These guys, ready to be the main force?

At the moment, the disciples of the purple light sect listened to this, frowned at each other for a moment, and then they all saw each other's eyes with an incredible look.

In their opinion, when they saw these guys and were ready to join hands with themselves, they had already guessed that these guys would take them as bait.

But at the moment, looking at what the other side said, it seems that this thing is not like this.

Looking at each other's appearance, it is clear that this is preparation. They should unite together to take down all the disciples of Jiuhua sect.

But, these guys, is it time to be so kind?

The intention of the other side's mind, is it not in their hands, and then calculate them, or can save some strength for themselves?

These guys, aren't they supposed to use them as bait?

When they think of this, they take a look at these people at this moment, and then they feel vaguely in their hearts that there is such a bad feeling.

In any case, these people's current behavior, let them do not have too much sense of security.

The disciples of Jingyun gate took a look at these people at the moment, and then in their eyes, there was a slight sneer.

Look at this situation, these guys still have some silly looks.

My side of the people, really can out a large number of people are not wrong, and then the purple light Zong guys, to intercept down.

However, they just need to intercept, and the rest don't need to say so much.

After all, there is a big difference between intercepting and defeating each other.

When the time comes, when the people of their sect and the disciples of Jiuhua sect are all fighting each other, they will lose both sides.

At the moment, if they want to occupy a lot of money, they must be able to sell it.

The more such a thought, they are at this moment to see the disciples of the purple light sect, are quite mobile appearance, then in the heart sneer unceasingly.

As expected, it is still too young, so easy is to be able to deceive these people.

The disciples of the purple light sect are still slightly hesitant at the moment.

Because they don't know if they should trust these guys right now.

According to what the other side said, it's nothing to believe in the other party. After all, the people on their side only need to provide some less manpower.

But Jingyun gate needs more people.

In this way, they have a lot of advantages to take advantage of.

The disciples of the Jiuhua gate naturally heard these words now.

When the other party is talking, they don't hide anything at all. They are not deaf. How can they not hear?

Seeing these people, they were ready to join hands at the moment and frowned slightly.

To tell you the truth, the way these people divide them up will be very uncomfortable for anyone who hears them.

Take a deep breath, is to see the people on the side, and then eyes slightly coagulation.

"Don't be polite to these people. Our mission was to crush all of them."

At this moment, the desert white on one side slowly stood out, and then said a cold voice.

While talking, he took a look at the disciples on the side.

"We all know why these people come here. These guys are hostile to us now. They come here to carve up our zishidan! If we lose some, zishidan will be divided up.

Would you like to? Watching these people divide up all our zishidan? "

At this moment, Mobai took a deep breath, and then spoke with a very cold voice.

At the moment, he has been a little angry, because these guys, at the moment, have also made him angry.

However, Mobai for these guys to join hands now, to also have not much redundant feeling.

After all, the two sects had come together to compete with them.

At the moment, have these two sects joined hands? What's the difference? I can't see the difference.

When he thought of this place in his heart, he took a look at these people at the moment, and then, in his body, a trace of sword spirit began to rise.

He can feel that at this time, his whole body's sword sense has begun to rise.

In the previous time, he had talked with the master about choosing all these people. At the moment, such a good opportunity has been put in front of him.

Seeing the situation at the moment, he felt that he should not hesitate. These people should join hands, that is, just rightI just can fight with these people, so I can also monitor how my recent cultivation is.

Also can let their own master have a good look, in the recent cultivation, but not how lazy, when they are practicing, also can take these people, all!

Anyway, try your own real-world combat ability!

The disciples of Jiuhua sect, listening to this, are just a little bright in their eyes.

Yes, there is no mistake in this discourse.

As Mo Bai said, they were meant to fight with the two schools.

To make these guys, less occupy some arena, only in this case, their own side of the talent can protect more zishidan.

In this regard, elder martial brother Mo Bai has no mistake at all.

And, these guys in front of you, are people on their side afraid of each other?

Where is there a little bit of fear? In their view, this thing is completely nonexistent!

Long ago, when they saw these people coming to plan their son, Dan, they were angry after hearing it.

At this moment, when we look at these people, they are even planning to plan for more of them. Dan is ready to join hands.

The disciples of Jiuhua sect feel that they have heard them all and hate to cross out all of them.

The spirit of his own mind, began to surge, and then in front of these people, they can feel, their spiritual power at this moment, has begun to surge.

No, the next moment is to have infinite power into magic magic, facing these guys, will directly rush.

Then they were buried in their own spells.

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