Heng Yanlin smiles in his heart. He only feels that in this situation at the moment, this thing is really ridiculous.

After that, Ling Yun looked at the situation in front of him, and then took a breath slightly.

In any case, this is the case now, and there seems to be no need for the rest.

The next thing is very simple.

As long as they can fight directly with these people, these people will know how serious their mistakes were before.

Jingyunmen guys, everything was very good before.

At least, in the past, these people were thinking without mistakes.

As long as we can make use of each other and let both parties die together, they will be the biggest winner.

And ziguangzong and jiuhuamen will only become a joke.

But at the moment, there are some differences.

These guys in front of me should be the disciples of the purple light sect. They are all very good. At least they know what to do.

Therefore, it can be seen from the current situation that they have awakened to some extent.

Although it took ten places for these people to do it, it was not a loss.

As long as these jingyunmen guys are eliminated, then the combat skills are still very good.

Heng Yanlin thought of this, and then he was slightly stunned.

After that, looking at each other's eyes, also become incomparable indifference.

Ling Yun at this moment, has also fallen on the side of some of the disciples, are united.

After that, it became unscrupulous when they shot at these people.

It's time for them to have a try. Their Jiuhua sect is so powerful!

it was originally Jingyun sect disciples who thought that these people would listen to their own words after their words fell down. Then they looked at these people, but they didn't stop at all. They kept walking towards them.

Time, a face also changed extremely ugly.

Damn it, if these guys really don't want to stop, how do they deal with them?

All the disciples of Jingyun gate are scared and pale.

Previously, when dealing with jiuhuamen, they did not have such a feeling, but at this time, they really hit these people.

Facing the general situation of the disciples of the Jiuhua sect, it's only now that we wake up. When the other party was in front of us, what was the pressure like.

Then, a group of people are close together.

The elder martial brother on one side looked at these people in front of him, and his face became rather ugly.

"You are all crazy. I have already said that we can add five more places for you. Do you want to fight against us?"

The elder martial brother looked at these people and felt that the people in front of him were quite difficult to understand.

What do you think? Your current behavior is OK?

No matter how these people look, they can't be so generous with themselves.

If there are five more places, they will have only 15. This is extremely fair.

And these guys, why don't they know how to be grateful?

Such a scene, his heart was extremely ashamed and angry, and then he looked at these people, and then he took a deep breath.

I just hope these people will be sober.

Five places down, when the time comes to allocate a lot of zishidan, in addition to these people, they will also have a lot of other benefits!

These people don't want such cultivation resources?

The more such a thought, they looked at these people's eyes, also changed some helpless down.

He really doesn't know, what's going on with these people? Why is it at this time that he doesn't have any feeling for himself?

If you can be more tolerant to yourself, it must be that there will be no such things.

However, it is these people who do not listen to his words at this time.

This makes him extremely helpless.

Then, when I look at these people, I even have some thoughts that I want to fight against them.

The disciples of the purple light sect took a casual look at this guy and saw that the other party was still ferocious at this time and wanted to threaten them.

Then, one by one, anger began to grow a little exuberant.

Damn these guys, why don't they have a little bit of awe for themselves?Is this guy, do not know at all, the other party at this time such behavior, is really some disgusting very?

If these people can be kind to themselves, or friendly, and so on.

On the one hand, they are still able to give some answers and so on.

After that, it is in the time of the hand, or it can be lighter.

But now look at these people, how to see, these people are now for themselves, extremely unfriendly to the extreme appearance.

The more I think about it, the more ugly they look after.

Anyway, in the past, they would not know why these people were like this.

Each one is not a bit of brain in general, is it difficult not to know that their own behavior, is not the fault of these people?

Anyway, before that, this guy was very unfriendly.

Well, this guy is a little disgusting.

"It depends on the situation. You don't know your mistakes until now. But it's OK. Let's clean you out in the future?

One side of the big brother of the purple light clan, look at these guys in front of them, and then take a deep breath.

In looking at these people, the face has become very firm.

Anyway, before that, I don't know what happened to this guy.

But it's not bad at the moment. I think the other party can feel it when I start with this guy directly.

He was besieged by both of them.

And after that, they will feel that this is a very good start!

Under the attack of the two major sects, he just can't believe that the other side can still hold on. Let the other party become the only one here and be completely expelled. Then, if there is no quota, the other side's face will be extremely wonderful!

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