"Sorry, I have something else to do. I don't have time to compete with you."

Bai Mo's mouth was blocked by a glance, and then he shook his head.

Hearing the speech, Yun Xiuyi's face sank slightly.

"I'm a fellow at least. I'm not going to refuse you if I ask you some advice now."

Cloud Xiuyi looks at the desert white in front of him, and looks at the other party with a slightly gloomy face.

At the moment, Yun Xiuyi is a little annoyed. Among the disciples of the sect, Mobai ranks eighth in strength.

And he has been in the recognized strength of disciples ranking on the top of Mobai, ranking in the seventh.

But at the moment, after he came back, he heard his disciples talking in succession, saying that his strength was not as good as Mobai.

Originally ranked in the seventh place, he was directly pulled to eighth place.

This let his heart exasperated to the extreme, two people in the previous time but have tried, the strength of Mobai is obviously not as good as him.

But at present, the strength of the two has not been compared, inexplicably directly pulled to the eighth place, which makes his heart how not to be exasperated to the extreme?

At the thought of this, he looked at the desert white in front of him at the moment, and prepared to compete with each other.

So that in front of this Mobai clear, also let the rest of the disciples clear, Mobai is not as good as himself!

Mobai doesn't know what's going on. At the moment, he just wants to go to Lin Tianfeng. His master has already told him.

If you can master Kendo, you should go to Lin Tianfeng to practice. If you can understand something, Heng Yanlin will take him.

Moreover, he was also extremely looking forward to the results of this practice.

If he had faced such a challenge in the past, he would have been very happy, because such a battle is conducive to his cultivation of sword sense, and also helps to improve his strength.

But now, after knowing that his training is not Kendo at all, the real sword cultivation is still waiting for him.

Under such a huge temptation, in the face of the current challenge, in his view, there is a bit of a house.

Immediately, he looked at the cloud Xiuyi in front of him and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, elder martial brother. I have important things to do. I can't delay here."

"Important things?"

Listening to the other party's words at the moment, Yun Xiuyi frowned slightly. He was not satisfied with such an answer.

"We just have a competition. It won't take much time. Let's make a quick decision."

Yun Xiuyi is a little annoyed. Can you compare with yourself in important things?

Their ranking can be taken by the other side in the past, in this case, how can you easily let the other side leave?

Seeing each other at the moment, still reluctant to let go of the appearance, desert white heart slightly some impatient.

"How about the competition when I come back? Younger martial brother, there is something important to deal with at present. "

As a sword maniac, he naturally felt extremely important for this matter. Seeing Yun Xiuyi in front of him at the moment, he didn't want to let go of his appearance. Naturally, he was a little impatient.

After thinking about it, he took a compromise.

Seeing this, Yun Xiuyi frowned slightly.

Looking at Mo Bai's serious expression in front of him, he nodded after thinking about it.

"Well, in that case, when you come back, we'll have a competition. Next time you don't have any excuses."

At the moment, white desert, even if there are things in front of him, I don't know what to say.

It is inevitable that someone will say something, which is completely because Mobai is in a hurry, so he lost his words.

He didn't want to hear such words. Since the Mobai in front of him had no time, he would wait until the other party had time.

At that time, he beat the other party in a dignified manner, presumably there would be no gossip outside.

See the other party at the moment should come down directly, desert white at the moment face a little loose, toward the other side gently a nod, and then fly directly to the outside.

Look at Mo Bai's appearance, it seems that the other side really has something urgent.

Seeing this, Yun Xiuyi relaxed a little.

One side of the onlookers, at the moment, saw that they did not fight at all. They looked at each other and shook their heads behind their ears.

"It's a pity. I thought the two could fight. If they did, they would have a good fight."

"It's true, but since there's no good play to watch, it's OK. I feel really fighting. Maybe elder martial Brother Yun can win?"

"That's not sure. In the past, I saw elder martial brother Mobai split the ban of monk jiedan with a sword. There are not many people who can stop such a sword?""But I heard that elder martial Brother Yun has a very powerful magic weapon in his hand, which may not be really unstoppable."

At the moment, all the disciples on the side are talking one after another.

No one knows what will happen after the two men really fight.

Some tend to cloud repair, after all, the other side in the previous time, but has always suppressed the desert white.

But some people, seeing Mobai split the ban of monk jiedan, thought that Mobai was not a vegetarian, and the strength of the other side was also there.

Listening to people's comments, Yun Xiuyi snorted a little coldly, and then turned to leave.

In this period of time when Mobai left, he should have a good practice in seclusion, so as not to fight with each other, but he lost.

What's more, he was extremely dissatisfied with the comments of these disciples at the moment.

In his opinion, when he was in front of him, he had suppressed the other party for such a long time. These legitimate sons should be clear about it.

Before their own time can suppress each other, so now also can!

This is not to say that if the other side splits the ban of monk jiedan, he can win his own!

However, as for the comments of these disciples, he also disdained to explain what these people said, just gave a cold hum and left immediately.

During this period of time, he will increase the progress of cultivation, and win the other party neatly. Presumably, the rest of the people will not have a word to say!

When Yun Xiuyi thought of this, he naturally disdained to talk with these people. He turned away and went back to the cave. He was ready to shut up.

And then, about the cloud Xiuyi to compare with Mobai, also in the school up and down the boiling up and down.

Some students are looking forward to such a contest.

After all, it's a good thing for them to have such a competition, and they can also increase their own perception after watching it.

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