Heng Yanlin at the moment, listening to the other side's words, but the brow tightly wrinkled up.

In hengyanlin, it seems that this cave is quite good.

However, what Heng Yanlin is more worried about is that some friends and friars of the other side should be added.

LIANLI from the elder, hengyanlin simply did not know, but also very unfamiliar.

At the moment, the other party's attitude towards themselves, and other things that the other party said before.

It seems that some of them are not reliable in hengyanlin.

There are still some worries in Heng Yanlin's heart, and he doesn't know the character of the other party.

In front of the pity from at the moment, see hengyanlin eyebrows slightly wrinkled up, in the eyes, slightly with a trace of moving look.

Seeing this kind of situation, dun time has some clear in her heart. At this time, she naturally saw some things.

Thinking of this, she just raised her head and looked at Heng Yanlin in front of her, and then she also gave a slight smile.

After that, he said it directly.

"Elder Heng can rest assured that the monks who went this time still have some numbers in their hearts. So please rest assured."

LIANLI looks at hengyanlin in front of him. Seeing that hengyanlin is slightly worried, he naturally knows what hengyanlin is worried about.

Immediately, she is also directly speaking to Heng Yan Lin to appease.

This trip to the cave needs an alchemist.

This point, her heart is very clear, so at this moment, is to hope that in front of Heng Yan Lin can go together.

Heng Yan Lin hears speech and looks at the other side.

After thinking about it slightly in my heart, I suddenly thought of a thing.

The monks who can go are probably just friars jiedan. If monk Yuanying is a monk, the other side thinks it is impossible to go back.

Because, if they are really monks in the period of Yuanying, they will not get any benefits when they go there.

In front of monk Yuanying, it's good not to be killed by the other party if you want to get some benefits.

These friars can only find some monks in the same realm. If their strength is too low, they will take them away as a burden.

If so, this point can be well thought about.

Just a few jiedan friars, what should Heng Yanlin be afraid of?

In any case, it should be impossible.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin relaxed a little bit in his heart, and then a slight hook in the corner of his mouth.

"Well, if there are some herbs in it, I won't let go of what I need. Are you sure that's ok?"

Heng Yanlin did not think about it for a long time, and then he answered it. After that, he looked at the other side and began to make sure.

At present, hengyanlin needs to make sure that the other party can guarantee that after obtaining these herbs, these people will definitely give them to themselves?

If you can get these herbs peacefully and quietly, there will be no dispute. This is what hengyanlin needs.

Seeing Heng Yan Lin should come down, Lian Li immediately felt relieved.

There was not much irritation about this inquiry.

What do you think? Heng Yanlin's inquiry is necessary.

Moreover, it can be seen that Heng Yanlin is quite serious at the moment. Cooperating with such people is the most relaxing.

Heng Yanlin in the following, in looking at Lian Li to, eyes incomparably serious will look at each other.

Lian Li smiles at Heng Yan Lin, then nods directly.

"It's natural. Boss Hengchang can rest assured that there is still a alchemist in our team. As long as this Alchemist is willing to go, we will not treat each other badly."

In fact, if hengyanlin only needs these herbs, it will be better.

After all, they are very clear in their own minds. What they need to do at that time will be nothing compared with some herbs needed by hengyanlin.

Think of here, she is looking at Heng Yan Lin extremely serious look for this medicinal material appearance, suddenly heart secretly some funny.

However, with his own city government, he also hid this trace of mind directly.

Then, when I was Heng Yanlin, I asked, "I can promise these herbs directly. Because of this, we monks have already made some arrangements before. This is what elder Heng can rest assured about."

LIANLI said to Heng Yanlin very seriously, and then he said."There is another point. I need to ask elder Heng, is hengyanlin familiar with some ancient alchemy

Speaking of this matter, pity also becomes extremely serious, looking at the front of hengyanlin, diameter opening to ask.

Hengyanlin heard words, suddenly a little in the heart a Leng, after looking at each other, is a slight pick.

Look at this situation, the other party calls itself, because of this reason in it.

It is estimated that the owner of the cave, who was handed down from the period of hengyanlin, is not necessarily the cave.

Thinking of this, hengyanlin has a slight choice.

The heart secretly recorded this matter, then diameter also nodded to the pitiful point in front of me.

"It is true. Please rest assured of this. I know a lot about the ancient alchemy and so on. I still have a little confidence in my heart."

When hengyanlin spoke of this discourse, his tone also changed very seriously, and responded to the other party by opening the diameter.

Listen to the words like hengyanlin, the other side also slightly relaxed a little.

As long as hengyanlin can determine that he really has such a skill, she is also relieved a lot.

Think of here, the pity also slightly relaxed a bit down.

Then, in the face of the head, I just smiled at hengyanlin, "so I am relieved. I also ask elder Heng to prepare more recently. There will be some time to start exploring the preparation of the cave."

When it comes to this, compassion has become very relaxed.

After a word was said to hengyanlin, the other party then resigned, and the diameter left the cave of hengyanlin.

When the other side left, Hengyan Lin pan sat in the cave, thinking about the matter carefully.

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