The elder is lazy at the moment.

In his opinion, the other party's own popularity left, which absolutely belongs to the other party does not have the ability to reflect, when the time really big, was laughed at the person is only the other party, they can not have what matter.

When he thought of this, he would be lazy to say more at the moment. He was ready to go to the side and prepare for it. When the time came, all the people of their sect would withdraw.

Then at this moment, his eyes are a direct glimpse of a token in Jiuli's hand. Seeing this situation, his face suddenly changed slightly.

"What's in your hand?"

The elder looked at the token in front of him, and his face became extremely gloomy.

Nine from smell speech, looked at the token in his hand, and then appears extremely does not care very much.

He waved his hand to the elder and said, "this is not the handover token in the hands of Jiuhua gate. He submitted this token before, and I will go on with it."

Nine leave at this moment, the expression on the face appears extremely does not care very much.

But it's just a token. It doesn't matter to him.

However, the elder on one side listened to this, but the expression on his face became extremely ugly.


The elder's face was ugly and incomparable. He yelled at Jiu Li in a cold voice, "look at what you've done!"

"What's the matter, elder?" All of a sudden, the other side of the nine from also slightly confused.

The other side in the previous time, is still praising oneself to do well, how in a twinkling of an eye changed, directly to their own temper?

Nine from the heart is full of puzzled, and then is looking at the elder like this.

However, at the moment, the elder looked at each other, but his eyes were full of indifference.

"You have received the other party's token. Now it's time to light up the miraculous medicine. This time can be extended indefinitely. As long as the other party is not sure whether these miraculous medicines are preserved, they can not be handed over all the time. What happened in this period of time and the deviation of medicinal materials are our fault. Do you understand?"

The elder looked at each other, and his tone became very impatient.

What's more, I'm still disappointed with this disciple.

The other party thought he had done something terrible, but as a result, he took the other party's token and didn't know the seriousness of what he had done. He was very complacent here!

If he didn't see this thing, he would pack up his things and go away, or he would take some herbs to go. When the time came, things would go wrong, and some of them would be enjoyed by him.

It is estimated that the people above will not let him go back to the sect!

This guy is just an idiot. Since you don't want people to come in, you just don't want to take the token. Isn't that good?

Nine from smell speech, facial expression slightly a change.

Just listening to the elder's explanation, he understood the seriousness of the matter at the moment.

At the thought of it, his face turned ugly.

"So if the other party goes back directly, we have to stay here all the time, unless we invite him over?"

"What else do you think you can do? To help the other party stay on guard for so long? "

The elder's face was ugly, and the look in his eyes naturally did not look good.

The other side smell speech, suddenly think of the other side has left, at the moment do not know how far to drive out.

At the thought of this, his heart is immediately extremely anxious, looking at the side of the elder, eyes full of anxious color.

"Elder, they are all gone now. Shall we catch up with them as soon as possible, or they will drive back."

The other party's cloud boat is not too slow.

At the thought of this, his heart was a little flustered.

If he pursues the other party's sect, he will lose his face if he asks him to go back soon.

At that time, not only his face will be lost, but also the face of his own sect will be lost.

When it's over, it's strange that people in the sect don't kill themselves!

The elder smell speech, looking at the other side some flustered expression, in the heart more and more discontented.

However, at present, it is related to the face of his own sect, and it is not good for him to let go.

"Well, I'll take people to chase them myself. If you go and chase them back, it's not enough."

Intercept the other side in the outside. If you don't go out in person, the other party will never come back.

In the other side's view, being intercepted outside is definitely his intention. In fact, what the other side thinks is not wrong.

It's just that he just disgusted each other and didn't think so much about it.

This time, it can be said that it was totally messed up."All of you, follow me."

Lose the face of the other party, naturally to make up for it can, on their own side, only mobilize the public will respectfully invite the other party back, after giving enough face, the other party is expected to come back.

The elder understood the truth, and immediately gathered dozens of disciples. Then he set foot on his cloud boat and ran after him.

At this moment, the elder prayed constantly in his heart, hoping that the other party would not fly too fast, lest he could not chase him. If he reached the boundary of the other sect, he would lose his face.

At the moment, Heng Yanlin and others are riding in the cloud boat and flying to the front. Heng Yanlin seems to be sitting on one side, looking very leisurely.

However, some of the disciples on the side were not calm down. They were walking around for a while, looking very anxious.

"Elder, you are too calm. Aren't you afraid that the other party won't come?"

If you really don't come, it's not good to go back to the sect by yourself?

Some of the disciples were anxious. It was always very important to take over such places as the spiritual place.

After staying in the sect for a long time, they are very clear. If they want to go back directly, they really don't have the courage and the idea.

This is just the beginning of the new Heng Yan Lin, it seems that extremely does not care.

If you change to the rest of the elders, they will stay all the time for fear that they will not open the array outside.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, slowly open his eyes, will look at the other side.

"Don't worry. It's not good to keep this place for a long time. If the other party doesn't come, it's too silly."

Heng Yanlin's tone is full of self-confidence, such as this handover and other things, Heng Yanlin had already understood very clearly before.

I'm sure it won't go wrong.

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