Hengyanlin also did not reply, at this moment has waved the willow branches, diameter will be the old turtle together, tied solid knot.

The low old turtle has already put his thick Earth Shield to the extreme at this time, and the rich and extreme yellow light is full, and at this time, it has become a general substance.

The old turtle in such a strong defense low, the heart seems very proud.

Looking up, I see the above hengyanlin at this time, still reluctant to give up the appearance, immediately is a sneer connected.

"Boy, you don't want to be blind and happy. Although I have some magic skills that fear wood attribute, you willow branch, want to break my defense, it's a dream!"

It is just a willow branch, and it is used to trap people at first sight!

since it is such a magic weapon, it will not worry much. At present, it just looks at hengyanlin directly, and his eyes are full of disdain.

Hengyanlin heard that, looking down carefully at the old turtle, he saw each other at this time, still looking at himself, and then he smiled coldly.

"No, I can't. I'll try it before I know!"

As hengyanlin said, he was drinking, and he was determined by the law.

After a moment, even saw the low willow branch began to shrink, at this time also glow with strong green green light.

In this moment, it seems to be to fill this low.

The monks on the side, all of them were staring at it.

If they can, they naturally hope that hengyanlin can break the old turtle's defense.

But, whether hengyanlin can do it or not, this is not what they can know.

But they seem to be at the moment, they still hope that hengyanlin can do it.

After all, they all waste a lot of energy here. If they can't take this thing, isn't it a loss of death?

When they think of this, they naturally look at the low old turtle dead and dead.

At this moment, the old turtle also felt the willow branch began to be awe, but saw that his thick soil shield still had no signs of collapsing, and he was relieved.

"Ha ha, you have a great breath, but you have not much power, even the previous attack level has not reached."

The old turtle is now completely relaxed, and he lies here, and it is impossible for the other to break his shield, even if he can attack him.

Several monks on one side saw the scene under their eyes, and then they also frowned slightly with their eyebrows, and then a sense of disappointment appeared in their hearts.

Can you figure out, or can't you break the shield of this old turtle?

If so, there are some really disappointing things.

When I thought about it, several people waved and were ready to evacuate.

Since breaking the defense of each other, it is only a waste of time to stay, and they are afraid that the rest of the jiedan sea demon will come.

When Ziyuan wanted to say something, she suddenly saw the low yellow light flashing, and at this moment it was becoming thinner.

He was a little bit stunned by the time.

Just now he should have been right without mistake. The only dun dun was a little thinner?

what happened? Why not leave

Seeing Ziyuan on the side, he was not ready to leave, and he said a strange word at once.

It's already seen that this shield is not so easy to break.

Since it is so, it is better to go first. Why stay here?

"Wait, this magic weapon seems to work."

Ziyuan has some strange looks on his face. When he looks at this scene in front of her, his face is full of unbelievable looks.

He was generally with the rest of the monks on the side, and thought that the magic weapon could not reach such a level.

But at this point, it is really thin.

The rest of the people, listening to such words, are also followed by a moment of stupor, and then hurriedly look down.

Then I saw that the lower magic weapon was bright and beautiful, but the color of the Earth Shield was a little thinner.

Really useful?

In such a situation, several people were already full of surprise at this time.

They didn't think of it. This spell was working here, really.

So, they immediately look at each other is hot.

As long as this spell has been sitting and embracing, then there will be a chance to kill this sea demon.

They were mocked by the sea demon before, which made them feel dissatisfied.Low old turtle at this moment, also felt a trace of bad.

At this time, this willow branch seems to be absorbing the magic power in his shield. At present, the spiritual power inside is losing madly.

Heng Yanlin also felt this scene. He had not used this magic weapon before. He didn't know that the magic weapon had such magical effect.

When dealing with the Earth Shield, it can absorb the power of the shield.

Willow branches in the absorption of spiritual power, in the speed of absorbing spiritual power also become faster and faster.

At the moment, the willow branches can not be regarded as willow branches, the top is full of a little bit of fine teeth in general, hard into the shield.

Depending on the situation, the shield should be completely dismembered.

The old tortoise was in a panic. If the shield was not available, it would have no other means to protect his life.

But what should we do now?

If the spirit power is transported to the shield, it will still be absorbed by the willow branches.

Moreover, it will increase the power of the willow branch, but otherwise, the willow branch will break its defense.

At the thought of this place, the old turtle was filled with the idea of bending incomparably.

After taking a little deep breath, it can't take care of the rest of the things. In a hurry, it constantly transports spiritual power into the shield.

Hengyanlin see this situation, eyebrows slightly pick, to also don't care.

After all, on the other side at this time, things, in hengyanlin seems to have no redundant role.

With such a thought, Heng Yanlin immediately took a deep breath.

Then we can see that after the willow branch absorbed the spiritual power, the noumenon became more and more huge.

After a moment, it wound dozens of circles and wrapped each other in it vividly.


After a loud noise, the shield was finally overwhelmed and broke into pieces.

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