A few people on that side, for what Heng Yanlin said, where can not know, what Heng Yanlin said.

Last time, because of their own members, they felt that some of their accomplishments could not keep up with the progress, so some of them were worried and went to Heng Yanlin.

Want to ask, how is to be able to, let their own strength have some of the rise.

If it goes on like this, the strength of their team members one by one starts to improve continuously, and their own strength is constantly in place.

Such a result is absolutely not what the other party wants.

At that time, after asking about his own strength, it was difficult to improve after that. At that time, he was still a little sad.

And then, Heng Yanlin also gave a plan, as long as the other side is willing to give up some things, at that time, he can improve his own strength.

However, in this way, their life span will not be much.

Now Heng Yan Lin, looking at these players at the moment.

These people can be regarded as the apprentices of hengyanlin.

although they can only be counted, they are only one kind of registered apprentices.

However, no matter what, hengyanlin is quite kind to these people.

In how to say, Heng Yanlin also taught countless times, in front of these players, how to say these people are counted, and he has some reputation.

At present, Heng Yanlin is about to leave. When he looks at the players in front of him, he abandons these people at the moment. What he wants is to see if he can help some of the people in front of him at the last moment.

All the people of the sharp blade team looked at each other at the moment, and then took a look. At Heng Yanlin in front of him, their eyes were hesitant at the moment.

What Heng Yanlin said had been carefully considered by them before.

For this matter, at this time, they are still some, vacillating.

What we should know is that in front of Heng Yan Lin, some of the drawbacks mentioned earlier have been made clear.

If they insist on it, they won't live long.

At present, after careful consideration, they all have some hesitation in their hearts, and all kinds of people begin to wonder whether they want to make such a choice.

"You have to think about it clearly. If you really want to break through your own limits, you will not have much time. Your strength is OK now. Some people outside should not be your opponents."

Heng Yanlin at the moment, looking at those people in front of him, and then said with concentration.

While saying, while looking at the side of the team leader.

"Your team leader's qualification is good. After that, you can continue to practice. The strength is growing. In the future, as long as her strength keeps climbing, you still have a trump card when you want to come."

Heng Yan Lin at the moment, and then opened his mouth to say a word.

If these people have a clear mind, then they should be clear that in a small team, in fact, as long as a person's strength is good, it is OK.

For example, it's like hengyanlin.

Hengyanlin's strength is extremely strong here. He takes these people to travel with him.

Some small things, by these people to solve their own, if there is a big event, then you can let Heng Yanlin.

Therefore, as long as the team leader of the other side, the strength can be continuously improved to a very powerful level.

At that time, if there are any difficulties, we can ask the captain to solve them.

However, it seems to Heng Yanlin himself that there are not many other places where those guys can surpass the strength of this team.

As long as the other side can persist and practice continuously, there will be no danger.

Such a thought, Heng Yan Lin at the moment in front of these people, is waiting for the other side's reply.

In front of the people at the moment smell speech, looked at Heng Yan Lin, eyes, also have a trace of light began to flash, can see that they are still some hesitation at the moment.

Heng Yanlin said it is not wrong, if their team, as long as there is a person with good strength, then in the future also need not worry too much.

As long as a person's strength can go against the weather, then in the future, when encountering danger, some people can solve it.

And they themselves do not need to spend their lives in exchange for their own strength.

After Heng Yanlin finished speaking, he then lowered his head and ate the food in silence. He gave these people enough to think about how to choose at present.

"By the way, I will leave later. The time of this departure is not necessarily. You should make a good choice."Heng Yan Lin thought for a while, then raised his head and said a word to these people in front of him.

I will leave after, this time I leave, I don't know when, so I will talk with these people in front of me now.

When they want to come, these people will also know that they will disappear later, and then they can't find their own things.

Instead of letting these people speculate blindly, it's better to talk with the people in front of them.

Heng Yan Lin at the moment, looking at these people in front of that, face calm incomparable.

Just, listen to hengyanlin's words, the people on the side are moving in their hearts at the moment, and then look at the hengyanlin in front of them.

There is a trace of palpitation in my heart.

Heng Yanlin said that he was going to leave later,

this speech made them feel a bit of a bad feeling.

Hengyanlin in the past, also often went to foreign places, but also never with them such a talk.

And this time, where is Heng Yanlin going? He wants to say that he is going to leave.

Moreover, Heng Yanlin also said that he would probably not come back for a long time after that.

For a long time in the end, people have no idea how long it will be. But at the moment, they can feel the breath of parting. When you think about it, what Heng Yanlin called them to do is to feel that something is wrong in his heart.

Only when hengyanlin leaves for a long time, can he say such words? Or in the future, these people can not be so easy to see Heng Yan Lin.

And for a long time did not call them Heng Yan Lin, at this moment is called them, perhaps there is such a reason in it?

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