
See three people at this moment, are unable to control their own spiritual power, in mid air began to swing around.

At this moment, a personified irony flashed in the fish monster's eyes, and then directly protruded a water sword from its mouth.

The water sword directly pierces the nun on the side.

Originally it was some thin spiritual barrier. At this moment, there is no obstacle at all. The diameter is penetrated by the water sword.

The middle-aged monk on one side responded very quickly. When he felt something was wrong, he immediately pasted a piece of Rune paper on his body.

In an instant, a cool breath spread out, and the middle-aged people came back.

Immediately, he is to see the friar on the side of the scene is about to be pierced.

Seeing this situation, he didn't want to hurry up. He waved and pushed the friar to one side.

The middle-aged monk can be said to be extremely quick reaction, but in the face of this thing, it is still a little late.

By the time he did it, the water sword had come to the nun.

Then just listening to a dull sound, the water sword passed through the nun's body.

But fortunately is the middle-aged person's once, let the other side smooth avoided own vital point.

However, it is still a serious wound.

The middle-aged man's face is very ugly, and the nun in the fierce pain, an instant echo.

He cast a few spells to himself to stop the loss of blood, and then he looked at the fish monster with a pale face.

This thing is really cunning to the extreme.

Previously, I had been checking their tactics on the side, and then smashed them one by one.

At this point, when they were slightly distracted, diamondback began to attack their consciousness.

It can be said that this thing is the most cunning guy they have ever seen!

Up to now, they have used countless things, but there is still no way for this thing.

The more I think about it, the more ugly they look at this moment.

We've already consumed a lot of them.

To deal with this thing, we need a kind of Rune paper, which can make them immune to the other party's divine sense attack.

If it is not for this kind of thing, as long as they are attacked by each other's divine consciousness, they will definitely die.

After all, there is no way to control one's own in the chaos of divine consciousness.

At that time, the other side at will be able to wipe them out.

At present, if it was not for the middle-aged people who still had a piece of Rune paper in their hands, they would have been planted here.

Even so, the nun's injury at the moment is not low, just a moment has seriously injured him.

If it goes on like this, they will definitely die here.

The wound of the nun was not enough for the other side to continue fighting.

"What to do?"

Another friar on one side also quickly came back to himself. Seeing the scene in front of him, his face was full of fear.

Xin Kui just the other side attack don't say him, otherwise, I'm afraid he has fallen here at the moment, right?

At the thought of this, their faces became more and more ugly.

One side of the middle-aged people in the previous time, also want to adhere to.

At present, three of them have been injured. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it's impossible to fight.

There was a flash of anger on his face, and after taking a deep breath, he waved his hand and said.


By this time, it is not the time to lose or not to lose. It is estimated that if it goes down like this, it will fall here.

Middle aged people know this thing clearly, so at this moment, diameter waved his hand, and then he said a word.

Since we can't fight this thing, we should evacuate earlier.

I'm afraid all of them don't want to be able to leave.

At this moment, the three people are quite tacit understanding, after a look at each other began to retreat.

But in the following, actually saw originally is in front of them fish monster tiny flash, directly blocked in front of them.

Look at this situation. This guy is going to intercept them here at this moment!

Seeing this, the three men looked gloomy. They knew that this thing had some intelligence. They were afraid that it was impossible to let them go.

After thinking about it, he looked at each other, flashed his figure, and left in another direction.

However, the speed of the fish monster was beyond their imagination. After a moment, it was in front of them.

Immediately is a face of ridicule of them these look at.Seeing this situation, the three men finally became completely gloomy.

Several people immediately changed several directions, but there was no sign that they could get rid of each other.

At this time, the other side did not mean to attack.

However, the three are very clear, this is the other party at this time, is waiting.

Because the opponent's ability to attack divine consciousness needs some time, so it can't be used all the time.

So now they, looking at the situation in front of them, naturally know that the other side is waiting.

They can wait for the next attack when they know the end!

"Do you have a centering charm?"

One side of the nun looked at the scene in front of her, and then her face changed slightly. She knew the intention of this thing at present, so she inquired anxiously.

She didn't have this thing, so her face was very ugly at the moment.

Who knows what will happen if it goes on like this?

One side of the two people smell speech, after one look at each other, are to see the meaning of each other's eyes.

"I don't have any more. I used the last one before." At this moment, the middle-aged man took a breath and responded.

"I didn't have it before."

Another friar also responded.

Hearing this, the nun's face was full of misery.

She knew that if she went on like this, she would die here together.

But, the nun at this time, the heart is full of unwilling intention, immediately after taking a deep breath, is determined to say.

"Go, you two. It's better for me to stay alone than for the three of you to die here."

At this time, the nun's face was full of determination.

She knew that the three of her own would definitely die here if she went on like this, so after thinking about it, he had already determined that he would stay. Presumably, the other two should be able to leave.

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