"Please give me a chance

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, Mobai is a little anxious at the moment.

Earlier, Heng Yanlin taught him a lesson, and he didn't think much about it.

It was only after he had a little understanding of Kendo that he realized how difficult it was.

It is because of this that he reveres Heng Yanlin to the utmost. If he can teach him how to practice Kendo in the future, in his opinion, no one else can do it except Heng Yanlin.

The people on the side are all staring at the scene in front of them. Seeing the situation here, they just feel that their hearts are a little messy.

Is this still desert white? Is this still the desert white that seems to be a sword maniac?

In the past, see Mobai can know each other, completely for foreign affairs do not care, and the other side is extremely proud.

He thinks that no matter who he is, he is not qualified to teach himself how to practice kendo.

But at the moment, they are seeing each other, just infatuated kneeling in front of Heng Yan Lin, looking at each other's appearance, just to be able to worship each other's door.

Just, in front of this man really has that kind of strong strength, can guide the desert white?

People in the heart of some strange, also some surprised looking at Heng Yan Lin, although some doubts in the heart.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not without strength that the opponent can break the array arranged by monk kaijiedan with one sword.

What's more, when Mobai was in the past, he realized a trace of sword meaning, which made his strength rise greatly.

Such a thought, they are also closely looking at the scene in front of them at the moment, slightly touched in the heart.

Heng Yan Lin saw the desert white in front of him. At the moment, he was looking at himself closely. His eyes were full of longing.

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly, "are you sure you want to worship under my door?"


Seeing Heng Yanlin's response, the other party at the moment quickly responded to a sentence.

At the moment, his heart was slightly surprised. Looking at Heng Yanlin's appearance, it was clear that he had some looseness. If hengyanlin in front of him really wanted to, he would be able to worship under the gate of hengyanlin.

Just at the moment, Heng Yanlin looked at each other, and then said, "I can't accept you for the time being."

Mobai originally saw Heng Yanlin's tone slightly loose, and was extremely surprised in his heart. But where would he think that he would hear such an answer.

Heng Yanlin at this moment, looked at each other, then continued to speak.

"But I can take you as a registered disciple for the time being. As for your talent for hard work, it will decide whether I will accept you or not."

Heng Yan Lin's face was slightly more serious at the moment.

Look at the other side's appearance, also quite like to worship under their own door, but this does not mean that Heng Yanlin must accept each other.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin said something like this with the other party.

As long as the other party is willing, he can be a registered disciple for the time being. When the other party's talent is like that, it will be entirely up to the other party.

If you can, Heng Yanlin doesn't mind accepting such an apprentice.

It seems that today's practitioners of immortals have reached the end of the Dharma era. In the past, Heng Yanlin can remember many magic arts, but they can be passed on.

The desert white hears speech, immediately in the heart great joy incomparable, then hastily faces in front of the Heng Yan Lin to nod repeatedly.

"Yes, the registered disciple Mobai visited the master!"

Mobai did not dare to hesitate at the moment. He could feel how difficult it was for Heng Yanlin in front of him to accept him.

At the moment, if you don't hurry up, in case the hengyanlin in front of you turns back, it will be troublesome.

In the heart such a thought, he naturally directly to Heng Yan Lin respectfully kowtow a few ring head.

"All right, you don't need any extra etiquette. You haven't worshipped under my door yet."

Seeing the other party gnawing at three loud heads, Heng Yanlin directly helped the other party up and said a word immediately.

Mobai see this, also honest stand on one side, a follow hengyanlin around the appearance.

"Ha ha, congratulations to elder Heng for accepting an apprentice."

Just at this moment, a hearty and incomparable laugh came out of his side. The headmaster also went out directly and looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him. His eyes were full of joy.

Before leaving hengyanlin here, he actually did not have much assurance, but now hengyanlin received such an apprentice, it is tantamount to have a stumbling block.

In particular, hengyanlin is willing to accept apprentices here, which means that hengyanlin is really willing to stay here. Otherwise, hengyanlin will not accept apprentices.

It is no wonder that the leader is happy at the moment.

There is a alchemist like hengyanlin here. He doesn't know how happy he is.Over the past few months, with the pills refined by Heng Yanlin, I don't know how many people have directly broken through the cultivation.

As long as hengyanlin is willing to stay here, I'm afraid that at that time, the foundation building monks up and down his own door will show a blowout growth.

At that time, as long as a few of them have good qualifications, they will be able to break through the realm of jiedan!

As long as you reach the realm of jiedan, you will have a unique family in this area!

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, turn around to look at one side of the leader, gently a nod. "Just a registered disciple."

When the leader heard the speech, he gave a light smile and looked at the desert white on one side. After pondering for a while, he took out a piece of things and handed it to him.

"This is a jade pendant that I got by chance a long time ago. There is a defensive array in it that can resist the all-out attack of the friars in the later period of foundation building. It can be regarded as a gift to your master."

At this moment, the headmaster handed out the jade pendant in his hand, and then said so.

The desert white sees this, in the heart slightly hesitates looked at the Heng Yan Lin.

He could see that this jade pendant was very good, but he did not dare to take it down at will.

After all, he himself is also very clear, this piece of jade pendant is clear, is the headmaster to see in Heng Yanlin's face to give him.

So at the moment, if he collects in disorder, it is estimated that Heng Yan Lin will have some unhappiness in his heart.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin admires him and looks at the desert white. He is not greedy but not dry. His character is good.

"In that case, take it for the time being."

This is a friendship that the leader used to give to himself. Anyway, I didn't intend to leave at once, so I took it.

Mobai smell speech, this just stretched out a hand, took over the jade pendant in the other party's hand.

The headmaster saw this scene, and there was a touch on his mouth. His eyes were full of joy.

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