most advanced materials. Installing them in the base is to prevent some dangers.

But for the moment, the gate has become the enemy's weapon, which is used to defend them. It is impossible for them to fight through such a shield!

"Get ready, aim at what's coming out, and suggest hitting them in the foot!"

One side of the observer, at this time, is to look at the other side, eyes slightly narrowed, and then said, the other side carrying such heavy things, but still walking like the wind, want to hit the other side of the foot, the difficulty is very high.

When the problem is, if you don't hit this place, the rest of the place is hiding behind, they can do nothing.

The sniper listened to this, took a deep breath, and aimed the target at their feet. The place they exposed was good. This is the place suitable for attack. However, if you want to hit in this way, you still need some anticipation.

The soldiers' bullets didn't have any effect at all. Commander Wu on the other side looked gloomy at this time. The damned guy actually took down the doors in the base. It was really troublesome.

"Let the soldiers on the side prepare rocket launchers and blow them up to the sky for me. As for those missiles, if they aim at them, they will directly bombard them for me!"

Commander Wu ignored everything at this time. He said in a cruel voice that he had killed so many soldiers. If he didn't leave these people behind, how would he be ashamed!

Moreover, such guys can never let them run out. One of them, who has been a soldier for many years, will definitely cause turbulence once he goes out!

The soldiers on the side heard that some soldiers with rocket launchers, even if they were carrying rockets, were ready to directly cover the five people with fire. What about bullets? You can use that thing to resist, but what about this rocket launcher?

This is something that explodes at a touch. Even if it blocks the fragments that explode, the impact force of the explosion is still concussion. I don't believe it has no impact on them!

During a series of preparations for the soldier's dream, the scattered five people, with bullets sweeping in like a rainstorm, all felt a little annoyed, but then they were very glad that they had just followed No. 1's orders.Some of these bullets don't hurt them at all, but the problem is that the impact force brought by the extremely fast speed will not change. They are carrying so many bullets, which can only be said to be good, but this is the case when they are divided into five parts.

If all the soldiers here attack one person, it is estimated that the person is under such a strong impact that he will be unable to move any step.

Although they were lucky, they didn't forget that the number one looked at other people just now. At this time, other people turned their heads and looked at number one. After nodding each other, they looked hard at those tanks.

Before the expansion of their strength, they have some contempt for the tank, but now, after seeing such a huge steel beast, the heart is also rising a trace of small feeling. In particular, the rotation of the gun hole, even if they, at this time, also produced a sense of death, which let them know, absolutely can not let the tank hit, otherwise, they are really likely to die here!

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