Heng Yanlin out of the attic, and then strolled in the street, saw that all the things he wanted were complete, and then he turned back to his cave.

I took out the array I just bought before and took a look at it. After that, I confirmed that this is the one I want.

Heng Yanlin then began to set up, and when the array was finished, a day had passed.

This point of time, obviously for Heng Yanlin not much impact.

Heng Yan Lin is still very spiritual at the moment, and then he lowered his head to think about it, and then he began to think about it.

After a little experience, he determined that the fire could only be used three times. After that, Heng Yanlin did not hesitate to take it out.

There is no need for such a fire to exist here.

Then, hengyanlin slightly opened his mouth, a flame with two colors, the diameter was spit out by hengyanlin.

This flame is the flexibility that Heng Yanlin acquired on earth before. It has two different attributes. One side is as cold as Millennium ice, and the other is extremely hot.

Heng Yanlin after looking at a few eyes, determined, put the flame into it.

After a moment, the array obviously changed. I can feel that the breath in the array has changed.

Seeing this situation, Heng Yanlin's eyes suddenly brightened slightly, which was obviously quite satisfactory.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin was also slightly relieved.

Then, when looking at this array, Heng Yanlin also slightly revealed a touch of joy.

This array has become!

As soon as the production was finished, Heng Yanlin immediately laid out the array and arranged it around.

In the future, if there is no Heng Yan Lin's permission, outsiders want to come in, but it is impossible!

At the thought of this, hengyanlin naturally relaxed a little.

Then, Heng Yanlin is to make the two magic weapons that he bought before and check them carefully.

These two magic weapons, but Heng Yan Lin spent all his money to buy down.

But I don't know how powerful this magic weapon is, but according to what Heng Yanlin has seen, there should be no mistakes.

It has been more than half a year since hengyanlin came to this wooden city.

For more than half a year, Heng Yanlin has been refining magic weapons and cultivating accomplishments.

In these times, it can be said that they are extremely close.

Heng Yanlin seldom went out, and naturally did not know any Taoist friends.

On this day, in Heng Yan Lin's cave, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he saw a thin invisible silver needle flying by.

If you don't look carefully, I'm afraid most of them will think that this is just an illusion.

Heng Yan Lin carefully looked at a few eyes, and then slightly waved, a silver needle is to fly to their own hands.

Seeing such a scene, the corner of the mouth of Heng Yan Lin is slightly hooked.

Then, looking at the side of the ground, it is to see a few pieces of lost light stone, directly into powder.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's face sank slightly, and then showed a look of ugly.

Even though the spiritual power here is quite strong, after Heng Yanlin has arranged the spirit gathering array, the spiritual power here can be a monk in the Dan period.

Otherwise, the usual spiritual power is not enough to provide a monk with jiedan cultivation.

But at present, these spirit stone actually appeared some deviation, let's Heng Yan Lin slightly some distress.

If at this moment, Hengyan would not be sure of the situation before.

In Heng Yanlin's hands, there are not many pieces left.

The two arrays I bought before really took a lot of Heng Yanlin's fortune away.

At the moment, it is not too much to say that Heng Yanlin is the poorest monk of jiedan.

"It looks like I'm going to go out and earn some spirit stones."

Heng Yanlin thought of this, but also slightly sighed.

In addition, Heng Yanlin also needs to go out for some experience. He has been practicing all the time. In the case that he has not fought with others, his spiritual power will not be concise enough.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin wants to go out and have a look.

By the way, you can earn some spirit stones to come back. Otherwise, if there is no spirit stone, hengyanlin will not be able to practice.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin cleaned up around, opened the cave, and went out of the cave in diameter.

A moment later, Heng Yanlin came to the outside of Fengmu city. After looking around, Heng Yanlin determined the direction, turned into a startling Hong and flew towards the distance.

Heng Yan Lin flew for a full day, and then came to a near shore mouth.There is a place like a small bazaar here. From time to time, you can see the blood evil spirit on one side and directly land on the side.

Then, Heng Yan Lin is looking at this situation, eyebrows slightly pick.

It can be seen that these people killed some monsters outside, and then they came back.

Therefore, these people will have such a strong blood evil spirit.

When these people fall down, then some people should go to sell goods, sell goods.

Some of them went to some pavilions by themselves, so they must have a rest.

Heng Yanlin did not have much hesitation, the diameter fell down in it, and then walked towards the inside.

"The core of linfeiyu in the early stage of jiedan is sold! In addition, its meat is very delicious and helpful to practice! "

"I've gone out hunting the sea demon with my friends! It is required that those who have experience, and those who have killed sea monsters in the later period of foundation building are preferred! "

"At the beginning of foundation construction, Taoist friends of friars are paying attention. They are going out to hunt sea demons! I am a mid-term monk! "

"A complete corpse of a sea demon is for sale. Those who want to come to discuss it!"

At the moment, all kinds of noisy voices are ringing out one after another. Heng Yanlin has just come in for a short time, just to see the various scenes around him.

Seeing such a scene, Hengyan Linton was stunned.

Then, is looking at these people, are elated, looking for their teammates, suddenly is the corner of the mouth slightly draw.

Heng Yanlin didn't know what happened to these people.

According to the law, these friars, in the case of lack of people, should also look for some of the teammates they know?

Looking for teammates here, I'm not afraid to go out. What will happen?

Isn't it that the monks here have a big heart?

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