His magic just now, gave the other party not small surprise, even let him also feel, quite some surprise.

Looking at this situation, my master taught me that there was no mistake.

Otherwise, in terms of the current situation, he really doesn't know what will happen after he matches these people at the moment.

In the current situation, I feel that my strength has been greatly improved when I oppose these people.

In the past, he had never felt like this.

Such a contrast, he himself is aware of his time in the past, the strength is to get what kind of promotion.

However, no matter how to say, to be able to let his own strength, get such a strong promotion, in his view, is a very lucky thing.

When he thought of this, he was at the moment, looking up at the people in front of him. His eyes were full of smiles.

These guys, in the past, are not all very good?

Moreover, is also unceasingly clamoring, then lets him experience, these people are how formidable!

After all, these people had been coaxing him to compete with cloud Xiuyi, which really made him feel very angry.

At the moment, when he looked at these people, his face naturally became quite unfriendly.

Taking time, Mobai also took a look at the two battlefields beside him at the moment.

At the moment, he can see that there are some other teams on the side, who are also fighting fiercely.

However, there is no movement at this moment.

The disciples who were trapped by Yun Xiuyi are very rare at this moment. I don't see what will happen to these people.

These people have been ordered before.

Anyway, it's good to know how to delay time.

Don't take these people down without authorization.

After all, as long as the other party is taken down, they will not be able to stand by.

In this way, there will be some waste of their own time.

At present, these people are trapped in each other, and they just pretend to attack slightly. In fact, they don't do their best at all.

In addition, the defense of the spirit shield is also quite strong, and it is even more impossible to attack directly in a short time.

On the other side, it is the very hot battlefield, and the situation has become extremely serious at this moment.

The disciples of Jiuhua sect, seeing their two masters on their side, have already besieged another sect.

In the heart is extremely clear, own side of the two masters, afraid is to intercept for a long time.

If you are not careful now, there will be some danger.

At present, it is better to fight these people directly at this moment. Only in this way can we take all these people down.

Moreover, it would be more advantageous for them to end the battle as soon as possible.

Zi Guang Zong's disciples, at the moment is a little speechless.

At this time, they were no different from the disciples of Jingyun gate.

These people at the moment, are one by one thinking, their side to delay a little time, but do not fight with each other hard.

Anyway, as long as you are more careful on your side, you will be more relaxed when you fight with each other.

They are all waiting for the guys of jingyunmen to solve the battle quickly at this moment.

When the other side has solved the battle, they will come together and solve the jiuhuamen guys with them.

So they will not try to solve each other at this time.

After all, after solving the other side, their strength will be seriously affected, which is not conducive to their competition for places in the future.

How to see, at the moment or feel with these people to fight together will be better, then will not let their own strength by too much impact.

However, when they began to fear the hands and feet of the beginning of the fight, it is to see these people at this moment, constantly desperate attacks, a time to be suppressed by the other side.

Seeing this scene, a group of people's faces at the moment have become quite ugly.

Originally was in the previous time, he just did not think that there would be such a situation.

You should be more lenient on your side, and the other side should also have some feelings.

Where would have thought that the other side at the moment will have such a start at them?When I think of this place, I see the disciples of Jiuhua sect in front of them, and they are all ruthless.

There are already some disciples on the side, and they are starting to lose their support at this moment.

Seeing such a scene, the facial expression of these people at the moment naturally becomes rather not very good-looking.

If in the previous time, his side also began to force, and then hard hit back, presumably the situation will not be like this.

But at the moment, the current situation seems to have begun to decide, and they have no other way at this time.

After all, those who want to go back are unlikely to be attacked.

The more I think about it, the more ugly they look at this moment.

Several people at this time, are subconsciously looking at one side.

They want to see how the disciples of Jingyun gate are doing at the moment.

Does it mean that the other party has already started to solve the other party at this time?

But after they had finished reading, their faces stiffened.

First, a dozen or so monks on one side were all trapped in it at the moment, and it seemed that they were suppressed.

But they are not blind!

They can see clearly that the guys inside are trying to attack the shield.

But these people are very prolific when they attack.

Even the ripple of the shield is not generated!

These people clearly did not try their best!

As soon as they saw this, their faces changed at the moment. Previously, these guys said that they would solve the two guys as soon as possible, and then come to support them.

But at the moment, what's going on?

Why don't these people try their best to take this guy down at this moment

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