"Depending on the situation, the elder is going to force oppression?"

Mo Bai straightened up his body, and then looked at the elder in front of him. He said in a cold voice.

If there was no such thing before, he would not have said anything. But at the moment, being oppressed by the other party and retreating like this, it would have a huge impact on his Kendo road.

On Lin Tian Feng, he didn't realize what he was superfluous. The only thing he realized was that he could never retreat from kendo!

At the thought of this place in his heart, Mobai took a deep breath, and then there was a trace of sword in his eyes.

"If you look like this, you will be stubborn!"

In front of the elder saw desert white this kind of expression, dun time facial expression a change, immediately Sen matchless to each other's mouth said a word.

The other party at the moment, has also let him extremely impatient, originally also just thought that, as long as he put out, the other party will not give his face.

But according to the situation, it is that he has a little more thinking. In this case, there is no need to be polite to each other.


The elder's heart is angry, then a huge incomparable pressure, directly against the desert white pressure.

This pressure can easily hurt the foundation building friar, and also can let the other side understand some truth. Not everyone, he can offend!

The thought of this in the heart, he at the moment also naturally to the other side extremely impolite.

The desert white sees the situation, ton time facial expression a change, just then, his facial expression also becomes incomparably fanatical.

Earlier, he had already felt that it was very easy for him to break the ban of monk jiedan.

However, he didn't know how monk jiedan was. At this moment, he was able to take the hand of monk jiedan in front of him, and make a good comparison!

At the thought of this place, Mobai's whole body momentum turned into sword Qi, and then he rose directly to the sky and met friar jiedan in front of him.

"How dare you

Seeing that Mobai is not afraid of his own momentum, he still wants to meet his momentum at the moment and cut off his momentum.

After a while, his face became extremely ugly.

Then, I can see that the elder's face is full of gloomy meaning. At this moment, his whole body momentum directly condenses into a huge palm. When facing this guy in front of him, he just takes a palm.


As soon as the two met, they saw that the momentum was constantly shaking. Then the people on the side were shocked to see that the original elder of jiedan period was split directly at this moment!

They can feel it very clearly. Mobai's momentum is like a huge sword. Facing the elder, he cuts down with a sword, and then splits the opponent's momentum directly with one sword.

At the moment, the elder's whole body momentum disappeared, only the desert white on one side. At the moment, the momentum is still as sharp as a giant sword.

People look at one side of the elder, in a look at the side of the desert white, pupil at this moment is not from shrink a bit.

Damn it, I didn't know that this guy was so powerful before?

They never thought that such a situation would happen.

Originally in the previous time, it was just this Mobai who was so fearless, but it was absolutely impossible that he would be the opponent of the elder.

At the moment, they think too much.

Yunxiu intended to look at the situation in front of him at the moment, and then took a deep breath.

This guy is so powerful that he can't help but split the momentum of the elder Danqi.

If this thing spreads out, I'm afraid the reputation of the other party will jump up.

What's more, what he couldn't believe was that the other side was so fearless to a monk who was in the period of dying. With a sword in his hand, there was definitely no appearance that I could not cut.

As for the appearance at the moment, they have become incomparably dignified in their hearts.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Seeing his own momentum, it was easy in the other party's hands, so he was cut open by the other party. After a long silence, the elder on one side suddenly turned bright red when he was too proud.

Then, with a roar, the diameter of the elder's hand appeared a touch of dark red.

The array of murders passed from the inside. Looking at this situation, this guy is clearly moved to kill.

However, it's not surprising. After all, as far as the situation is concerned, the Mobai in front of him has directly cut off his momentum. It's almost like slapping him. There's no difference.

If you don't kill this guy today, after today, this matter will be completely spread, and then he will become a joke in monk jiedan.Being cut off by such a guy's face, it's only by killing this guy that he can be saved!

Looking at the other side directly in the heart, it is full of frozen heart.

The monk of jiedan period did not fight, but it does not mean that he was afraid. On the contrary, he wanted to fight with the other brother very much.

Try to find out whether your sword is sharp or the other monk's skill is fierce!

Cloud Xiuyi also found this situation at the moment. Seeing that the other party was so shameless, he had to fight against Mobai, and his face changed slightly.

Then he stood beside the desert white body without hesitation.

He and Mobai can be said later, but at the moment, his fellow brothers in the sect are suffering at the moment, so you can't just sit by and wait for death!

What's going on right now, we have to carry it down and say it together!

Two people at the moment, are very dignified will each other, ready to take the other move.

However, when the elder was about to brew his own magic, his face changed slightly at the next moment, and then he stopped his magic. His eyes looked at one side with some solemnity.

Two people also saw this scene at the moment. After a slight Zheng, they also turned their heads and looked at it subconsciously.

Later, I saw a young figure standing on one side.

"As an elder, a monk in the Dan period, it's not very nice to shoot at a friar who builds foundation."

At this moment, Heng Yanlin walked slowly from the distance. After seeing friar jiedan on one side, he sneered.

This guy didn't know where to come out, he was so shameless.

Hengyanlin watched for a while. When he saw that the other side could cope with it, Heng Yanlin didn't make a move. At the moment, seeing the other side's killing heart, hengyanlin naturally couldn't bear it.

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