"If I take people away, don't think much about it. In such a world, being an immortal cultivator, I think you have been enjoying happiness all the time. This idea is really good."

Speaking of this, the young man seemed to see the general Heng Yanlin in front of him, with a hook in the corner of his mouth, and then he interrupted the camera in front of him.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, there are many people.

After having no hope in practice, he thought about it and went to the mortal world to enjoy the pure happiness.

It's true that it belongs to the same road. After all, there is no hope of cultivating immortals. It's better to enjoy talking for a while than to die of old age.

Looking at the camera in front of me, I interrupted the picture like this.

Heng Yan Lin at the moment, slightly pinched his fingers, and then frowned.

He can detect that Jiang Siyu and Jiang Siyu should have been taken directly and left here.

I want to come, that is to say, what kind of planet we went to.

At the thought of here, Heng Yanlin's face at the moment is becoming rather ugly.

Looking at this situation, I have to find a way to cultivate the immortal world.

In any case, these two people are so taken away, Heng Yan Lin heart can have some intolerance.

In addition, we need to know that Xue Yan can help him with his cultivation and a shortcut to rapid recovery.

If there is no snow Yan, to Heng Yanlin know the way, he wants to restore his strength, at least tens of thousands of years.

This is Heng Yanlin. There are some unbearable things in his heart.

Originally is the strength, stepped on the top of the world hengyanlin, for such things quite have some intolerance.

So now, hengyanlin decided to find each other.

In addition, there is good news.

Look at this situation, the other party should come here unintentionally.

In this world, Heng Yanlin also stayed for a period of time. It is certain that there are no other immortals in this world.

Now that it has appeared, it is likely that it is accidental to come here.

Hengyan Lin can leave the other party's place together.

Such a thought, Heng Yan Lin at the moment is also slightly a hook.

For this world, there is not much spiritual power in the world. Heng Yanlin is still quite helpless.

Because of the limitation of spiritual power, Heng Yanlin was also limited in many ways.

And then, to be able to leave this world and go to the world of immortal practitioners, it also belongs to a kind of gospel for hengyanlin.

"Hello, do me a favor."

Hengyanlin at this time out of the mobile phone, dial, the diameter of the phone to say.

The person at the end of the phone, listening to this, suddenly slightly stunned, some do not understand, hengyanlin actually will call him for help.

Want to know in front of Heng Yan Lin, in a long time ago, did not turn to him.

And the other side's ability, also more and more strange, can't use him at all.

At the moment, Wu Ling was a little strange, but then he nodded and quickly responded.

"You can say what, as long as I can do it, I will never shirk anything."

"Well, help me to find out where Jiang Siyu and Jiang Siyu have gone. They should be accompanied by both the old and the young, and find out where they came from and where they disappeared."

Heng Yan Lin at the moment, also did not have a bit of politeness, directly replied a sentence.

The other party hears speech to answer quickly.

He can hear out, Heng Yan Lin is quite anxious at the moment, and immediately responds quickly.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, nodded, for the other party at the moment's response is also quite satisfied.

Sitting by the window, Heng Yanlin took a look at the low students, and saw them constantly coming and going at the moment, in Heng Yanlin's eyes.

There was a touch of complexity.

If you can, hengyanlin now hopes to be quiet here and wait for the recovery of his own realm.

But now it seems that this situation belongs to Heng Yanlin's extravagant hope.

Such a thought, Heng Yan Lin looks slightly changed at the moment, and then shook his head.

He should belong to the immortal world.

So now, it's time to leave.

Also do not know how long, Heng Yan Lin side of the mobile phone, suddenly rang up, and then is a voice, passed to hengyanlin's ears.

"We checked and found that the other party disappeared in the south of your city. We don't know what means the other party used. We don't have any information about them."

Wu Ling talked about this time with a trace of strange meaning in his voice. He did not know what was going on at the moment.Why can't a person find a trace of each other.

This made Wu Ling feel strange, but then he didn't think much about it.

Since you Heng Yan Lin is staring at each other, you don't need him to worry about something more.

Such a thought, he was relaxed for a moment, did not care about the two strange people, in the end is a what situation.

"Yes, I see."

Hengyanlin at the moment, listening to the other side said the words, suddenly gently nodded and then hung up the mobile phone, is a light body, toward the South quickly began to fly away.

And at the moment, the sky is already a little dark.

No one noticed that at the moment, someone was walking in the air.

But a moment later, in Heng Yanlin's rapid flight, a moment later came to a place.

At a glance around that place, it was full of mountains, but there was nothing wrong.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin's eyes closed slightly, and then there was a huge and incomparable divine consciousness, which began to spread around.

In such a place, what he is looking for can not be seen with his eyes.

So now, what is needed is Heng Yan Lin in front of him. He can use his divine sense to find that strange place, and then find the way to the immortal world.

The divine consciousness swept away, but for a moment, there was a slight fluctuation of the place, which appeared in Heng Yanlin's mind.

In that location, there is a subtle strange fluctuation. Although it is extremely hidden, hengyanlin still finds something wrong with this place at this moment.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin's divine consciousness directly locked in this direction.

Then Heng Yan Lin's heart moved slightly, with a escape light on his body. His figure flashed and flew in this direction.

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