Because of the existence of a compass, they do not have to worry about whether they will be surrounded by these jiedan sea demons.

But where would think that they are still surrounded by these sea monsters.

At the thought of this, their faces became extremely ugly.

Then, they looked at the huge light screen in front of them, and their faces became more and more ugly.

"When you were before, you had summoned the surrounding sirens?"

Hengyanlin can naturally feel that the surrounding sea demons are constantly approaching, which is why hengyanlin's face is suddenly somewhat unexpected.

In the past, Heng Yanlin himself has checked, there should not be a sea demon in jiedan period around here.

Not only that, but also Ziyuan himself checked that there were no other sea demons in jiedan period around.

In that case, how did these sea monsters come from?

The only explanation is that these sea monsters had been hiding far away before. The search by let Ziyuan and hengyanlin did not find them.

When Heng Yanlin and others appeared in front of this evil Jiao, the other side began to send out signals. The sea monsters that had been lying in ambush far away from each other were heading towards this side.

If you think about it in this way, the details can be clearly thought of.

A few people on one side smell speech, immediately facial expression also follows slightly a change.

Heng Yanlin's meaning in the words, but after listening to it, they immediately understood it.

At present, it seems that these people are hunting each other. Where can we know that it is the other party who has laid a trap and waited for them to be hooked.

But how did the other party find out they were coming and design the situation?

Some of them don't understand, and some don't quite understand.

After all, Heng Yanlin and Bingxuan on the other side were told after they came here.

At this point, no one should have leaked the information, right?

Ziyuan's face on one side also changed slightly. At this time, an array came out directly and surrounded all of them here.

Clearly, it can be seen that the other party is really designing them.

When did this damned siren have such wisdom?

How can even these friars count in?

Evil Jiao smell speech, look at one side of hengyanlin, see hengyanlin actually so quick reaction come over, also some surprised will Heng Yanlin look at.

Then, is very satisfied to see hengyanlin.

"If the rest of the monks would not believe it, I have such wisdom that I started to design you directly. You are quite clever. You can see it at a glance and admit that I am designing you."

He was very satisfied with Heng Yanlin's attitude.

After all, many monks would not believe that it had such a mind.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, suddenly a sink in the heart, this guy is decisively calculating them.

"I don't quite understand one thing. Why do you come to calculate us in advance if you know our plan?"

Heng Yan Lin looks at each other with a cold face and then asks.

Heng Yanlin is really not very clear about this matter. No one should know about the plan here, right?

In that case, how did the other party know about their plans?

On hearing this, the evil Jiao burst into laughter.

"You see, since you have admitted my wisdom, why are you so reluctant to think about it at this moment?"

Evil Jiao said here, slightly shook his head, "forget it, see you are quite good, then let you die understand some."

"You friars have been hunting and killing jiedan sea demons all around before. I know it clearly. I was here long ago when I thought about it.

After thinking about it, you monks here should know that I exist. I must be very greedy for such an evil Jiao on your side. I think you can't bear it and come to me.

If you don't, you can just stay here? But I've also made some arrangements, and that's what you're seeing right now

Evil Jiao said here, after the eyes are full of satisfaction.

All of a sudden, five jiedan friars were counted this time. As long as they were killed, their reputation in the sea demon would be spread.

This is good for its position.

This is like the situation in the Terran. As a sea demon, as long as it can hunt and kill more friars in jiedan period, its reputation naturally lies.In the future, the status in the sea demon will also start to rise, after all, the Terran and the sea demon are irreconcilable.

It is self-evident that we can hunt and kill more human beings in the sea demons.

Heng Yan Lin is in classical Chinese, his face is slightly heavy.

This evil Jiao, absolutely have any adventure, otherwise, the other party's mind will not be so high.

Or eat some natural material and treasure, so the other party can calculate this step.

Seeing that they are hunting the sea demon in jiedan period, I know that they will come to find it.

Such wisdom is almost the same as theirs.

You know, in the sea demon, it's not all idiots.

But compared with people, it is still a lot worse.

Only after the birth of Yuanying, the mind will begin to become more and more intelligent.

However, it is absolutely impossible to see such a scene on an evil Jiao in the period of elixir.

Let them these jiedan friars, are calculated.

A few friars on one side, listening to this at the moment, suddenly solved the doubts in their hearts.

After that, their faces were not very good-looking.

It's really amazing that they'll find each other by the way they hunt the sea monsters before.

Now, the most worrying thing is, how to break through this defense and escape?

If it is not broken open, I am afraid that some jiedan sea demons will come.

At that time, the absolute is ten dead without life.

Damn it, how could this evil Jiao have such a mind that even they all calculated together?

A few friars were very anxious, and then they began to bombard the array on one side. They wanted to break the array directly and then run away.

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