Seeing this, Ziyuan's face flashed with joy.

Then one by one magic weapon flew to the other side, and there were flying swords that wanted to cut off the opponent's claws at the moment.

Seeing this scene, the evil Jiao's face was suddenly full of anger, and then several claws aimed at these magic weapons.

However, with such a delay, the defense on its body became weaker and weaker at this time.

The evil Jiao knew that he couldn't go on like this in his heart. After flying these magic weapons, he directly grasped the willow branches on his body.


A soft sound sounded, and then saw that the original willow branches at this moment, the other side pulled extremely slender up.

One of them faintly heard a few sounds, it seems that they will be directly pulled by the other side to disconnect the general appearance.

Several people listen to the voice, look very ugly.

They don't care much about Heng Yanlin's magic tools.

However, Heng Yanlin's magic weapon can be destroyed later, but it can't be now.

If it is at this moment, the magic weapon will be broken. What should we do then?

The magic power of the other party is not broken. In this way, it means that they have failed.

They have been plotting with each other for a long time. Can such a thing succeed!

At the thought of this, several people's faces were suddenly full of dignified color.

Ziyuan looked at Heng Yan Lin on one side and took a deep breath.

"Let's go and break through the defense of the other party. If we delay like this, we will definitely lose!"

The evil Jiaos are different from the other sea monsters. Their flying speed is very fast. If they don't break the defense of each other, they can escape later.

And the other side's speed is so fast, then can be troublesome!

When the time comes, they are expected to be chased around by the other party. It's normal for some people to fall due to bad luck.

At the thought of this, several people all look at each other, and then gently nod.

Next, people are looking at hengyanlin, which is very important. Naturally, we should see whether hengyanlin agrees.

Heng Yanlin did not hesitate, diameter nodded should come down.

"I will stimulate the full power of the magic weapon, but only one chance. You should cooperate with each other."

If you activate all the power of the magic weapon, it will naturally cause some loss to the magic weapon. Then you need to rest for a period of time.

Especially after that, the power of this magic weapon will be greatly reduced, that is to say, the chance to fight once.

If this opportunity is lost, there is no other way.

Heng Yan Lin thought of here, and then his face changed incomparably dignified.

The rest of the monks nodded to each other, and when they looked at each other, they all nodded gently.

After that, one by one began to take out the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

"Let's go!"

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, also not nonsense, finger gently stretch, a drop of blood essence is also forced out at this moment.

Then he was thrown to the willow branch by Heng Yan Lin, and the willow branch became extremely red instantly.

The moment that he was torn apart by the evil Jiao was directly tightened.

The evil Jiao can't touch and defend, and the claws are bound to the body.

When people saw this, their eyes lit up immediately, "good chance!"

Speaking of this, a group of people at this moment are in a hurry to send out their magic weapons. The spiritual power stirred up by the magic tools is accompanied by the low evil Jiao. After seeing them, they all have a slight change in their looks.

At this time, Heng Yanlin also slightly pinched the pithy formula. Originally, he absorbed the spiritual power of the other party. Now, he has become much fiercer.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the divine light on the other side began to dim down.

Naturally, the rest of the monks would not miss this opportunity. After a big drink, there were countless magic tools left behind.

The claws were bound, and the evil Jiao tried to struggle hard, but failed. Then he watched the other side's magic weapon and fell on his body.

"Proud ~ ~"

a huge and incomparable sound sounded, and the body of the evil Jiao was directly submerged in the aura.

After a good half sound, the other side's body is exposed, at the moment, the other side's body, has dropped countless pieces of scales.

And then there was a lot of blood dripping.

The magic power of the other side is broken!

Seeing this scene, the monks' faces flashed with joy, and then the thick joy began to twinkle.

But the joy did not last long. After seeing each other's injury, people immediately flashed a touch of worry on their faces.

This guy, his injuries don't seem to be very good?One by one, they almost used their own means. Under such circumstances, the other party did not get much injury.

This is really a little disturbing in people's hearts. The body of this evil Jiao is a little hard?

"Human beings, you all have to pay for yourself. I will never let you die too happily!"

The evil Jiao looks at his body's wound, in looking at the people in front of him, in the eyes already red drop blood to come!

These guys actually hurt it, which is absolutely unforgivable to him!

As soon as it looked at the human beings in front of him, his eyes were full of cruelty.

"Hum, you dare to speak out when you are dying. Without this shield, I want to see what you can do!"

Look at each other like this, they are not absolutely not winning.

Although these people do not hurt each other much, it can be seen that the other party has been injured by them.

In this case, they will have a chance to kill the evil Jiao.

Thinking about the value brought by an evil Jiao, several friars' eyes were filled with excitement.

"It's just you who are dying, but you don't know when you get here."

The evil Jiao grabs at will, and the willow branches fall off directly.

Heng Yanlin reaches out his hand in a hurry, and the willow branches turn into a ray of light and reach Heng Yanlin's hand. The evil Jiao doesn't grasp the magic weapon in Heng Yanlin's hand, which makes him angry.

Lengleng will Heng Yan Lin looked at a few more eyes, it seems to be the appearance of Hengyan Lin to write down.

But then, it just turned around and seemed to know who was in charge. It was cold at the moment, staring at Ziyuan.

Ziyuan also has some inexplicable very, why the other party is actually at the moment, is always staring at himself?

The other person shouldn't be staring at himself, should he? It's all about the rest of the talent.

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