Well, it was meant to be told to these people.

Although I didn't say it directly before, it was just these people who were not qualified at that time.

But now, these friars are also qualified, and this matter must be told with these people.

Otherwise, the matter will not be planned.

A thought of here, at the moment he also thoroughly calm down, and then is gently nodding.

"You must be a little strange. If you only deal with a sea demon in the early stage of jiedan, you don't need five monks of jiedan?"

They are here, a total of five jiedan friars, in the United against a sea demon in the early stage of jiedan, naturally they are very arrogant.

In this way, there is a great security in security.

However, it also made their spirit stone less profitable.

It must be that some monks are dissatisfied with this.

They are friars jiedan after all, but they don't like this kind of spirit stone.

One side of the ice Xuan see this situation, also gently a nod. "It's true that although there is a great security in terms of safety, but if it goes on like this, the speed of earning spirit stone is somewhat too slow."

After all, it takes some time to find the siren.

There are many sea monsters here, but they are not so easy to find in the huge sea area.

Moreover, sometimes, when looking for the past, there are other sea monsters nearby, so they can only give up.

Once you shoot at the guy who has jiedan period sea demon nearby, once the spirit power breaks out, the nearby jiedan sea demon will gather together quickly and incomparably.

As a result, the speed at which they intercept the siren is not much faster.

Hearing the speech, Ziyuan's stiff face at the moment also showed a slight smile.

"In fact, at the beginning, there was a special thing to gather so many monks of jiedan."

Something special?

When people heard the speech, they suddenly felt a little vibration in their hearts, and all of a sudden they all knew that this matter was very unusual.

"When I was in front of me, by chance, I knew where an evil Jiao had landed!"

"Evil Jiao?"

When the monks heard the words, they were suddenly shocked and then took a breath of cold air.

The sea monsters of the Jiao class are always incomparably brave, and in the sea demons, they are all the existence of overlord.

A sea demon in the early stage of jiedan can basically defeat the middle stage of jiedan!

"Yes, it's an evil Jiao. According to my estimation, it's about the strength in the middle of jiedan period."

When people heard the speech, they showed a happy look in their eyes, but then they frowned deeply and became uneasy.

In the middle of jiedan period! If the other side gets angry, it may be able to resist the later stage of jiedan.

Although they have five jiedan friars, they are all early monks. Can they really resist each other?

People have no bottom in their hearts, and their hearts are full of fear. Some of them start to fear.

"The one that you want to pay attention to is evil?"

Hengyanlin is not silent, diameter mouth asked.


Since Ziyuan said it, she was going to hunt this one. After all, he was ready to kill this one at the beginning.

Therefore, seeing these team-mates, they usually perform well. They occasionally hunt and kill sea monsters in the middle of jiedan.

Under the condition of training and cooperation, he felt that they could kill the evil Jiaos in the middle of Dan.

Therefore, at this time he is not ready to hide, diameter is open to say such a word.

After that, they looked at each other and looked at each other worried.

The sea demon of this one is not so easy to estimate, but can be hanged?

This is the evil Jiao in the middle of jiedan! This kind of evil Jiao is totally different from the sea demon in the middle of jiedan that they usually deal with.

One is not good. All of them are in danger!

After all, this is the one who belongs to the overlord among the sea demons.

"But can we really fight each other? In addition, as the overlord of the sea, Daoyou have confirmed that the other party is just one of his own? "

Bingxuan also vaguely with a trace of worry, and then opened his mouth to ask a question.

She didn't want them to pass by at that time. They were all buried in the mouth of the evil Jiao.

It can be said that the evil Jiao of the other party has a bad name.

Usually, many people mentioned that the evil Jiao swallowed several friars."Please rest assured that the evil Jiao of this one is only one, and there is no other sea demon around."

Naturally, Ziyuan was very sure. If there were other sea demons around this one evil Jiao, he would not dare to go to the door like this by virtue of their five friars.

After all, after all, when they go there, they are all looking for death.

Bingxuan smelled the speech, but her face was still dignified, but there was no joy in it.

Seeing this situation, Ziyuan also understood the other party's concerns, and then said.

"I don't think I need to say more about the value of an evil Jiao. You all understand it very well. If you think about it carefully, how much can we gain if we kill such an evil Jiao?

The blood, meat, skin, tendons and so on of the evil Jiao are all good materials for refining utensils. If you take some of them for sale, they can sell them at a good price.

All of us, at least, can get ten thousand spirit stones

Ten thousand spirit stone!

When people heard the words, they suddenly moved in their hearts, and then in each other's eyes, there was a touch of eagerness.

Ten thousand spirit stones, how many sea demons do they need to hunt to earn money, and this time, these friars need to hunt and kill only once.

Just once, you can get so many spirit stones at once.

This is a huge benefit, so placed in front of them, such a thought, their heart at this time is naturally full, are incomparably excited color.

Bingxuan is a little bit easy to move at the moment. Even the other friars on the side have already begun to move.

However, this is just a show. Li Xianzi and Ziyuan have known each other for a long time. Naturally, they have known about this matter for a long time.

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