Low people, at this moment, listening to this, all began to cheer.

It's a great feat to kill the two great masters of the other side with the power of one person. In that martial arts world, it's absolutely a feat!

At the moment, people are looking at the Hengyan forest above. In their eyes, they are full of excitement.

This is the master of their mountain family. It's just too good!

In the previous time, the only thought they had was that hengyanlin could go around with the two masters.

Where can you think that the Heng Yan Lin in front of him killed two masters at once.

The speed of killing must make them think that the master in front of him belongs to the existence of a weak chicken.

At the thought of here, these people at this time, looking at the Hengyan forest in front of them, cheering has not been weak.

In that side of shanhaizhen, at the moment, looking at the eyes of hengyanlin, which is full of the color of pride.

This is her man, so powerful!

Even if the other side to find two masters, but even so, that side of the Heng Yan Lin, still kill each other all.

It's really so domineering.

At the moment, hengyanlin slowly floated down and faced the people of the Yin family in front of him.

Now the rest of them stood up straight from the ground.

In the past, because of the fighting method of hengyanlin, the waves almost overturned them.

But now this situation, only in front of the Heng Yan Lin a person.

Under such circumstances, these people have no pressure at the moment and can naturally stand up from the ground.

The Yin people in front of them are looking at the hengyanlin in front of them. There is a trace of fear in their eyes.

On their own side, two masters were invited. What they thought was a sure thing? How could it be easily broken by the other side when they arrived at hengyanlin?

At the thought of this, these people at this time, the eyes are full of that sense of panic.

In terms of the current situation, the hengyanlin in front of him is absolutely not what they can resist.

"You go ahead and deal with these people. I don't have to do anything about it."

Heng Yanlin at this time, looked at the mountain people in front of him, and then opened his mouth and said a word.

That side of the mountain family people, listening to this, in front of the Heng Yan Lin, immediately nodded.

Heng Yanlin is not a member of their family. It's enough to come over and kill the two masters of each other.

In a battle like this, we can't use hengyanlin now.

If even this kind of battle, all want that Heng Yan Lin to fight, then after that, whenever there is anything, all is to go to that Heng Yan Lin, the other side will absolutely be bored.

What's more, the Heng Yan Lin in front of him was not always in the family.

So at the moment, people are looking at the hengyanlin in front of them, listening to each other's words at the moment, and responding directly.

That side of the mountain family leader, now also heard this sentence, without a bit of hesitation, and then raised his hand.

"Kill! Not one of them

Now that we are ready to fight with each other, we can't have such a person who can live!

This is to get rid of the roots!

A word fell, the people on the other side suddenly called out to kill.

And then, it is to see that the people in front of them rush to the Yin family in front of them.

Momentum at this time, directly to the peak!

With Heng Yanlin, in the previous time, he killed the master and strengthened his momentum. At present, they are really one by one, and their momentum has reached the peak.

And then, is to see the front of the crowd, rushed into the other side of the crowd, began to wantonly attack.

And the people of the Yin family, listening to the words that Heng Yanlin said that he would not participate in the battle, felt a sigh of relief in their hearts at the moment.

But then, in the face of these mountain people in front of them, their hearts also filled with a touch of the heart of death.

These people are very clear at the moment, although the hengyanlin does not fight, but does not mean they can live.

Even if the side of hengyanlin do not, but when these people fail, that hengyanlin will definitely move, clean them up.

So at the moment, seeing these people in front of them, the people of the Yin family on the other side, are holding the idea of killing one, that is to kill them in front of them.

They are all family disciples of the Yin family. None of these people at the moment want to escape.

These people all know that even if they run now, how long can they run?There is no family. After that, all of them will become lost dogs.

Such a thought, these people at the moment, one by one up, more fierce incomparable up.

However, many of the disciples of the Yin family have been killed on Sakura island before.

Under such circumstances, at this time, the other party's original strength is much lower than that of the mountain family.

So at the moment, even if they hold the idea of death, and those people in front of them desperately, but still can not rival, the other party's incomparable strength.

But in a moment, the people of the Yin family were killed and injured a lot at the moment.

Shanhaizhen, on the other side, was killed in the crowd. Beside him, full of enemies, he began to fall.

Seeing this, Heng Yan Lin relaxed a little.

The rest don't say, but the strength of shanhaizhen is really good.

At the moment, the master of the Yin family and the master of the mountain family are directly facing each other.

"I didn't expect that my Yin family would fall into your hands."

That side of the Yin family master, now look at that in front of the mountain family leader, and then a gloomy face said.

He can also see that many of his family's disciples have died in the hands of each other.

And that far away, Heng Yan Lin is still standing in place, looking at the scene in front of that.

Although that Heng Yanlin did not make a move, but his heart is very clear, if his side, there is a glimmer of winning the possibility, the other side will not stand by.

So now, he knew his family was over.

This makes him, at the moment, for those people in front of him, full of strong hatred.

However, for this look, the Yin family owner in front of him turned a blind eye. Is it difficult for the other party to initiate the first thing? At this moment, do you still expect him to be kind-hearted and let go of the other party?

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